If you do this, FUCK YOU.
If you do this, FUCK YOU
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I personally throw my shit away, but I couldn't care less if people do that.
Where the fuck are you meant to put it, when you're blocked in by thousands of people around you and there's no bin next to your seat?
This desu. Whenever the stadium is kinda empty, I kindly go and put it on a bin.
Now go and do that with 52k seated.
I put mine below my feet and then throw it away when I leave at the end of the game.
just hold onto it and take it to a bin at half-time or full time
>He can't go 2 hours without stuffing his fat face with shitty overpriced food.
This was the shit I hated when I worked at a movie theater.
How does stuffing food in or under the seat make it easier for someone to clean it?
Also, there is a trashcan in every theater. All I learned from working there was how lazy people can be.
This. Throw it out at the end of the game, during halftime, or when you go to take a piss. Don't fucking leave it on the ground like a savage.
>he is poor
I go fine dining before or after the game. Eating at the match is for mugs
If you're gonna charge a fuckton for food this is what you get. Your Jew owner gets plenty of money to pay cleaners
could* care less
no wonder you shoot these places up all the time.
The actual theaters themselves from the larger chains don't get much money.
That pic was most likely a cleaner bitching about how dirty it was
Clean it up that's what you get paid for
Nothing is worse than waitresses posting receipts on facebook complaining about bad tippers.
I am convinced all of them are fabricated where they write some bullshit down to get sympathy.
rightfully so, I would rather clean a monkey cage.
>apply and accept a job where you clean shit up off the ground
>complain about your job
You take a bag with you. Do brits leave dog's poo poo on the streets as well?
>"Pay us $12 for this small hot dog"
>"Also if you could throw away your trash that'd be great"
If you don't like the job, quit. No one is holding a gun to their head telling them to clean movie theaters. If you don't think you can get a different job, quit bitching and just do it
The most jew thing is at my MLB team's stadium they charge fucking $5 for a water.
Thanks Obama
Its like that at every stadium.
>no posts about shitting in bags and throwing it at the "wageslaves"
Sup Forums can't into Sup Forums memes
What a bunch of absolute cock suckers. It is one thing to over charge for beer and shit, but fucking water is a joke.
>tickets are overpriced, take that bitches
>i pay for the event, so i can leave good manners at home
There are water fountains. You are paying for the convenience.
Worst thing when I went to a NFL game was having to tip the security guards who let you in.
Last time I drank from one of those I got the worst sore throat.
I always pick up my trash cause I'm not a dindu
>having to tip the security guards who let you in
Saying he could care less would apply he actually cares, retard.
Just grab it when you leave ahmed
>falling for bait
i imagine it to become true one day for you Ameritips
Its pretty common in the states. The same way waiters spit in your food if you don't make it clear you're going to tip after the meal, the security guards will make it hellish for you to get in, will probably take you for "random security screening" and you'll miss the first quarter, a steward might knock your beer/food etc. Pretty messed up.
Yes, people here have no respect for the street or environment, it drives me mad tbqh, the closest field near me has all kind of shit dumped in it, plastic bottles, broken toys like scooters and bicycles, beer cans, laughing gas canisters, tyres etc. You will even see dog shit left that's literally right next to the dog waste bin.
Talking out of your ass tb.h
You can try and ignore the reality and damage control or you can face it and try to end the culture. Up to you Ameritip
Ignore what? Literally never tipped security or stewards in my life.
Stop lying m8
Lie about what?
I know a guy, he only tipped $2, they gave him a cavity search.
Why would your friend tip security? lol
They probably thought he was trying to bribe them so he could sneak something in
Tipping security isn't a thing
>amerisaultrifles are so fat and lazy that they are unable to dispose of their own food waste by themselves and rely on minimum-wage immigrant workers to do it for them
holy keks
>owners jack prices up 3x over market value
>pay jannies the bare minimum to clean it up
>without the trash there would be no job for them
it is literally a charity to leave trash on the ground at venues, everyone wins.
this tßh
>going to games
i do this in the stadium and the cinema. fuck you i do what i want.
>Go to real football game
>stand in line that takes 2 1/2 hours to finally get to baggage check
>have to tip the guards so they don't rip my bag in two when checking for outside food, drinks, or cameras
>they don't even let me take my falcon into their ice cold showers
>just barely make it to my seat before the gates into the viewing area closes
>tip the armed gaurds checking my ticket
>tip them the second time they come through
>my team loses 69-0
>get fined for leaving a few popcorn kernals below my seat
>can't pay the fine becuase I spent the last of my money tipping a man with a cooler yelling directly into my face trying to sell me beer flavored water to get him to go away
>sentenced to five years hard labor scrubbing each and every seat in the stadium every day
>minimum wage
I wish, those faggots are all unionized.
the trash is good for the economy as it crates jobs.
Tbf I always throw my shit in the bin, but if people weren't doing this there would be no need for cleaners so I suppose it's good in a way.
>pay $200 for good seats
>expects me to care about throwing my trash away
>mfw I threw a full soda at the screen when the feature presentation slide was shown and got banned from the Carmike Cinema.
At least i heard Jurassic World wasn't worth seeing in the first place
That's job security for a lot of people. I don't wash the dishes when I go to a restaurant. Do you want the cleaning staff at your stadium to get fired?
How Arabs treat Woman
Vote Trump or we'll be so overrun with the 3rd World that a Republican will never win another election.
>that guy down the aisle from you who eats peanuts or sunflower seeds the entire game
>you have to walk through his massive pile of shells when you leave
Is it too hard to put the shells in an empty bag?
>He doesnt throw his rubbish up in the air during a mexican wave
i used to work in a stadium and the people who come in to clean it overnight are temporary labor workers straight out of the ghetto so fuck them.
most of it gets blown down to the bottom seats with leafblowers and picked up by the niggers there anyway.
this fucking damage control. next you'll be saying that police brutality towards minorities isn't a real thing, and that people in the states actually have freedom of speech.
she is not complaining about her job you sharter, she probably had had to clear worse. She is complaining about your animal insticts to throw your food at the ground and not even bother to be clean.
jesus christ imagine the fucking smell of all those people
No fuck you, me leaving a mess at the stadium creates jobs. I don't give a fuck if some billionaire has to hire more people.
The are also drinking fountains every 60 feet you lazy shit.
Or just ask the concessions people to fill up a small cup of water. They have to do it.
>Drinking out of fountains
LMAO bet you drink from the tap
>beer flavored water
If you really think bottled water is in any way different from the tap you deserved to be jewed out of money everytime you're thirsty.
>Stadium does not have bins at the bottom of the stairs to the main stand
>Not even sure it has them next to the entrance and the pie stall
>Does have bins at all other stands
They have my seat number and they know I'm season ticket holder so if they want they could just send me an email to stop littering but not having bins at the bottom of the steps is pretty stupid.
>not spending the extra $500+tip to upgrade your ticket to VIP falcon pass experience with complimentary anvil and crab legs
Nice stadium is that for a middle school team?
>sell sunflower seeds
>give to place to spit seeds but into row
Fully professional league 2 team.
We are doing well if we get more than 1,700 in attendance.