Czy są tutaj jacyś Polacy?

Czy są tutaj jacyś Polacy?

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a maryja zawsze kurwa

postujcie fajne loszki plx

I got a question. Why the hell did you vote for Prawo i Sprawedliwość?

dobry wieczór

polish shitheaded fags

elo anonki postujcie cenzo


I'm American, but my parents are from Poland. Does that count?


bardze smachny cepelinki

Post stópki :3



Niewykluczone, że znajdziesz kilku ale co ci to da anonek skoro twoje życie sprowadziło cie do tego zapomnianego przez Boga miejsca. Jesteś na Sup Forums i nic tego nie zmieni, ani my ani nasi anglojęzyczni Sup Forumsracia.


ale Boga nie ma lol

spowrotem na wykop -->


Niestety są tutaj polacy.

Co cie to obchodzi pajacu pierdolony ośle w dupe jebany


to save this thread

Are Polish girls really as cute as the legends describe them? If so, post pics please.


jakie browary lubicie najbardziej,bo ja Tyskie

Ha-ha! "Anonku"!! Dajcie jeszcze tego no, "karaczana"!!
they're absolutely disguting

Hey Poland, how will your tanks hold up against Russia when $hillary starts WWIII?

Ciechan, Tatra od biedy Żubr.


noteckie ciemne z browaru czarnków


PIS is nationalsocialis and ultracatholics party. Thats mean, they spend more than any goverment before, and they hate woman and noncatholics. So you know, soon you will hear about economics crysis in poland, and selling anything to big corporate assholes.

dac sie wyruchac na clickbait w 2016 roku :v

>that edge

Because we dont want niggers, pakis and sandniggers in our country. Poland IS white country and WILL be forever


so we want some white niggers like nationalsocialist from onr rn or other neonazi gropus, and we want to spend even more on priest and pedophiles,


We only hope that China and Russia decide to rape USA and minister Macierewicz do nothing about it. But this is fantasy, we will be probably destroyed in a few weeks.


Narodowcy to podludzie, korwinku

dumna? poka bobra


our minister of war macierewicz is russian spy, now he destroying polsh army, a lot of generals left army, and we dont have new military equpment, and he trying to start a war with russia, so russia can easy take over poland.

yeah because there is a difference between sharia law introduced by immigrants and the one currently implemented by pis.



thats that nazi priest, oter priest dont want him anymore, so polish church kick him out of job.

JAN PAWEŁ 2 Gawiedzią Mądrą Dowali?


Well he got his experts, dosen't he?

>top lel

HE left the church (for a woman), but you can stay delusional and still believe all this bullshit that is created by polish clergy. (And yeah, clergy did absolutely nothing to stop this psycho.)

experts, greate experts of flying, and planes, someone sad, that one of that experts once was a passanger of plane, and others can bulid plane out of paper.

guys from ONR are patriots and defend Poland. Leftis want to give our land to niggers and arabs. They are traitors.

Oh yeah, the only difference is Islam X Catholicism. In other words: Same shit different toilet.

i hope you get your own league of legends server soon.

he left the church for a young boy, everyone knows, that almoust all nationalists are gay, and that miendlar was wery attracted do bold and stupid boys who love hitler too.

But good for him, now he's happy with his partner.

wy jebane polskie kurwy

TAK w końcu ktoś dobrze skrót rozszyfrował!! :D

zapamiętajcie anonki:

>"W miarę postępów w budowie socjalizmu walka >klasowa zaostrza się"

To co się działo do tej pory to dopiero początek, końcem będzie wyjście z UE. (albo raczej wyrzucenie)

onr is antipolish and neonazi group in poland. Now due to the PC they pretend to not be nazi at all, but they still go to neonazi parties in eastern europe, and invite neonazi gropus to they parties, where you can find a lot of alcohol, drugs and gay sex.

