Sup Forums, you are not my personal army

Sup Forums, you are not my personal army.

I don't have the finances to give my mother a funeral service. My extended family is not willing to help because of the way she died.

Over the last two years my mother somehow ended up dating a heroin dealer (something nobody who met her in a million years would see happening). She got hooked fast and it killed her fast. Livers and kidneys shut down and yeah... I started a gofundme account to try and raise money to go see her in the hospital out of state but she died before I had a chance to even think about going up there.

I don't expect shit all from you Sup Forums, but I might as well try right? Been here for 10 fucking years, maybe there's a chance I can get something out of it besides the lulz.

I'd share the gofundme thing on Facebook but I'm kind of ashamed to ask for money and don't want my friends to look at me as some kind of filthy begger.

I don't expect to get anything from you Sup Forums, in fact this will probably just result in you getting my Facebook and fucking me over somehow but whatever. Here's the gofundme: gofundme/funeralforlynn

Pic is me and my mom.

Other urls found in this thread:

This shit hurts so much to look at.

Maybe there's something I can do for Sup Forums in return? It would be cool if I could just get a share onto Facebook or something too. I feel pathetic doing this...

can't reverse search and the think looks legit. was gonna troll but if it's true, that's fucking rough. id hate to go through that, but i'm broke as shit so all i can offer is condolences. sorry Sup Forumsro

Thanks man. Unfortunately this is all legit.

I'll do some stupid shit for a Facebook share?

I'm sorry user

I feel ya Sup Forumsro

You could also try to finance the funeral through a loan from a bank or a personal friend. Not the best situation, but it is your mother

Yeah I managed to get her cremated and remains shipped down to me, she was in WA and I'm in CA. Just wish I could do a service for her you know? Some kind of send off and maybe family would show up for that...

Sorry user, here's a bump


Any nudes?

I wouldn't mind helping if I could somehow verify this person is real and they really are dead. It is Sup Forums and all...

Get a job or sell her nudes

Bump lets do something good today b image search pulls up nothing on the pics so might be legit

No sorry, she wasn't much to look at anyway after the breast cancer.

I don't really know how I can verify, any ideas?

No nudes. I have a job, and I'm paycheck to paycheck.

Pic is ring she was wearing when she died. Don't know what it is really.

Its a mint condition whinne the pooh ring

funny how it costs money to die; a natural human action.

Makes sense, she always loved those cartoons and stories. Raised me on them. She always liked tigger more though.

the ring is not worth more than 20-30 bucks so no luck there

Here's her death certificate.

I would love to help, but you like Donald Trump on facebook, so I can't...

Got any OC nudes? Gf/ex ?

That's fine. But to be fair I have both trump and clinton liked to see what they both post.

Asking for money on Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums isn't the greatest idea

both are horrible.

agreed. just like to stay up to date. I fucking hate politics to be honest.

sorry Sup Forumsrother but all I can offer is condolendes however I really hope someone helps you


I don't think so man, I'll look but I doubt it. I probably have bikini pics of my ex?

Put it on jewbook you fucking idiot. Call it rising awareness. You won't get much sympathy here - we hide from painful emotions by using sarcasm, gore, and being assholes. Besides, most people here have about as much money as you do.

my dude, leave america and the debt behind. sucks how everything costs a fortune in USA

Try imgur, they love these sob stories.

Can the people who run the individual gofundme see the actual name on the donation?

I'll donate, I just don't want them to know it's actually me.

Pretty sure there's an anonymous option.

Any church would do a small memorial service with you, I'd hope. Probably at no charge.

delete this shit boi

also youve had her remains since late august? what?

true, or go on reddit, reddit will throw money at you

No I only got the remains two weeks ago. Someone picked them up and drove them to me, family friend. Out of state made it hard.

You really REALLY should blank out any doxxable personal details on that form.

There's 2 people that could easily be subjected ID fraud alone from this piece.

Sorry for your loss mate, but you have to be smart on here.

Little tip: Big Lebowski-style beach/clifftop service. You pay for a tent, some snacks and a music system and commit her ashes to the sea. It's poignant and affordable.

Post a picture of your spread arsehole.

Hope this doesn't get flagged lol its just baby me in the bath

take alot of xnanax and rob a gas station, you will probobly get some money from that.

Uh alright, it's gonna be gross but give me a minute.

tell it to the judge, degenerate

Mayne this is Sup Forums.

I'll jizz on the ashes for free, but that's about it

You have my condolences, friend.

The funeral service isn't for your mother, it's for you. And you don't need it, it won't really help you get over it, or honor her, or any other reason you're thinking that you need one. You just have to learn to live with it, in time.

Yo, you just posted personal info and people found you on facebook and you're STILL going to post your spread asshole?

You must really be fucked up from losing your mom.

Sorry, bud.

You got a point, not gonna do that I guess.


Sorry user..but I can look at your mom and tell she's probably done heroin.
Checked, but looks like she is getting a dose ready if you don't look that close. Sorry for your loss, a friend of mine passed away at 15 from it, so I'd never touch it, But I've Been around it enough.

