Entire Seahawks squad has a "big surprise" planned for the national anthem

>entire Seahawks squad has a "big surprise" planned for the national anthem

What do they mean by this?


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I doubt Russell Wilson does that. He's as cornball as a brotha can be.

they probably wont show up for the anthem like they do all game long

what, are they going to start peeling bananas on the flag?

>Seattle Seacucks

maximum kek, hope they get btfo again

Fuck the Shitcocks and their lame fan base.

Funny how they claim to support free speech, but if a white person says "colored people" instead of "people of color" they'd be up in arms.

> a "big surprise" planned for the national anthem


The day of reckoning is upon us.

Evidence of what really happened that fateful day.

>the commiebloc of Seattle

>xecucks doing some faggy """""""progressive""""""" bullshit

#wow #whoa

hope it's a good big surprise and not a bad big surprise..

Why is handegg such a joke? Pretty much every article about it is about politics, gossip or some shit that has nothing to do with the actual game. And during the game, it's pretty much just entirely adverts. You can hardly call it a sport, it's more like a reality TV series.

Prayer mats and muslim pray time towards Mekkah, then black power fist and dab.

Why is soccer such a joke? If I want to see someone sell a fake injury, I'll watch pro wrestling.

don't forget most watch the final for the intermission show keks


I can't wait for A&M to decline renewing their 12th man license and all the shithawk fans bawl their eyes out.

if i were a coach id bench any player foolish enough to do this shit. they have 165 other hours they can protest and talk about social issues. for 3 hours a week theyre paid to show up and play football. all these distractions and half hearted protests are a disgrace

Carroll's entire schtick is letting his players do whatever they want.

Wtf I love the Seahawks now

Holy shit they plan on doing this on fucking 9/11 of all days? Americans are going to be so fucking pissed. I can't wait to see the backlash on this dumb stunt.

You've probably seen that shit firsthand.

>No you're stupid! XD
You sure showed him Kyler

I hope they do, then they'll become hated.

What lefties forget is they're not the fanbase of football, this is going to be great.

i said if i were the coach. and it sounds like it might be a positive thing not a protest based on baldwins twitter. hope so

The Super Bowl is finna be LIT this year

I feel bad for the white guys on the team, they were probably bullied into doing it

Those notes in pencil are in Finnish so that's from a schoolbook in Finland.

>Implying Vikings weren't the niggers of their day

>white guys

you mean like the kicker?

No way based Goodell lets this happen.

I hope the Seattle Seahawks sieg heil the flag.

its gonna honour america. its not a protest

>No ones knows exactly what they're going to do
>T-they bully the white guys!!!

People take 9/11 very serious for some reason and something like this will backfire hilariously

>based Goodell
what did he mean by this?

so they learn the muslim prayer in swedish and finnish?

they will form a circle and jerk off on the flag


how could honoring the flag and country on a day of remembrance backfire?

I bet they stand together, completely motionless. Like soldiers.

It's going to be a sarcastic protest.

This is what Americans do already.

It's almost like they want to make black people look bad. It's that dumb.

>being mad that people you don't know aren't engaging in the Mandatory Flag Humping ceremony


>seattle in charge of not being cucked


It already happened. Now it's 12th fan instead of 12th man. The Seattle owner was too cheap to keep paying TAM royalties.

>that guy's haircut though


Get back to being Canadian, milkbag.
Wannabe's are cringe.

never seen the seahawks do that tBh

uh, no they don't.
Also: the lion on your flag is supposed to be purple, isn't it? fix that

they are going to play the us 12s anthem because us 12s are the only nation that matter

its not mandatory what are you talking about you autist?

but the fact you think it "looks bad" is the actual problem.

>implying it wasn't changed because "man" isn't as inclusive as "fan"

It's Xheattle we're talking about here

>land of the free
>have to celebrate nationalism wankery or you will be villanized

>niggeriest team in the NFL

gee I wonder.

Roger Goodell is a jew.


If the NFL had a commissioner with any balls, Kaepernick would have been out of the league a week and a half ago

Football >>> American commercials Ft. "sports"

>have to celebrate nationalism wankery or you will be villanized

What are you talking about? Kaepernick has been turned into some kind of hero for taking a stand and not standing. And this is really more of a football thing than anything else, conservative southerners make up a huge part of the NFL's fanbase.

Also, it's "vilified", not "villanized".

Colombia>Colombia with some stars on the flag>Colombia with a bird on the flag


funny to watch Ecuador insult others when their only claim to fame is guinea pig recipes

but the pic on the left is from 2 days ago, Achmed

>unironically defending living in huts
wew lad

>im 12 and i cringe at everything

Everyone is protesting something these days.

They'll proceed to BLACK the wives of soldiers and policemen on the field during the anthem.

So bad your team would rather be in Oklahoma

"Oh no!"

Anyone else think doing the national anthem for every single game is kinda pointless anyway? Look around the stadium. Most people just stand since they "have to"

I think Kaepernick is a faggot but I think they should just do it to open the season and then for international competition.

based hawks

>Kap on 49ers
I doubt the Xecucks would side with a 49er

this was a good post i'm sorry no one replied to it

Well and obviously on holidays and days of rememberance, like 9/11

I'm pretty sure he said he didn't agree with Kaep's view. Why can't all black people be like Russell Wilson?

There's only 12 Seahawk fans now? I thought they were coming out of nowhere when they won the owl. Where did they all go?

>Still serious about 9/11

Everyone knows it's an inside job and all the people died unfortunately were just collateral.

take your psuedo edge back to Sup Forums

If a man who is confined to a wheelchair can not stand during the anthem at a game, do we go after that guy too?

When they got their sex changes, they also changed their favorite team.

yes. cripples should be euthenized

I still want to kill all sandniggers, does that make me weird?

OP asked what the seahawks are planning, not shit you've seen at home




>they have the whitest nu male hipster fanbase in the NFL
>they are gonna protest

You can't make this shit up.

its not a protest


>Big suprise

I fell for the clickbait title senpai. Forgive me.

Niggers are so fucking ego-tistical.

All this does is make more people racist and see what the niggers truly are.

>He doesn't hate niggers

>for some reason

they are gonna chimp out. fucking niggers.


Will all probably sit/kneel for the anthem with some stupid shirt on.

Meanwhile while they are doing that and getting a bunch of attention in Chiraq about 10 black people will be killed by other black people in gang violence that will go unsolved.

But its still all whitey and the cops fault they are "oppressed"

Because it does look bad you fucking idiot. They're doing nothing of substance, at best they're just virtue signalling and at worst they're disrespecting a whole country of people. And besides that, I fucking hate politics in sports.

>The city of Seattle

>Us 12's

>>Settlements made last year should be held to the same standard as buildings built many hundreds of years ago


I like to imagine the gun is for the son and not himself. His resignation takes on different meaning that way.

>Watching commercials
>Singing the anthem in every non-international game for some reason
>Some random airplanes fly over the stadium before the games and everybody go crazy