Handegg season begins this weekend

> Handegg season begins this weekend

Ah, guess its time to pretend I'm some big fan of this sport again so that I can fit in.

Excited to see how my /meme/boys will make me laugh this year. Since >Romo is ded, I've got to get myself up to date with this Dak meme.

Football sure is awesome!

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Controlling black part of Murica with apehoop and handegg

Murica is trully special.

We've got a big line, m8

With zeke running behind them he'll be awesome, hopefully dak limits his mistakes and doesn't try to do too much (which romo loves to do)

The defense on the other hand...

do people watch handegg sober?

>pretending to be a fan
>not laughing your ass off at the overly exaggerated indignation of fellow fans
>not enjoying the season long implosion of your team
you don't know how to enjoy football

>It's a Europestan complaining about Football episode

You mean handegg right?

Seeing as how we are b2b world war champs that makes the USA in charge of the world

So our football is football. Yall faggots play that soccer bullshit

American football is more of a background entertainment, if you ask me. A colleague of mine watches that stuff religiously, so he invited us over to watch a game. In the end everyone ended up drinking beer, playing table tennis and hanging out, while the game played in the background. Every few minutes there would be a play, and then everyone went back to hanging out again.

>Be Spain
>Go to the sports page of my favorite Haitian Sugar Cane Image board
>It's based in the USA
>Only sports I know are bullfighting and soccer
>Get triggered when Americans don't use my preferred nouns

i always pretend that I am a patriots fan so i can fit in with my obese friends in nfl threads :)

it's not that far off from actual football then desu

lol no

>doing anything in ww1

>Only sports I know are bullfighting and soccer
lolno. The only sports I know are olive pit spitting and baby jumping

NFL is impossible to watch seriously due to the number of ads. I love the sport but Jewdell has literally brought this league to the brink of unwatchability.

>it's an Sup Forums thread masquerading as a Sup Forums thread

oh boy

The US tipped the balance in favor of the Entente by giving Britain and France an absurd amount of money. Without it, the stalemate would have continued and the Germans might have even won.

Even British sources from the immediate postwar period credit the USA with winning the war with the Entente.

"The Times History of the War", 1920


>"The entry of the United States saved the day."

Agreed. And the new rules and refs have also made it not fun anymore. I only watch college football these days, which only seems to be getting better.

*winning the war for the Entente

Although again, the real heroes were bankers in NYC, not American soldiers.

Depends on the game desu. Although the beer part is always true.

>I love the sport but Jewdell has literally brought this league to the brink of unwatchability.

It predates Jewdell. The NFL has had "TV timeouts" (not joking, look it up) since the 1970s, where the league, not the teams, stop the game in order to show commercials at least twice every half. It's ridiculous.

nfl is fun desu. i enjoy watching the games re-live and skip the commercials

Shit is ok. I like Baseball way more and Basketball is better too.


Baseball is only fun to watch if you are actually there. Besides why is it even on this board? It's America's favorite past time, not favorite sport.

TBQH, no one really cares. It might be better if you just off yourself and spare other humans with your future interactions.