How did most republicans in this country become abject cowards?

How did most republicans in this country become abject cowards?

>afraid of muslims
>afraid of mexicans
>afraid of gays
>afraid of (strong) women
>afraid of russians

what the fuck happened? Someone please explain it to me.

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+ >afraid of Blacks

that's how you control people. with fear.

well that i get

yeah i guess. it still doesn't explain how people fell for it. does economic problems = fear? it's not a direct correlation obviously.

You mistake fear for a desire to purge, OP. I blame liberals and their infatuation with adding -phobia to everything whenever someone disagrees with them.

Because we are slowly moving toward a fascist theocracy. (With or without Trump). Fear controls the people, I mean look at the bible, everyone's afraid of what'll happen when they die, they look at a book as stupid as the bilble as a belief code

real men are not legally allowed any more in this country.

the gop is scared they may import some

Not afraid of muslims just want those dirty brown goat fuckers with their backwards religion and awful lack of human rights to stay in their own shitholes

Not afraid of Mexicans just want them to stop sneaking into my country to steal benefits

Not afraid of gays- most republicans are tap tap closet gays anyway. Just tired of the parades and movies.

Not afraid of women. Just hate the third wave feminist who think they can have it both ways- be sex objects but not be objectified. Not work but get equal wages. Demand respect and dignity but strip males and non feminists of them.

Respect Russians.

I agree with this sentiment. The biggest threat towards America today is not Terrorism, it is moving America towards a fascist theocracy . . . . When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view and if that code happens to be very, very right wing, almost towards Atila the Hun . . . .

1:40 here:

replace "afraid" with "hate"

yeah but hate starts with fear, usually

I've never seen so much truth in a single post

yeah well terrorism is nothing to fear at all. it's like a 0.000001 chance of getting killed by a terrorist, or a mass shooter for that matter.

They're both derived from the same cognitive thought process

>Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.

Oddly enough said by Barry Goldwater (R) 50 years ago.
He called it.

>[citation needed]

but why? when you ask why the fear is there.

you're afrid mexicans will take your jobs. it sounds like republicans in the closet is a form of fear too, fear of seeing a reflection of themselves. sounds like fear of women taking your money and power.
and definitely sounds like straight up fear of russians

Literally every single ad I've seen for republicans has been "the Terries are coming to kill you"


They've always been the paranoid/scared af party, it's why they're obsessed with controlling women, niggers etc and projecting a john wayne-esque tough guy persona.

I'm more afraid of tornados where i live

it's pretty crazy. there are 350 million people in the US.

kike shill pls go

yeah good point. and i guess you have to be pretty afraid if you need to grab up a bunch of guns to make you feel better.

who pays the kike shills?

i live in a big city with all different type of people and i'm more afraid of subway train tracks. and a couple weeks ago we were "bombed".

So fucking this


It's exactly what's happened. It would be nice if the Republican Party actually stood for what they believe in instead of being the party of Jesus

but what is at the base of this? i know it's a joke but let's analyze it.

when you say not legally allowed, are you talking about a turn of public opinion against you? what's do you think is happening to "real men"?

You can terrorism out and replace it with anything, and the statement would still hold true

>you're afrid mexicans will take your jobs.
that's one of the weird ones, cause there is actually a legitimate issue there, as illegally immigrated people can undercut citizens by offering to work below minimum wage and by offering labour that the employer does not have to pay taxes on. That is an actual problem, and Americans are the people suffering under it. And all the nonsense by the right wing and rednecks never articulating themselves more advanced than "they took our jerbs" is making sure you'll never have a solution for it, cause anybody who tries to bring it up to have a discussion about it will be associated as one of these total morons.

>we are slowly moving toward a fascist theocracy.


The people benefiting from it are large corporations and such. What better way to dissolve a problem than by making it appear as a non-problem? Then making it a race issue.

yeah but realistically there are only a few areas where this is happening. and only a few jobs, at this point in our country with tech nology and everything, where this can still be done.

>Afraid of Russians
Pick one

it's all i've been hearing over the last few days, vote for clinton is a vote for war with russia which the US CANNOT win. it's sad.

maybe it's just a tactic but i've been seeing it.

yeha except for legit shit like heart disease, cancer, car accidents. the odds are higher.

>it's a tactic

because Benghazi/Emailghazi/Healthghazi didn't stick.

