ITT we post a director's worst film

ITT we post a director's worst film

>it's an "OP is pleb as fuck but somehow gets quads episode"

Funny, that doesn't look like New York, New York (1977).


But that's not Shutter Island op

>also check'd

This. I didn't even know Shutter Island was a Scorsese movie. I didn't enjoy that at all, it's the only Scorsese film I didn't like

Or Mean Streets

Shit taste, New York New York is a masterpiece.

These are weak films, but I think they beat out the phoned in 'Kundun' and 'Hugo' pretty easily.

>saying mean streets is his worst, when it's actually his best

Top-tier shitposting friendo

Shutter Island currently has an 8.1 on IMDB. Just goes to show there's no accounting for taste. It's just awful.

>literally Scorcese's best film
why are you even here?

His second best


nice digits

but DDl in that movie makes up for all the bullshit, that dude is a true hero

I've never seen Mean Streets

Is it really better than Casino/Goodfellas/Wolf of Wall Street/Aviator/King of Comedy?

>itt: people posting about 'worsts' without seeing a director's entire filmography and their truly bad unseen-for-a-reason-movies

same shit every time

Cameron Diaz was a mistake.


Only King of Comedy and Goodfellas come close to Mean Streets.

even tho its bad, its better than most pleb movies.


No. It's Marty's aesthetic before he learned how to use it. There's like five different songs in the first five minutes or so.


Bridge of Spies was surprisingly good though

The great debate.

>not A Serious Man

I don't care if you call me "pleb", it's fucking boring, makes no goddamn sense and goes nowhere.

King of Comedy is GOAT, glad people like it.

I prefer THX 1138 to everything else he's ever done

in my opinion, yes. it's like fellini's I Vitelloni through the autobiographical lens of scorcese's new york upbringing. bunch of dumb kids on the verge of adulthood around the outskirts of the criminal underworld. largely plotless story of friends drinking fighting and dreaming

Attack of the Clones clearly. Absolutely irredeemable. Even the "cool Yoda fights part" was cancer


Has Cameron ever made anything that was good besides original Terminator?

Terminator 2?

Darth Greivous had so little screen time

fuck you

no, lincoln or 1941 or ET

what is no country for old men

episode i

everything but the abyss and the terminator is shit

Raising Arizona is worse

jango and coruscant chase make it the best of the prequels nerd and herslag stomach

The Lost World is worse than those 3

it's pure dogshit


Your idiocy is terminal.

Overblown 90s action movie shlock



and best soundtrack

Revenge is the best.

Attack of the Clones, easily. I can say a lot of things about TPM, but at least I wasn't outright bored when watching it.

Why does Sup Forums like Dune aside from memery?

Not him but I genuinely like what it tries to do differently from the book. The book is a masterpiece but I can enjoy the movie for different reasons.

no thank

Has Sofia Coppola ever made a film that isn't "lol quirky first-world problems"?

marie antoinette and the bling ring were both satire, i liked the latter a lot actually

Gangs of New York was great. Fuck you.

revenge has that same problem tho at least the chase holds up and kamino

Drop Cameron Diaz, tell Leo to keep or lose the accent and then tack on a better ending and it's nearing God-tier status

Plus the differences didn't rape the original novel like Jodrowski would have.

Aviator a GOAT

At least Revenge had that lightsaber fight at the end and stuff actually happened.

That chase in II ripped off Blade Runner and Kamino was just Cloud City with water.

I didn't like it that much myself but it's pretty cool to see Scorsese getting into his element

faggot, jodorowsky would have made a masterpiece out of Dune if he could have

'rape the original', you treat it like Dune is War and Peace or something, it's a by the numbers cliche even for its time piece of genre fiction notable only for its unique atmosphere

who would have cared if Jodo fucked around with the plot? and how are Lynch's changes any less offensive? Paul making it rain on Arrakis and having the worms obey him makes zero sense

as the kwazits haderack he wasn't literally a god figure, he was just a psychedelically enhanced mentat that the dumbass natives thought was a god because the benny gesserits put the prophecy into their cultures years previous

at least Jodo would have made a clean break from the source text and done his own beautiful surreal circus of a thing with it


Do you think Daniel Day-Lewis knew what he was getting into? I don't understand how they cast that great man next to Leo and fucking Cameron Diaz. All the pieces of a great movie were there but got fucked by those two idiots. Every other actor on that set took the project seriously. But then there's Leo and Diaz prancing around like high school kids in drama class.

Phantom Menace was pretty bad but it actually felt like a Star Wars film (and used more practical effects), Attack of the Clones is just total shit.

But that's not The Wolf of Wall Street.

Kubrick didn't make a single bad film.

Misunderstood masterpiece of cinema.

Lost in Translation is her best film.

gr8 b8

except the script was embarrassing and the direction was lazy and CGI patched together

get trolled nigger

Lynch's Changes (with the exception of the sound bullets) were all in keeping with the Dune universe which is about progress and reaching the pinnacle of being. That's the reason the Bene Gesserit exist. Lynch just cut to the chase and made Paul the super-being that people initially thought and wanted him to be. Jodorowsky would have castrated not only Leto Atreides, but the concept of the Kwizatz Haderach itself, killing Paul and turning him into a psuedo-intellectual hippie world spirit. His ending is a pretentious, stupid, new-age cluster fuck that flies in the face of the source material. No amount of great cinematography could overcome that nonsense.

>implying Wolf of Wall Street was bad

Also pic related, Buenos Aires was an inside job.

the chase was actually good though and it was a not just blade runner it had a star wars feel. if the entire planet is a city you gotta do what you gotta do. i liked jango and anakin getting his arm lopped off. obi jango was hype. imguess youre right though, but to me the clone troopers look worse in revenge and the grevious battle is eh and the yoda sheev battle is eh and the treason battle is only good now. mustafar was cool and the part with padme and anakin looking at eachother from across the city was kino

lost in translation is shit

There's no CGI except for the elephant. Everything else is a built set.