anyone who disagrees is trolling

Other urls found in this thread:


kill urself u faggot

Video games are for man children and regular children. Anyone who disagrees needs to grow up.


You fucking suck dude.

there is so much wrong here wtf

thats sexual discrimination

playing varus (let alone ap varus) in bronze kys you belong there

100 cs 29 min game wat

i honestly cannot comprehend how someone could be stuck in bronze 5 for almost 600 matches

> cs
> build
You are where you deserve to be

>negative win loss in the easiest dota clone on the market

now I know you're trolling

comprehend my being stuck there for 5 fucking years

damn this thread makes me wanna level an acc to 30 just to int and play from b5

There is a kid playing by blowing air into straws to push Buttons because he is disabled and Even he is like silver 3 or so think about it

fag game

>shows only one example

on top of that, iv gotten 2 accounts to diamond every season.

It doesnt exists, youre just looking for a cop out of why youre terrible.

This guy has been posting these threads for months, if not years.
I honestly think he's a troll. Half of his builds are retarded, and the rest of the time he usually has shit cs or probably did something dumb to throw.

If you're actually good at the game, climbing out of Bronze V is pretty easy.

In Silver 4-Gold 3 however, you can get caught in a lot of impossible games, since you'll meet far more people who are actually high-platinum to diamond level who are climbing or people who are dedicated to 1-2 champions that they stomp with.


With 113 cs in 27 minutes zaphkiel belongs in bronze.

No it isnt. My friend couldnt get out of bronze 2/1 for the life of him and he would ALWAYS blame it on team mates, even though i know he blows at the game.

I logged onto his account for not even a day, and got him to silver 1 with 100% win rate from bronze 2. It doesnt exists you suck.

I've wanted to try playing in bronze V for years, but I've never had the patience to leave/throw so many games. I bet it would be a lot of fun there as a pretty good player.

>falling for b8 thats this obvious

Dude you had 4 kill participation as ADC. That tells me that during every engage you were not present.

Did you just assume my age my sweet summer child?

I just checked the other servers, there is no server with a bronze 5 zaphkiel. So he's been shopping the pictures the whole time.

it looks like youre right.

>Says ELO hell is real
>Every screenshot shows his team has less tanks
>Doesn't realize tanks win games
>Continues to play shitty champs
>Will start winning games

that one's him

New to greentexting huh?

thats because you are DIAMOND dumbfuck

im not diamond, im not fucking bronze either though

>113cs@30 minutes

You deserve it

try getting a fresh account, recruiting 4 other b5's, and do your promos with them to bring down the mmr average, then throw those games

stop playing garbage tier champs , nerfplz.com

teemo doesnt win games, pick a champ who can carry and push fast. learn it learn it well. there you go you just got to silver 5

This post if mine as well
I also q on another friends account when im drunk and i got him to gold from silver.

been there done that its worth it

ELO hell isnt real because i can go 3/7 in my placements ever year and get placed in gold every time

Dude might not know how to green text but the nigga's got a valid point. The guu keeps picking shit tier champs, has awful builds and his team comps lack tanks that can peel or engage to win team fights. We all know that low tier games are just slugfests of shitty ass team fights where tanks are king lol. They aren't gonna do rotations, tower defense, objective/vision control...It's straight up ARAM status.


You're just trash sorry

If you are better than the elo bracket you are fighting with & against, your elo will rise.
If you are worse than the elo bracket you are fighting with & against, your elo will go down.

You are, on average, not good enough for your elo to increase.
The system works as intended.

>hurrr durrr if i was placed into diamond i would be a diamond player

You know placements dont work like that right?

He had to of been placed low at some point and worked his way to diamond to get an elo like that.

I think a tank is kind of difficult for a scrub as op. Bruisers with 2 damage items + 3 tank items + boots would be more suitable. We'd still 1v1 their adc and initiate teamfights

Then why do pros do bronze to diamond/masters runs all the time and succeed?

Bronze talk? Bronze talk


Just uninstall fam.

If youre bronze 5, but you clearly think that youre the special snowflake, then its you and 4 retards vs 5 retards

mathematically speaking, you WILL go up in elo.

But youre actually not a special snowflake, you just suck just like all the other retards in your game.

its 5 retards vs 5 retards, none of you are special until you improve.

Just play Brand. Any lane works for him, the only thing he can't do is adc... Or can he?

talking about skill disparity you fucking moron
if i was diamond SKILL i could carry four shitters

but im not one of the shitters, and i have years of data to prove it

Tank or bruiser, either is better than the shit tier AP Varus and Teemo picks.

As an immobile mage, I'm afraid to see what will happen to him with the assassin rework.

Tried but my mmr from normal games was high enough for me to be placed in Silver 4 af losing all but 1 of my promo games. Tried throwing to drop down further but got bored.


To the contrary, you have years of data that prove you are a shitter.

>proving skill
>100 cs min 30
do you understand that this is beyond terrible and your 5/1 in no way equalizes your shitty farm

I don't understand. I played 10 matches and I'm in gold 3.
I don't even need to play ranked anymore. Lol at elo hell.