What about xrays of the tumor? That's close enough for most of us so long as you can see the xray outline of the nipple

sry Sup Forumsro my best friend lost his mother over two years ago and called me when he found out. Ive never felt so helpless in all of my years on this planet. I wish there was more i could do to help but im about to move in the next month and i need all the money i have. Ik its probably pointless to say this but the sun will rise tomorrow and eventually this sadness will pass. Much love Sup Forumsrother

ahhh, right, let me just grab my framed picture of my moms cancer

Look, you're right. It is for me. It's been since august and it fucks me up every day. I ended on bad terms with my mother, I was angry at her for choosing heroin over her family. Then she got sick fast in the hospital and I couldn't make it up there to make things right in time.

The funeral is for me. I don't need it but I want it because I feel like I will have a place to actually grieve for her loss. I hold all my shit inside and don't ever talk about it to anybody.

Yeah, usually I'm not a fucking white knight like that, but I couldn't let a Sup Forumsro do that because he's reeling from the fucking loss.

Don't have any medical records handy.

Condolences Sup Forumsro.
My mother also passed this year, but I made out like a fucking bandit.

It's probably for the best in the long run, but please consider the advice I gave

Nice going fuckchop. Why don't you fuck off back to tumblr? I was going to see some tragic mourning arsehole, but you had to step in, didn't you faggot? Fuck's sake. I was gonna wank over that spread barking-spider as I imagined him crying over his dead mum, but no chance now, is there? Cunt.

Once again, condolences for your loss. Honor her by living the best you can and try to mend bridges with the absent family. This can be a time for healing. We are here for you if you ever need to share.

These pictures are from the early 90's. She's always been skinny as hell. But when she started doing heroin you could see bones she was so skinny she could barely walk.

Pic: Anyone know what artist this is? It's the only thing of value she left me but I have no idea who the artist is - supposedly it was 30 grand when she bought it.

That's what happen when you dont respond to the post

Sorry for your lose btw

You're fucking welcome, faggot. You may have just wanted to jerk off to it, but some other faggot would have done some stupid shit that would ruin our friend.

there is most likely no god, no heaven, nothing after we die. you are sitting on some ash that used to be your mom, you dont need that. Focus on your self, your girlfriend and the people who are important to you now.

I'm sorry, man, I'm struggling a financial hardship right now. I'll check with a few buddies. Good luck, OP.

Buy some Tannerite and put it on a little raft and drift it to the middle of a lake and blow her up effectively scattering her over the lake. Invite some friends they'll be down to blow something up even if it is your mom


Hey that actually sounds pretty cool. I might do that if this doesn't work out.

Another reason I wanted a funeral is to put her ashes next to her father's grave and give her a headstone.

Put on some death grips and snort her ashes : - )

$300 donated I'll do this and stream it.

Hey my man, i'll put in a £1 donation. It's fucking nothing, but i hope it helps.

(I've never funded anything before by the way, so..yeah)

Buy a brick of heroin and mix her ashes into it. Then sell it for profit. She lived by the Horse and Died by the Horse so it only makes sense that she is carried on through the Horse.

scratch that, minimum is $5.

I offer words of condolence instead. Sorry.

It's alright, thank you man.

Look Op - I'm sorry for your loss and I don't wanna be the heavy here but I think you're trying to hang on to something that isn't there with your fam.

What good would a service do? You've got her know and that should mean more to you than anything else. Honor her that way.

It's a tough enough time for you as is.
I hope you can find some peace knowing she's with you now and you've done all you can.


Doesn't go fund me take a portion? Fuck man I'll send you some money seeing as no one on here has a fucking job

I've never used it or donated on it before so I don't really know but they probably do.

If you're gonna do it, do it right. exmilitary is best.

I lost my mom on sept 6 due to heroin and sepsis, I know how you feel :(


Sorry to hear man. It sucks.

Thank you whoever you are!

Did my donation go through?

gave you 30$, hope it will help

Welcome bro ;)

Yes dude, this is already more than I ever expected.
much love brother


I'm like tearing up right now from shock idk why I'm being such a pussy I barely ever cry. Thanks again guys

postive thoughts for you bro


This is going to 404 I think so I just wanted to send a last thanks to both of the guys that donated and everyone else for thinking of me. I will never forget this day.

Sorry for your loss, dude.

if she's already cremated why do you need a funeral? just have a get together with whoever she gave a fuck about

Condolences /bro

sorry for your loss. you should've done this on reddit or something, tho

never been on reddit I guess I could try it

if was a man with coin is give.
Best friend hung himself his mother coudlnt pay for any real funeral ,luckily the orthodox church buried him at the monastery without that closure his mom would've been alto like your situation.

That's rough. I know people don't think much of funerals but I really believe it will help me have closure or grief whatever you want to call it.
Pic unrelated, just me and my girl on halloween this week.