>vote for clinton is a vote for war with russia which the US CANNOT win

That's modern day propaganda, nigga. That's like the whole "Uncle Sam wants YOU to join the military" bullshit from last century.

Its common to fear dangerous animals

Why don't you take a look at Indiana and the religious freedom restoration act. That is a clear representation of what user's talking about. It's legislature based from a certain moral code derived from a certain religion that suits one religion.

>to fear dangerous animals
like cornered Teabaggers


conservatives were never strong
you've been pseudofascist incels forever

Actually you're just confirmed your fears. You just tried to act cool while doing it.


The legislation is actually un-Constitutional, and all it's going to take is a major court challenge to prove it.

I've never been to America but from what I can tell Republicans are just retards dude.
Anyone who doesn't believe in climate change yet believes in fucking CREATIONISM shouldn't be allowed to vote.


>because Benghazi/Emailghazi/Healthghazi didn't stick.
Adding - Whitewater/travelgate/VinceFoster etc..

I've been watching this shit since Nixon resigned.
The Repubs never got over that and have been trying for 25+ years to nail HRC because she was on the team that put him out.

It's like I've been posting here - we're in the 2nd generation of idiots who live in their bubble and don't have critical thinking skills.

you shuold visit. it's actually pretty great in most of the country. just stick to the east and west coasts, well NE mostly and west coast, and maybe colorado.

>I never been to USA
>talks about American politics
Please never come here filthy thirds world scum

Exactly, but every single person that runs this damn country has Christianity shoved so far up they're ass they forget what the constitution says about things like this.

Didn't read thread.

I am not afraid of the denominations that you listed, I just don't like them. End of story.

Arkansas has a similar law HB 1228

canadian lol

why don't you like them? that's the point, i think. that yo're covering up your fear with dislike.

Even worse

I know, it's fucking unbelievable.

The Republicans have spent almost 100 million dollars over the years trying to nail the Clintons.

Both violate the 14th Amendment.

I mean, you're living in a country whose liberals want to literally surrender their right to bear arms for the illusion of safety and the best argument that they can come up with is that everyone who wants to defend that right are the real cowards.

Honestly, I'm more inclined to see inaction and surrender as being more cowardly than taking a stand against an enemy, even if it's supposedly the wrong enemy.
Liberal cowardice is the cowardice of tolerance and inaction, which is the worst sort by far.

I can see why they promote it though. Leftism and progressive agendas in general focus on government support of people who are notorious for never developing proper civilization on their own. It's no wonder they should want the pockets the government dips its hand into on their behalf to be instilled with a perverse sense of pride at never taking a stand. Like a child bragging to his schoolyard bully that the only reason he won't fight back is that he's too tough to care.

No we are not afraid of subhumans. We are afraid of our government.
Chimps and derka Derks don't scare me a bit.

i think being afraid of guns is equally dumb. but i guess i expect that fear from the left. it's a different kind of fear, fear based on the self perception of weakness, of being bullied.

but i did not expect it of the right.

i guess i was wrong.

It's the same inside the States too.

I'm a transplanted Yank (in MO now) and if I've heard that my opinion doesn't count because I'm "Not from here" once I've heard it 1000 times.

>Leftism and progressive agendas in general focus on government support of people who are notorious for never developing proper civilization on their own.
>believing the US government is "leftist"


good point, i forgot

>fear of own government

good point

>I never been to USA
>talks about American politics
Please never come here filthy thirds world scum

Comments from coward who cannot handle knowing what nonsense everything looks like from outside their bubble

At one time, the Republican party was the most progressive in the US, though in its earliest stages was absolutely and utterly rejected by Catholics (which was fine by the Republicans, as they tended to distrust anyone who would put the will of The Pope ahead of the Constitution).

Many of the US's earliest black political leaders were Republican. And, again early on, Republicans were vehemently, almost rabidly, in favor of the separation of church and state as that was decidedly what the founders of the US had in mind.

It wasn't until the 1970s, when the Republicans saw the power of poor, white, lower class and middle class Americans. They took note of the anger of those ignorant, racist slobs who droolingly followed whatever their pastors told them, and realized that the way to their hearts and votes was through fear, racism and paranoia.

That's about when "social issues" such as segregation, abortion and "religious freedom" began to take center stage. If you look over Republican platforms of the past, you'll see they were yes, fiscally conservative, however they were also friends of industry, and as such friends of science. Without science? No industry. Part of what made US industry as strong as it was had to do with our scientific advances. These days Republicans vilify education, scientific learning and being able to count higher than the number of fingers and toes one has.