According to sharia law all faggots, dykes and other perverts should be executed. Atheist - the same. As far as I know Biedron is still alive and president of Slupsk

Raczej rozjebanie UE


According to the biblical law, homosexuals, atheists, and non belivers should be killed. So you know, shaia law is the same as biblical law.

A gdzie ta najlepsza laska, widać tylko że stoi obok jakiejś nauczycielki.

Why do you lie? It doesn't make any sense

here you have other picture, here you can see lider of onr from podkarpacie and his frend (or lover) from blood and honor, neonazi gropu.

Własnie siedze i planuje swoje samobojstwo. Ktos jeszcze ma tutaj harda depresje?

Aby jste už zdechly vy kurvy polske vyjebane.

Zgniłem xD

Poland is Europe's best defender from foreign savages. From the Mongols to the Turks to the Soviets, Poland has stood strong; she only stands down when her enemies include the Europeans she had protected for so long. Even in times of occupation, she fought bravely for her independence, and would always get her way in due time. The world is a powder keg, but I remain confident that Poland will fight the good fight against the Islamo-fascists and Russian Nationalists. Poland has not yet fallen, and nor will she ever. Stay strong, Polebros.
t. Americunt

Yes, but strangely, I didn't heard about catholic following strictly this law, but mslims chopping unbelievers heads in daily bases.

Christians dont abide law from old testament. This law is for jews only.

Tak ale mówią po angielsku:D

Na Sup Forums!

remember that poland destroy in Grunwald battle in 1410 catholics army from western europe, we protect eastern world from that sick cult of jew on two sticks.

przecież nie kłamie, samą prawdę napisał

wow, they would sell coke with vodka over there

here you have some priest form poland, who want to burn all homsexuals. So you know.

witam userów

Wiecie że Trump przegra i Hillary Clinton zostanie papierzem? Ale jaja.

And Michnik is old friend of Antoni Macierewicz. So what?

sorry, here you have link to youtube to priest that want to burn gay people:

so decalog and other shit didnt count? But you know, that your god, Jesus say, that you cant change law, and it will be easier to change everything in universe, that jus a small dot in law? Jesus belive in old testament. So, you, as all catholics, dont know anything about your magic book.

We didn't voted for them, grannies, brainless catolics and some patologic faggots did that to us.
Also they bribed lower classes with 500+ what ruined our funds.
Sorry for bad english but in poland we are drunk allll the time...

wiecie że trump ostatnio dostał 50 mln od zyda, posiadacza kasyn w usa, i na wielu wiecach trump podkreśla swoje przywiązanie do izraela.

a podobno hilary to zydówka.


Miałem podobnie, ale zacząłem studia i stwierdzam, że życie nie musi mieć jakiegoś sensu żeby było warto je kontynuować.

Moja rada idź na /x/ i pośmiej się z przegrywów próbujących przywołać sukkuby, bo żadna dziewczyna ich nie chce. Mi to zawsze poprawia humor.

With that shit all around, well I understand you.

where are u from ?

czemu Duda jest taki żałosny?
>jak można sprowdzić stanowisko prezydenta do roli podnóżka 70 letniego eunucha?
no kurwa JAK?

Decalog is New Testament not Old Testament.
Why are you so concerned about catholics not killing faggots nor atheists?

Ok, so for you there is no difference between some idiots/schizo TALKING ABOUT killing and muslims who ACTUALLY FILM EXECUTIONS OF UNBELIEVERS. lol

Najlepiej i tak go ostantio dojebały same pisowskie media, jak chciał podważyć autorytet maciorewicza, i przyznał (dudeł) że polski wywiad i jego źródła nie mają pojęcia skąd maciora wziął tą cenę (1 dolar).

Jest chłopak tylko pucybutem, i pewnie pójdzie siedzieć za parę lat, a kaczyński dalej będzie żył w willi którą jego stary dostał od komuchów za wydawanie kolegów z AK.

nie wiem,sram na tę władze ale cenzoduda mnie kekuje