Post >yfw the NFL regular season officially starts tonight

post >yfw the NFL regular season officially starts tonight

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Get on with it.

>Watching BLM play a childs game while shitting on your country

Literal cucks.



I know some of you guys are thinking about posting it. Don't.


why exactly did she take a picture of her own asshole?

To attract a mate, of course.

it kinda looks like a face



>thinly sliced roast beef thread

fuck, i mean "veiled"




>thinly sliced



All right, Chaps! Which one of you tallywhacking buggers is ready for the Galloping Honkydonks versus the Angry Black Kittens?



if youre not gonna post it here, give me a link so I can see it at least



lmao those are thick cuts m8

poor fag without cable, how can i watch game at home? have internet access and xbox one


don't even think about posting it

this is a blue board

Going to google images and searching "Hope Solo nudes" you'll see them all.

who do I root for?
team which is less cucked and has less coloured people

>mfw mah nigga julio bout to eat some poor rookie CBs breakfast, lunch, and dinner on sunday

Last year, the Eagles had the most whites. I'm not sure who it is this year.

>I will fight every nigger in here

I hate CTE ball, it's ads on tv, and the demographics that partake in it.



Pretty delicious.


>it kinda looks like a face


porn stars have less blown out pussies than her


>tfw early cardio at 5am

I miss my DVR

Dreading this season already

find a stream on reddit




>the game will be broadcasted in my country's sport channell

too bad it isn't in hd but at least it's something and not pre-recorded

Anyone from here knows if sport tv will broadcast all of the season?

Been waiting all year for Sunday night on Thursday night

>Forgetting my face
This must be what a bronze medal feels like

Is that Daigo?

>She will never watch a Seahawks game with you while cuddling.

>Another season of concussions, torn ACLs, and other stupid shit from this so-called sport

Real football replaces Handegg in this pathetic country when?

i found the subreddit, not sure if it's the one you're referring to


football is boring as fuck right now
it's getting worse and worse, it's all about random arab petrodollar guys and the players managers or whatever they're called jewing everyone out

Well I'm sorry if I don't like America's top pathetic sport that will never be in the Olympics.

Never. You do realize has three better sports, not even counting Handegg.

>tfw still 3 weeks until hockey



leave football to the yuros, basedball is the true American sport

Gonna be a good game lads.


Go Horse!

Win the Superb Owl for Leslie Knope and the residents of Pawnee, Ind.!

>tfw like handegg and divergrass equally

mfw browns drinking season begins Sunday

do NOT want!

this desu senpaitachi

>mlp image

well no shit you dont like football, youre a bronie. go back to your containment board son, you dont want no part of this

Here we go again.

It's now just sinking in that Ortiz's days in a Sox jersey are creeping closer & closer.

He's so fucking clutch & a great leader in the clubhouse. I may shed a few tears when it happens, desu.

should be the other way around to be honest family guy

I got an antenna for my tv for like $10. Now I get all the local channels in HD for free. I might just be lucky in an area with a strong signal though. Obviously can't watch all the games but I get SNF, TNF and a handful of other games on Sunday so maybe something to look into

i wanna watch the bills game but im in tampa, the reddit thread i found seems to be very good and organized and has everything, i hope its good quality

iggles another well memed team.

porn stars have never stayed in olympic village

tried that. wasted 10$ didnt get a single channel. i just sit at bars by myself now

The lads at reddit have a great streaming page, almost makes up for the rest of the site.




I'm happy.

The dynasty begins. Godgers gonna reck the league

I'm just outside of a major city so that might help my signal quote a bit
But if you're in the 206 we can grab a beer for the game and pretend we aren't horribly depressed

>mfw i thought i was the only one feeling that feel

There is something about this picture that I like.

>still nobody has posted it

I've become content with mediocrity


It is my favorite reaction photo - it says so many different things for so many different occasions - it is, for me, the perfect reaction photo.


I've got a case of beer in my fridge lads, should I drink tonight and watch the game with you or should I wait and go out tomorrow night and possibly get some ass? Going out on Saturday and staying in getting drunk with you madmen tonight is also a possibility.

>tfw when a burger and like divegrass more than handegg now


sorta did

I played soccer for like a decade and I can't understand this. I also play golf and tennis but you won't catch me watching that boring bullshit either.