Jesus christ almighty this album is shit

jesus christ almighty this album is shit

epilogue is the first song to ever make me cry, take it back.

jesus christ almighty this opinion is shit

T b h until youve been in a relationship with someone who is suffering from a mental illness you will never truly understand this album

How does it feel being a fucking faggot?
Lol thanks god I'll never understand that pile of garbage.

I can only assume it is because your preferential dispositions are the only thing you can take pride in that you act like such a pretentious internet critic. I hope one day you find peace.

Antlers are one of those bands who are infinitely better live than recorded.

Shame they turned to crap after this album tour.

B-b-but muh cancer feels user

This album made me reevaluate my life and my relationship for this exact reason.


I'm in one currently and have been for about a year and a half and that doesn't change the fact that the album is melodramatic trite.

Same here user

First time I heard Epilogue I cried uncontrollably


So are we in the era Sup Forums "hates" this album so after a while a bunch of people will praise it again?

until the recent mount eerie songs came out, epilogue was without a doubt my saddest song ever

It's weird, there some parts of the album that make me want to love it but there's too many parts that make hate it. At some points I hate his voice and other points I like it, same with the lyrics. The "sandess" of the album feels forced. And Bear is the worst song on the album

>And Bear is the worst song on the album
I like that one

I know what you mean with his voice though

Most people on mu still like it I think, op is just a massive faggot

So 99% of people will never understand it?
That's fair criteria to call an album shit desu

I'm sorry you can only date low-tier women. Enjoy your bad music and bad girlfriend

Name an indie rock album from the last 10 years with better arrangements.

This is since 2007 for those permanently stuck in the mid 2000s like me

the epitome of indie garbage