Hey Sup Forums my girlfriend and I aren't speaking because she wanted to go through my phone and I didn't let her...

Hey Sup Forums my girlfriend and I aren't speaking because she wanted to go through my phone and I didn't let her, reason for it letting her is that I dont feel like our relationship should relvolve around our phone, I also want to stay with her but the last year she's been a real bitch, but I also can't see a future with out her what should I do? Should I message her?

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Break up with her dumbass. You aren't in a healthy relationship.

She doesn't trust you. She wants to control you and look for any reason to be mad at you. You've done nothing wrong. You maintained your individualism and boundary. I've been through this shit and said no more. Women need to learn boundaries and respect em'.

Get the fuck out now you jackass. Life is about making yourself happy, not settling or hoping gor things to improve. Gtfo now.

Thanks bro

Thanks Sup Forumsros she is pretty fucked, I won't text her but if she texts me. What should I do?

Just tell her it isn't working out. You don't need to explain yourself, and you definitely don't need to wait for her to text first. Go straight in, show that it's a serious conversation. You texting first will make her desire you more when you pull the rug out from underneath her out of nowhere. She will either make it clear she will change or you two or done. Do it right now. Post result.

In process


When she replys what should I say

Just say that your relationship isn't working and that you have to end it. Be blunt and get right to the point. No point dancing around it.


How has that gone down

You did well my friend.

better than tinder! plenty of horny cocksucking sluts of your city on strg.co/eMc

No reply

She is cheating on you. When people cheat, they become paranoid because they know how easily they got away with it and they begin questioning your every move to see if you're doing it as well. Check her phone if she's checking yours, but do it when she has no time to prepare it by deleting things. Do it sporadically and tell her it's either you both get the peek or it's over. I guarantee she won't hand hers over, and if she does it'll reveal her other man/men. Tbh just get out though, this is 100% 10/10 the reason she is acting this way. Run.

I was in the same situation, we fought for almost 4 months of straight bs and we broke up, I feel 1000x better after the 2 weeks of feeling like shit. If she needs to keep tabs on you its not going to work out. fuck her as many times as you can then next argument just say fuck it, its not going to work grab your shit an leave

Fake as shit.

This entire thread is full of newfags and underage.

better than tinder! plenty of horny girlz of your city on strg.co/eMc

She is probably letting it sink in. You'll either get a huge ass apology or a huge ass rant, but either way you're out now. Never forget one thing though, it's something that has held me back in the past: Never go back to her. People don't change, and there is about a week of feeling pretty low, but after that it is clear sailing. Happiest you will have been in months, I promise you.

if not fake you have won one whole internet

MY FACE!!!!!

Tell het how you feel.
IRL obviously

Please be fake

1/2 true, ppl can change if they want. It wont be fast and it will take time. but as im learning dont get back together with exs

Thanks bro it's pretty painful, I'm gonna try not to get back with her.

Not fake bro just looking for help, I'm pretty sad and using this to get my mind off of it

pls respond

I just want her to change when we first started dating she was all over me, now it seems as if she doesn't care for me

The fact that this makes you so uncomfortable tells me that you're socially awkward.

>I also can't see a future with out her

that's because you're a faggot, and because you've been lonely too long before meeting her. She's a control freak and a psycho, you should get out asap, or tell her as bluntly as you can that she's out of her mind and that her expectations are totally unrealistic.

But tbh, if you don't act like a bitch because you are afraid of losing her and go back to becoming lonely these things never happens.

I was in the exact same situation, except I didnt take the leap to break up. She ended up doing it herself not long after. Couple of weeks later she was with some other guy. Save your own pride dude, doing it now is the best thing for you to do. Don't look back.

She thinks you're cheating, idiot.

I also took her virginity, pretty much I'm being a pussy whipped bitch and need to let her crawl back?

She has to pay to play....let her see the phone...then tell her to fuck off...then you pack your shit and GTFO

Still no reply? I'm waitin like a good brother here.

She's cheating on you

If it's a new out of the blue thing that she is super adimant about then she is probably cheating on your or at least talking to other dudes.

Well if it's not fake, you've done the right thing bro.