Music purchases thread

Got all these brand new for €6-how did I do, Sup Forums?
Inb4 'casual'
Inb4 normie

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Picked these up earlier today.

Got this in the mail yesterday.

You got em for cheap. Whatever suits your taste, man.


got those on the valentines day
the prices on the covers are in PLN



£20 ain't bad, needed something relaxing for once


My boss let me pick up a few records at work since I'm moving next week. We sell used goods like MTG and Lp's. The inventory at the store is limited, but I'm happy with it.

amazing picks, I'm jealous

Yup-a euroshop near me sells brand new cd's for €1.50 each, surplus stock from record shops 90/00s pop & indie nothing too exotic though

Good stuff

God-tier weekend listening/Sunday chill out with a hangover

Want that Swans

Thanks user
Pretty happy I found it. It was in a box of records on the floor behind chairs and such.




I fucking love Fever. All 4 of those together for 6 euro seems like a pretty good deal to me

I ordered Nonagon Infinity, Ziltoid The Omniscient, Texas-Jerusulum Crossroads, L'Ordure à l'état Pur, and La Sanie des siècles.

Nonagon and Ziltoid arrived, TJC is coming tomorrow, and the two Peste Noire albums are coming whenever because the guy on discogs didn't provide tracking.

All in the last week. Inb4 normie

LP or CD?

CD, I don't have the money for a record player.

One of the only Opeth albums I don't own.

>He thinks Skin was a good album

Inform me of a good one. I bought it on advice of a friend and I would agree with you but some are certainly good