I'd rather live in a left government similar to Canada, than live in a country ruled by religion

If you're a Trumpfag your opinion doesn't count, no. We don't need immigrants agreeing with xenophobic dipshits.

wait a minute!

Probably just dont like them and sick of there stupid shit, not that there afraid
If you cant tolerate someones shit being shoved down your neck 24/7 and you tell them to fuck off are afraid or annoyed?

Hillary and Bill are pretty shady, but that just makes them run of the mill politicians. It's amazing to see how the right has blown their low-level corruption into a 30 year witch-hunt, but it's even more insane how their base has lapped it up. There are actually people who think Hillary should be executed for having a private server. Meanwhile, Colin Powel admitted to using a fucking AOL account for the same purpose.

shhh don't break the Sup Forums delusion, we have to fight le evil feminazis and jews from behind our cheeto-soaked keyboards and semen-stained, frog-print boxers

Implying republitards know/care about any amendments other than the 2nd

Meanwhile, no job creation from the Republicans, no trying to move the country forward, nothing.

But they swear once they're totally in power they'll change things


A ceaseless barrage of bullshit conspiracies perpetuated by far-right/alt-right media that was slowly but surely adopted into the republican mainstream.

yeah but i don't see it being shoved down your neck 24/7. it's almost like your hyper aware of this shit and see it in all the bushes. the gay agenda, the feminist agenda, the muslime agenda, etc.

conspiracy theories are based in unfounded, diffused fear. fear without a target that you find a target for.

And Trump is already attacking the 2nd Amendment with crap like "stop and frisk" while claiming to support it.


People with common sense support common sense legislation that helps prevent gun violence while protecting 2nd amendment rights. People with common sense typically vote Democratic.

Ya, change to a fascist theocracy

Stupid people fall for it.

oh yeah, they'd be happy to take away the 2nd amendment for black and muslims (and gays if any of them started shooting wiht their limp wrists)

never realizing the same tactics might be used on them one day.

God Lord you missed so much on that post.

>thinking a Yank is for Trump
>thinking MO is not a Red State
>thinking I'm an immigrant because I moved across State lines

Holy fuck the stupidity burns.

Exactly, and the GOP has already promised to do everything it can to prevent Pres Hillary from getting anything done. They're willing to leave at supreme court vacancy for 4 years just to stick it to her and most of the base is all for it. It's totally fucking insane.

>afraid of muslims
We should be, their religion is based on snaking their way into a culture and then destroying it from within
>afraid of Mexicans
We just don't want those beaners being a drain on our economy
>afraid of gays
Idk about this one, I say let them be
>afraid of (strong) women
Feminists and "strong" women mean two completely different things
>afraid of Russians
That's Hillary

t. gun control advocate

who's trying to control who now?

Well I live in Canada and I would quite honestly rather have access to guns and live under the regulation of the social structure that built both the nations we're talking about from the ground up.

The pacifism of decadent society is a meme that fails as predictably as rain falls.
Also our PM legalized most forms of bestiality.


If you are supporting Clinton, then I agree, your opinion counts.

If you're a Brit supporting Trump, you are a dipshit. It's actually easy for you not to fall into the 2nd category.

Its funny how like 2 months ago Sup Forums was filled with posts calling russian vodkaniggers, subhuman, talking about how everxthing russian is shit and how use would fuck russia up in days and now polnis full of ruskiedick sucking

Pretty oathetic how the "alt-right" grasps every straw and constantly lie about shit just to be able do something but still noone cares about them but tumblr cows have political power

The problem is that the right became a pathetic group of manchikdren, edgy teens and whitetrash inbreds

Pic related

It's insane that half the country still appears to agree with that shit, given the tight race.

Gotta give him credit for getting a two-for there.

Stop & Frisk is also a 4A violation.

yeah being scared of guns is just as silly.

on the other hand getting lots of gun because you're afraid of other people with guns is pretty silly too.


>a drain on our economy
Then let's kick out the red states too while we're at it

And Trump thinks the media is too "free."

A 1st Amendment jab.

i don't believe it's that tight really. they always make it seem tight in the last few days.

so the democrats arethe "pretty afraid" group then?

ya know what with them wanting to take peoples legally owned firearms so only the gov / police / NG / military / nigs / spics/ subhuman whites (criminals) can be armed