Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

Yes, I just stopped.

Fuck off with your shitty spam

How can you smoke that much? I smoke 20 cigs a day and I feel like it's alot

Smoked 20 years. I quit by using the gum to separate the nicotine addiction from the smoking habit. It took 18 months. So glad I quit. You can do it user.

smoking is for queers and niggers

Don't worry user, 75 cigs a day. This is a problem that will take care of itself.

20 a day is nothing

Why do you do this?
I remember seeing this from a year ago, at least

I just didn't buy more when I ran out and avoid the convenience store. You'll be craving one, but it isn't alcohol or benzo withdrawal for sure.

about to go have a turkish royal as we speak

probably wont ever quit

How the fuck?
I can only smoke like 4 or 5 without feeling like shit.
Now if im high on opiates I could smoke a few packs. But damn dude

How the fuck do you have the time to smoke 75 a fucking day? Do you light a new one off of one you're about to toss? Here in Montreal, there is absolutely nowhere to smoke inside, so as soon as you have a job, you're limited. How do you manage 75 a day???

I smoke about 4 Captain Black cigars a day. I usually use a little bit of each one to mix with weed, so say 3.5 cigarellos and 4 doobs.

I work outside like a man doing landscaping

Wtf he posts this almost everyday


>tfw I smoke one ever couple hours and feel like people are judging me as a nasty humanbeing because I smoke

No on 56

Men do construction, dick licker pussy fags landscape. You fucking filthpig. Get off my site and come back when the gardening needs to be done, bitchtits.

hehe montrealfag also, cant even smoke on fucking terasse anymore

Yeah not smoked in 2 years after smoking over half my life, just quit or start vaping

Just research the affect of nicotine on your system. You have to teach yourself that you are pairing pleasurable associations due to that drug, and that it is killing you by destroying your DNA, which can and will lead to cancer.

Try the gum. You will eventually transfer the need for a cig with a stick of gum instead, but without the cancer side effects (so far as we know).

This shit again

Im a medical cannabis patient and I used to smoke cigarettes and bud all day but I quit on cigarettes. Not that hard to quit cigs, just stop. I would quit bud too but I seriously need it

I smoke when I want, because I'm not a little bitch.

Seriously. Paper and inanimate shit is controlling you. Grow a pair and put it down.

I did... Just trow then away and say no... Thats how i did it.. bdw smoked for 6 years about 1.5 pack a day