What did you think? God I loved that insufferable twat dying
Other urls found in this thread:
>see defeat seep into him at the sight of the Vale and the giant
>having Jon turning his face into ground beef
>having Sansa telling him he and his house will be forgotten
>having his own 'loyal' dogs eat him--that first bite taking out his lower jaw
>his final screams
This. Was. Satisfying.
It was cliche and predictable, and it didn't have a great effect because there is no way for the audience to understand the poetic justice. Ramsay's dogs never eat anyone on-screen, they barely even fucking eat his step-mother. They're practically fucking absent from the show, despite him constantly talking about them. Even if dogs show up in a scene, they magically disappear because, "Oh, we can't kill an empty, dangerous beast on TV!" It's weak, when you could have had more scenes suggesting this relationship between dogs and consuming human flesh beyond having a cheap fucking version of Fluffy from Harry Potter bite Ramsay, the first time we really saw a dog through the whole show.
Not to mention "poetic justice" is pathetic hack writing. It would be more shocking to have Ramsay get off easy with a quick death, than to be tortured in the least-imaginative way possible.
>hating Ramsay
Hello summer
>Not to mention "poetic justice" is pathetic hack writing. It would be more shocking to have Ramsay get off easy with a quick death, than to be tortured in the least-imaginative way possible.
I didn't want the episode but you are absolutely correct. I was hoping for an off screen death or being killed before Jon can get to him.
I was glad he was screaming. I was afraid they were going to kill him off with him smiling that stupid grin or something.
this x1000. Having the first time the dogs are seen clearly be their "big, pivotal moment" doesn't work at all
>no airhorns
>no hitmarkers
>no base ............. DROP
>Liking Ramsay
Hello edgelord
But Sansa's still alive
he reconsidered the offer of 1 on 1 combat after the battle after the castle doors got broken down. how can you hate him ?
Utterly predictable garbage tier writing. GoT is on the same level as anime now.
They aren't aiming to be shocking or subversive at this point in the story. I don't know if you haven't noticed this, but Jon Snow is an unironic archetypal Hero who's going to save the world from an ancient evil. A Song of Ice and Fire is at it's heart a genuine high fantasy adventure story.
He's only going to have more Aragorn tier Heroic victories over the forces of evil as the story begins to move into the final conflict.
I think you should stick to your general
I liked it... was able to thoroughly wipe the memory of that hilariously awful chase scene from last episode
That's a little nitpicky isn't user?
I was thinking at the end when he fired his bow at Jon that one of Ramsay's men standing down was going to fire an arrow into Ramsay's skull. Since Jon gave the little talk about loyalty.
Yeah. It has turned away from its roots and become a fucking shounen. Proof that popularity ruins everything.
Why is Lyanna chan so kawaii?
It didn't betray it's roots at all, you just didn't notice the extensive parallels to the Prose Edda that this story has had woven into it's framework from the beginning. It's always been a traditional High Fantasy adventure story.
I loved Ramsay. He was fucking hilarious. This show turned into a SJW circlejerk now.
>House Mormont led by an 8 year old
>Winterfell run by a chick and a fag
>Daenerys for iron throne
>her crew includes a guy without a dick and some black chick (even though there are no black people in got)
>Yara is a lesbian and going to rule Iron Islands
>She also has a dickless guy supporting her
>Dorne run by retarded women
>King's Landing run by Islam, Cersei, and Margaery
House Stark was led by Bran when Robb took their troops south, it's no different and she has a bunch of advisers like Bran had Maester Lewin.
There are black people in this universe and they're from the Summer Isles.
Everything else you said is correct though.
that nigga was able to hit a heart sized moving target from 200m but when jono was staning 5m away he couldn't shoot his dick or something??
They should've had Ghost eat Ramsay
Jon wouldve just blocked the shot down low. Jon has plot armor
Read the fucking books then
It's just trying to cater to the massive normie following it has amassed now. Same shit with Arya and her retarded parkour scenes. The worst parts of the books are all slowly becoming the focus of it all.
Sansa's decisions caused hundred or thousands of men to die (and nearly her brother) and she'll get off dealing with no repercussions because she's David Benioff's favorite character.
Would have been funny if it was a pic of Rickon.
I didnt care much for the dog scene but when jon was beating the fuck out of his face I was hyped as shit