How did this thing sell anyway? Nothing about figures on the Wikipedia page

How did this thing sell anyway? Nothing about figures on the Wikipedia page.

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Rock Against Drumpf when?

>Vol 1

>Vol 2

This has the stats on how many Discogs users have or want them. As well as how cheap and how expensive they have ever sold for on Discogs. Hope that helps at least a bit.

Probably never, really. Trump isn't really inspiring any sort of legitimate dissension. RAB was mostly anti- Iraq War. What would Rock Against Trump possibly be against? Good policies?

>good policies

shitting on the constitution, instilling fear into minority groups, witholding data on climate change, deregulating business, riding putins dick

We're talking about Rock Against Trump, kid. Not Rock Against Hillary.

don't you have a liberal arts degree to be working on?

good policies

>what is "Our First 100 Days"

start arguing anytime

Hey guys when are artists going to make an anti trump album?
>why would aaaaaaaanyone be anti trump?
Here are some reasons!
>what are you, an artist?

ITT: butthurt Sup Forumsfags

Drumpf's campaign status: destroyed

how long until impeachment?

Hopefully the centrist Democrats are ousted by 2018 and a real leftist party can take over the house and senate by using real populism with which everyone can agree. That requires a white leader, unfortunately. White Americans are naturally racist and misogynistic, and won't go for a party with a black guy or a woman in charge no matter how much they agree on the issues.

I could not give a fuck less about the politics part of this if I tried.

Who's on the album? Is it any good?

Herbie isn't on the album so it blows.

Jesus Christ 26 songs....
Do we really need 70 minutes of this?
Is it all punk?

>this is how trumpfags argue
i can see now why you thought voting for him was a good idea

I don't have high hopes for this.

doesn't matter, still won

It's not a game, he can only win twice, and I don't think he will win twice.

This is fucking terrible.

>Good policies?

>alkaline trio
>less than jake
I was in a very difficult situation during that time period, opposing both the war in Iraq as well as all the fags and posers who were also againt it.

I also didn't support the troops, either. I think I'm a misanthrope.

>good policies

>released 4/20

music-wise, Rock Against Trump would destroy Rock Against Hilary

>before, Sup Forumsacks could at least make an attempt to pretend trump's policies would lead to american improvement
>one month in and his secretary of defense is fired and the first labor secretary pick retires
>several fiascos both internationally and domestically already

it's like poetry


>wanting tensions with russia
how fucking regressive can you be

Woah, I did not expect that.
That's a pretty good roster.

>good policies

Believe me, as a progressive, I am just as tired of hearing this Russia bullshit, but it wouldn't have happened if Hillary won. I think the Democrats are actually trying to enturbulate (pardon the Scientology term, but it fits) the Trump admin with the Russia shit, you know, gaming them because they are politicians who know how to do it.

>caring about minorites

>good policies

>wanting to be associated with a nation that beats women and kills children.

Hillary Clinton takes money from countries that stone women.

I'm not that guy but opposition to trump doesn't equal support for hillary, we're talking post election politics

You're right, sorry.