Member that dude from Star Wars, the mookiee, Chiupacabra?

Member that dude from Star Wars, the mookiee, Chiupacabra?

Ooooh IIII member...

member Courage?

Ooooohhhh I membeer

Oh Oh! IIII member

Ooooh I membeer!

Member moot?

Member Quad Damage?


Ohhh.. I member :(

Ooooh I membeer!

Member murderer on b?

Oh I membeeer!

Member 9/11? I member...

Member of by one?

I membeer! :)

member mr po po?


Member this nigger?

member Elliot Rodger and his retribution?

Member B without ads?

'Member when you only saw a negro every three
days on TV instead of every three seconds?
'Member that?

I member.

member when a woman could take a punch?

'Member when we were kind enuff to give the
negroes their very own drinking fountains?
'Member that?

Member adblock?

OOOOH, i member!

'Member when Bull Connor used to give the
negroes refreshing free showers back in Birmingham?
'Member that?

member when the daily show was good?

Memba when there weren't so many Mexicans?

Memba feeling safe?

Memba no ISIS?

'Member when we suggested that the negroes
dine exclusively in their very own eating establishments?
'Member that?

>Memba when there weren't so many Mexicans?
OOH! I 'member that!!

Oh I member! We were so niceeeee

'Member when White Lives used to Matter?
'Member that??

Yeah I member

Member Snacks?

'Member when helpful anonymous White folks would drive
around offering the negroes free chiropractic neck adjustments?
'Mmber that?

Oh oh! I member! So nicee

Member when the US was isolationist and successfully avoided WW2?

Member when trickle-down economics caused massive economic growth?

Member when health insurance companies could deny coverage for pre-existing conditions but chose not to because they're all so good?

No I don't remember that at all

member cp being legal?

Oh I memmberrrr

memberrr that nice man offering you a seat??

Yeah, they used to be called Nudist Magazines.

'Member when we would notify the negroes
about jobs they were never qualified for as a
convenience to save them the trouble of
'Member that?

Yeah that's because it never happened.

I wish South Park would have really driven home the social commentary behind the Member Berries in the last episode. I mean really dumbed it down so conservatives could hear just how retarded they sound.

i member when they started selling my info and I had to switch to ublock

Wtf is this aids meme

No u

'Member when the negroes were aware of
actual reprisals for their stealing, murder and
'Member that?

memberrr when the was not so pc

member when social justice warriors didn't exist?

member natural forming clouds?
