Want to fap

Want to fap

>no wifi
>no cell data
>can't view videos
>barely get gifs to work

Gonna try to do this like its 1996. Gimme all your porn! Pics only!

Then how the fuck are you on Sup Forums you dumb cock smoker

fuck off retard

On my phone on the reduced 2g data. Not enough for videos, but just enough for pics. God I really have to spell it out for you retards...

MFW wants porn files

Probably browsing with spent data, ie super slow speed. Probably not a thing in Murica seeing how you guys love your data caps and getting reamed by ISPs


I was thinking more like naked chicks, thanks to your picture I am no longer attracted to dogs...




I'm in to it, keep em coming











It's no-fap November, calm yourself.


shut up cuck
