Libertarian music

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Muh property


are all libertarians who look like that just copying Penn Jillette or is that just how libertarians look naturally?


the latter

all music is libertarian

classic spoken-word music:

I could make a Topsters list of albums made by Libertarians if anyone wants it


Peace out

Literally all of the good music is in Green, with some exceptions in Blue. Makes u think.

here's a non joke answer

This chart is garbage

t. someone who only recognizes two or three of the bands in the red

Almost every artist in the red should be in the green and about half the artists in the blue should be in the purple

>he doesn't realize private property originates from violence and requires it to exist
>he doesn't realize force is required to achieve equality

t. Right libertarian

>wanting everything to be fair
>wanting things to be equal

welcome to the green square, friend

I'm in the blue dude

>Death in June
Wasn't that just their aesthetic though?

The clash is on blue you fucking Retard

Why is Beyoncé not far left on red?
Shit bait 3/10.Somebody make a better one

Yes that map is made by a retard

Because she's a liberal?

>tfw have similar politics to the dead kennedys and the knife.

Also I'm sure you can fill in the nazi part of the spectrum with a ton of NSBM bands

Even is she is, that is not the liberal part of the chart

True, she should be more to the right

Nah she's "black power" so far left red you cannot look at her and tell me she's a sane person

pretty much. i think the singer is a gay jew


Dumbest thing I've seen all day.

King Buzzo likes Thomas Sowell

>Liberals are communists

Most of them nowadays are tbqh or at least sympathetic towards Marxist philosophy.Very nice meme though

Can and Amon Duul should be on red, Henry Cow should be way fucking higher.

wtf I hate Henry Cow now

If you are a Marxist you are not a fucking liberal, you are a Marxist.



Marxist is a liberal ideology sorry to break it to you sweetheart

>Liberal = Anything left leaning
Nice meme.

What the fuck am I reading

Stick to punk kid

>favourite bands are all on the left


Marxism, can go both liberal and authoritan.
It's just like patriotism and nationalism, can be lefty or righty.


>tfw you're a conservative liberal


>muh social darwinism we shouldn't have basic empathy because survival of the fittest
>but people who are stronger than me shouldn't be able to take my property that's why we have property laws

Simply untrue

>Marxism - far left, deep in the red field
>Liberalism - in the green field, closer to the middle than the far left

marxists and liberals have been enemies since the beginning

liberals are capitalists

liberalism isn't the opposite of authoritarianism by the way

>basic empathy is you staying at home and doing nothing while the government steals money from the productive members of society in the form of taxation to "redistribute" it to "the poor".

marxism is a critique of capitalism, not a political ideology
liberalism is right wing

top left is marxism-leninism
bottom left is anarcho-communism

>Marxism can go both liberal and authoritan
I think you mean libertarian. Liberal (capitalist ideas such as free market but with people's rights and equality mixed in) and libertarian (general term for a system involving a small government with minimal government intervention) are not the same.

>babbies first propertarian critique of social democracy
go to bed montine

>getting buttfucked at minimum wage by corporations who don't give a shit about you is being a productive member of society

lol love coming on here and seeing the total misunderstandings of what "left", "right", "authoritarian" and "libertarian" mean, along with Sup Forums. fuck this site.

I suppose this is the best I can expect from brain dead marxists.



modern prog, weird autistic teen music like voltaire

Death Grips
think about it before memeing liking an utter mongoloid

Sup Forums is the worst board, this common knowledge at this point

it used to be good but know it's just Sup Forums for music only it actually appears dumber some how

Sup Forums is ignorant, but it's popularity allows variety of intelligence

the majority of Sup Forums is arrogant in it's own ignorance