Qatar World cup thoughts?


pigu disgusting~

Looks like a turd, like this "country"

people will throw shitfits about things they don't understand fully or really care about just to satisfy their recreational outrage quota for the day.

in the end, the qatar world cup will happen, will be a success and everyone will move on to complain about the inevitable asian world cup that will be up next.


Air conditioned stadiums.

>It is an offence to drink alcohol or be drunk in public. Alcohol is available at licensed hotel restaurants and bars, and expatriates living in Qatar can obtain alcohol on a permit system. Don’t carry alcohol around with you (except to take it on the day of collection from the warehouse to your home).

>You should dress modestly when in public, including while driving. Women should cover their shoulders and avoid wearing short skirts. Any intimacy in public between men and women (including between teenagers) can lead to arrest.

>Homosexual behaviour is illegal in Qatar.

It's gonna be a disaster.

Such a shit place to have it. A desert with one city population by pooinloos. No beer, no tits, scorching heat making game speed slow as fuck and to top it all off they can't even fit it in the football calendar so it fucks up two full seasons.

So yeah looking pretty positive.

What are they going to do when there's several hundred football fans gathered getting wasted in public? On the spot public whippings?

>Germany pay for their world cup

>Qatar pay for their world cup

FIFA should not be hosting tournaments in countries that can't meet basic levels of human rights.

Secondly, they shouldn't be hosting tournaments in countries without football traditions or infrastructure.

Where are fans going to get the alcohol from?

The best travelling fans can hope for is fan zones where maybe normal Islamic rule doesn't apply.

So do you think it's good to have it mid season?

There's still the chance to be canceled and awarded to Worst Korea. Let's us all pray for that


Not a single slave died when we built our stadiums.

No one likes corruption. But if bribes are the only way to secure a tournament then we'd all prefer that first-world footballing countries continue to pay under the table to avoid the World Cup going to shit holes like Qatar.

>Homosexual behavior is illegal in Qatar

Atleast one thing good

Really? Its 2022 ffs

good job, fifa.

Pretty impressive from South Africa

Genuine slaves.


eastern europe is really afraid of dick, ignore them


Sand in the pants

Germany is capable of hosting a fun WC so nobody cares.

When a country that doesnt allow drinking or short skirts bribes their way to a WC, more people will be angry.

>You should dress modestly when in public, including while driving. Women should cover their shoulders and avoid wearing short skirts.

>yfw no WC cuties thread for 8 years between 2018 and 2026

The problem won't be getting alcohol but moving aroung qatar drunk and in a group of football fans. Imagine if the fan clashes that happened in france this summer happen in the streets of qatar under sharia law and 45 degrees

2022 and its fair for guy to suck a dick? Are u fucking ape?

Thirdly, the shouldn't host the World Cup in fucking December.

>the current year +6
>being this closeted

I didn't even mind the Qatar WC until it was announced it would take place in fucking WINTER!

Fuck FIFA, srsly

>this mad because England was out-bribed by Russia for the 2018 World Cup

should have stepped up your bribe game

this pls

they cant
there will be lots of dead of body because of temperature

Can't wait to see fans completely ignore the whole no drinking/PDA/modesty bullshit and bootyblast the smelly mudslimes.

Plus if the slippery slope is real, there will be at least one gay on a team by then, so that should be a solid shitshow.

>KSA and with it Qatar, UAE and Bahrain will either fight a war with Iran or collapse in a civil war within the next years
>FIFA won't change the WC
>WC 2022 will be played in a literal warzone in some kind of UN controlled zone established for the games

very few fans will attend, it will be in winter, when most countries are still working except for a week in christmas they'll spend with their families, and qatar is too far, too expensive and too shit

it will be like their local league games: empty stadiums with teams playing for a few shieks in the stands

>ever working

Mate, unlike us most civilised countries don't take the whole of the fucking summer off, so it doesn't make much difference for them, they just take an extra week's holiday in December instead of July/August.

>the whole of the fucking summer off
what are you talking about? People in spain have 4 weeks vacation per year and the typical days off (christmas, new year, workers day, easter, etc)

How hard is it to keep your working slaves alive?

it's quite economical to make sure lots of your workers die

that way you don't have to pay them

Perfect location for this gay sport

Jesus, don't be so literal Paco. I mean here in the south people generally take 2 weeks off in summer and many businesses/stores shut for a whole month. In other countries people are quite happy to work through summer and take time off during other parts of the year.

that depends completely on where you work, my gf is a doctor and she can't take more than a week at a time, I own my shit company so I always have to be 'working' (like now lel) and checking everything is being done properly

I don't think there's much difference between countries tbqh, and while many juggle with their some vacation days along the year, summer still concentrates the majority of vacation time for most population

My father took the entire month of August off (he had a shitton of overtime hours tho)

The average German usually takes off 2 weeks in summer (and spends them in Spain or other Southern European countries, but mostly Spain)

Pretty hard and annoying. You have to do all sort of shit like feeding them or giving them water.

>not making pruno with grape juice and all purpose yeast
>not being a determined, knowledgeable, full fucking fledged aloholic