That only works if they can't dodge the Q. Now, in this specific case, most bronzies probably suck too much to dodge (although some assassins have braindead abilities like Kat's E and Talon's soon-to-be-changed E).
In higher level play though, people are better at dodging. I think the assassin meta is going to return. So if you have no mobility, assassins will probably fuck you up.

20-30 minions roughly translates into a champion kill gold wise. Going 30 minutes into a game and having ~100 CS is god fucking awful like user mentioned.

You need to sit your ass down in some bot games and learn how to last hit cause that's clearly one of your problems. Once you figure that out, your shitty builds and champ selection is next

>playing league in 2016
lmaoing@ur lyfe u manchild

my screenshots PROVE that my team feeds

and that I dont

if nothing else it PROVES that im not one of them, and guess what? I have a youtube channel with 100+ videos of proof too mfer

What do you do then? Pay 21412521$ for every new game that comes out and turns out it's shit and you don't even get to play 1h of it?
Fucl off normie

Get off your ego train and play champions with CCs.
Thank me later

This was My buddy and I smurfing in high Gold. Topkek.

I was Draven he was graves... and yes we won.

mfw you have a master account and 2 diamond accounts that you can easily give away to this poor elo-less sap

youtube.com/watch?v=j1L1gNUPbTw black people sure are stupid right goys.

its all in preparation of the last team fight, and how that fight plays out. I can almost always single handedly carry that last fight and win the game right up until about gold elo, then i am more team reliant. elo hell only exists if you are not considerably better than the elo you're in.

If you're that frustrated, make another account and level it to 30 (take XP boosts with your RP and spam CoopvsAi Intermediate), then go ranked. If you end up back in bronze you probably deserve it, if not you'll be in slightly not as bad elo hell

this just happened

not my fault

ran around the map trying to change everyones fucking diaper and all these fucking babies do is scream at eachother and shit the fucking bed


No it does not, looking at your build you are right where you belong you fucking scrub

Maybe you just suck. No. Seriously. Having 130 CS at 27 mins and 240 CS at 40 mins. You gotta be retarded or some shit. Do you just not get how the objectives and gold work? Here's a tip. When some dumbass starts a team fight or gets caught, leave his ass and take a damn tower. This game is 1v9 carry most of the time. If you can't solo carry a game, you're never going to climb solo. Elo Hell isn't real. Identify where you're sucking massive dick in your own play, it's literally all you can control.


Listen kid, you want a tip from a "high elo" player?

Stop fucking playing terrible champions that can't 1v5. Play ADC and play them right, none of this ap varus dumbass nigger shit with a runaans.

Play a fucking broken ass champion like Caitlyn or play some fucking 1v5 champ like Yasuo and stop your crying.
fucking shitters man Jesus

I climbed solo Bronze 5 to Silver in 2 days, there's no real excuse.

P.S I fucking suck at this game and I'm not afraid to admit, but I can still carry

Please don't encourage people to play yasuo in low elo, I have enough cancer in my life.

You play Teemo and ap Varus. I am only silver 4 but I am saying you should change your habits.

lmaoff "kid"

you just described elo hell, you just made my point for me, good job


Vladimir also fucking sucks
I'm telling you, just play a champ with cc u moron

Quads of enlightment and truth

Haha, for what?
He'd probably get buttblasted in every single game.

Playing against bronzies is not fun at all.

you deserve to be bronze , learn to cs and learn to play god tier champs nerfplz.com/2016/08/2016-best-champions-tier-list-ranked.html


You are exactly where you should be. And considering your playstyle you will never leave. Why? Because you can't see the game past laning. Most of those games you have 0 assists. Champion mechanics don't get you past bronze. Knowledge of the game and organizing your team, setting up vision, lane control, denying your opponent creeps, pinging and such is what does. And then you will reach a certain point where people begin to understand shit like that on their own.

TL;DR git gud! The game is not about 1v1-ing your lane.

>113 cs
>27 minutes
>Ap Varus support
>Basically 40 CS per 10 minutes. Garbage


When I unlocked Jayce, I just raped the top lane every single game and took tower by 6-8 minutes, that's how I got out of bronze after being there for 3 months.

ayyy. Sona support main here.

>27 min game
>You took part in 4 of your teams 24 kills
>That build
>sub 50% w/l
>Bronze 5
You deserve to be there.

Fuck you and fuck sona, sack of shit nuker type damage

Stuck in bronze 5 in NA LUL.
EUW alpha bronze is a real challenge.

Your tears are the reason I play. Lich Bane baby

It's like you're reading what people are posting. But not understanding. It's why you're bronze. Not anyone else. You. You suck at the game because you don't know how to get anything. Seriously. Just educate yourself and stop expecting your team to carry your dumb ass.

Sona is worse than MD

If there are people who can consistently get to the top every season solo, the problem is you
The best of the best can carry harder than the rest

Must be grill...

He has bronze horseblinders on.

Op you've already tanked Your MMR give up. There's no saving you now

Get thread instead of this OP cancer?