24 Bit WAV: www.alphapupdigital.com/Jonwayne-Rap_Album_Two-2017-ARC002-24bit_WAV.zip
MP3: www.alphapupdigital.com/Jonwayne-Rap_Album_Two-2017-ARC002-MP3.zip
24 Bit WAV: www.alphapupdigital.com/Jonwayne-Rap_Album_Two-2017-ARC002-24bit_WAV.zip
MP3: www.alphapupdigital.com/Jonwayne-Rap_Album_Two-2017-ARC002-MP3.zip
Jonwayne is the shit
DLing now.
lol who the fuck is this
a pretty mediocre underground rapper/producer. also he's a fatty. or used to be a fatty. either way he's a fatty.
Idk man I'm skimming through the songs right now and it sounds a lot better than his other stuff.
thank you user
I haven't listened to it yet tbqhwyf
good to hear that this is better, he hangs out a lot around here at low end theory
Oh man I'd like to go to Low End Theory someday
three songs in and it's really good so far.
These must be press links.
WAV download almost finished. Thanks, user.
Thanks OP.
Jonwayne is my dad
>fat neckbeard who looks like he should be playing in yu gi oh tournaments at the comic store makes a rap album
wew i wonder what i'm in for
it's pretty cool, $10 cover charge, show up up to half an hour early if the lineup is hot. prepare for dank, cramped rooms and loud music
More like Magic the Gathering
just finished track 9 and holy shit i'm crying
look at these people
I was at the sold out movie screening sunday and the entire audience started clapping after afraid of us
such a good album
Such a good album ... AOTY already
Hey are you Jonwayne bro?
Two songs left, and I'm already thinking this is like an 8/10. This is great. I haven't felt this way about a rap album in a while.
his cards are business ones