Do you think he even still actually likes weed or is it just a marketable persona with a dumb...

Do you think he even still actually likes weed or is it just a marketable persona with a dumb, undemanding and easily pleased fanbase?

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is he still relevant?

Both probably. Just like Snoop Dogg.

I doubt Snoop Dogg smokes much if at all anymore. I reckon it's purely image for him. I suspect Rogen is the same.


I was just about to type this.


*hits bong*


Oh somebody already did it :(

I thought he'd try and do more drama roles after Steve Jobs but it doesn't seem like he's interested.

he was in a super bowl commercial

He was just caught smoking a blunt backstage at e3 while playing Battlefield 1.

Neighbours 2 just came out and he has the crappy animated film in the works.


actors are actors. its all scripted, its all fake
"weed" is a dangerous narcotic that can lead to several general health and mental problems
please do not partake in such behavior.

It's not like you outgrow pot. I had a 50 year old coworker that was the biggest proponent of weed.

>Smoking weed past the age of 19

People actually do this?

So no?

I don't think about him at all.

I outgrew it. I wish I never smoked so heavily during my formative years. Destroyed my potential.

american confirmed:

arse purveyance predilection [x]



Smoking weed is for degenerates


He's getting regular work as the big star from major studios. The difference is that he's not the new guy anymore but an established part of the current landscape. Knocked Up came out nearly a decade ago.

Do you seriously believe that?

Acting up for the cameras

explain please

Yes. It's undebatable. The story is too long and I don't feel like going into it.

Almost as bad as Doug Benson

>Blaming your failures and wasted potential on weed

You're just as bad as people who think weeds makes them smarter and more creative. Own up to your shit and stop blaming everything but yourself.


>Got "caught" during one of the most heavily scripted and commercial event of the year for a billion dollar industry that already featured many other well known celebrities

Sounds like getting caught was part of his plan.

You're basing that on what?

No user, you had no potential. Weed is just a convenient excuse for why you're such a fuck-up.

It was directly responsible.

The fact that weed does nothing permanent to your psyche?

Nope. Came with a change of friends, attitude, everything.

Can trace the genesis of where my life took a u-turn back to starting smoking. Life would have had a very different trajectory if I just said "no."

Plenty of studies which suggest otherwise when started during formative years.

I also have my own anecdotal evidence.

You sound like a weak person. It's not fucking heroin. The fact weed could alter your life speaks more to your character than the effects of weed.

Maybe I am. Weed made me weaker. Probably shouldn't have started it when I was so young. Might have developed into a stronger person.

I have nothing against weed, smoked some in my teens, but weed "culture" is annoying

why do they act like it's novel or risque or an unique identifier? Even tattoo people are less boring nowadays

i dont think weed was the cause of your problems

but i cant understand why smokers cant admit this
>Came with a change of friends, attitude
they get all paranoid about non-smokers, just want to hang out with fellow weed folks, rarely can have fun without it etc

Is cannabis the most overrated recreational drug?

Then with those same friends you move on to worse drugs and then when you decide to quit drugs you realise you have absolutely nothing in common with your friends, your old ones are long gone and have moved on and you end up all alone.


Definte overrated

I hope it becomes legal just so its not considered cool anymore, I'm glad vaping was lame on arrival

I know some would compare to alcohol, but I can still easily hang with drunk friends while I'm sober and vice versa.

If I was a father I'd probably be really pissed off with things like Rogen on the media but for the moment it just seems fake and a lifeless imitation of 60s-70s lmao weed shit.

i don't know, i hope it stays illegal so idiots can still feel risque. I wouldn't want it to be the old fogy's drug while kids go for coke etc

That's already happening. They're moving on the heroin in my area.

Most of my friends smoke weed in our mid 20s. Frankly most of them you wouldn't even notice.

I know some people who mong out smoking a bowl every waking hour and our probably literally retarded now but the odd blunt is great.

I hate Seth Rogen tho and never watch those movies. Had to watch Bad Neighbours last night and it was shit some top laughs tho admittedly.

do people over 12 drink beer? hahaha beer is for teenagers!
vodka is for 15 years old.
heroin is for mature 16year olds.

Straight edge is the only thing make a people a ''grown up''


who DOESNT like weed senpai?

you are a bullshitting retard. and i am the living example of it. smoking for 11 years now and it didnt held me back. every excuse is a good one for a junkie.

>worse drug
>i am a loser at life because of weed