Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums
Humor me
It's friday, what are your plans this evening?
>pic related
It's date night and gonna go try to see doctor strange

Its not even 6am you nigger

Pic unrelated...
What are up with these ads?
I'm at an Asian kolache place and this pops up


Sup Forums trying to stay afloat

Well then
That's what I get for being used to adblock and then posting on mobile

Yea sure

Not all Sup Forums tars are fat loners

Last time when I was in a cinema with chick was on "inferno".After all she said that next time we should go on something easier.She is 8/10 but dumb AF

I work start work at 7pm. I imagine I'll be sleeping at some point before that.

A girl like that is called "hot like the sun": super hot, super dense.

Bingewatching Naruto Shippuden with a bottle of rum

This evening I shall be staying in my house alone. I have weed, a bottle of Jim Beam, a meat feast pizza and some munchies.

I'm probably going out buying Skyrim today so I;ll be playing that methinks.

Date night with myself.

This nigger right here

not a bad night honestly

JOJO for me

> go to work
> go home
> browse Sup Forums til i pass out

what else is there in life?

I know right?

Me too, OP
Date night with my right hand

If it wasn't for the meat pizza, i'd honestly be spooked; that's almost literally what he's gonna be doing today

even with a gf, i still have 'date' nights with Jill

I have a few thousand hours in Path of Exile.

Been playing since closed beta.

Going camping with the gf and friends. Good weekend incoming.

camping is always pretty sick

Not joking btw. This game is fucking addictive but in a good way.

not everyone is in the western hemisphere you brazilian fag nut.

I'm thinking about drinking some whiskey and if I feel adventurous hit the laundromat, I'm out of clean socks.

freinds stag party this eve, leaving the wife and kid at home for this.

Tfw you use clover

Im going on vecation with my asian gf


I will probably watch netflix with my dog, and peek out the edge of the curtain each time that I hear something outside.

I'm going to shove aload of amphetamine powder up my fucking nostril op :)