You are now aware that a bow isn't a rifle shooting high velocity rounds

you are now aware that a bow isn't a rifle shooting high velocity rounds

you can just casually step aside a singular arrow

please demonstrate this and post it on youtube

>says the sperg virgin who cannot leave his basement

even a landwhale on a mobility scooter can do move out of the way of something that takes several seconds to get to you

but running in a straight line was part of rickons plan

that's why he didn't get a next step

The funniest part is that jon snow blocked three point blank arrows later, pretty easily too.

>pretty easily

he was basically raging and that was a serious bet on his part to face head down a bow armed ramsay

speaking of which, the final arrow ramsay fired at wun wun could have easily been directed at jon and one shotted him

we need mythbusters back

rickon is like a 10 year old little shit, not a seasoned veteran renowed for his ability to kill people

>Rickon sidesteps an arrow
*Ramsay teleports behind
>does a 360 no scope with his bow
>Hehh, nothing personnel kid.

>Rickon starts running
>arrow lands near him
>oh shit
>wait a minute...
>starts jogging backwards
>steps to the side whenever Ramsay fires an arrow
>problem, bastard?

Prometheus PTSD

I would bet the entire bulk of the worlds cash that you would die like a bitch, just like rickon.

>average human reaction speed 250ms
>time it took the arrow to fly in an arch and land 200 feet: 2.5 seconds

>Has his archers send a volley

if the kid tried to zig zag I'm sure he'd just order all his archers to volley fire

It's pointless because as soon as Rickon does any of this cheeky gimmick bullshit, Ramsey will just have all his archers fire.

For the purpose of the scene, Rickon has to die, and Ramsey is just playing a game with Jon anyway.

why didnt dickon just warg n2 ramsy and fly the dragons 2 mordor ;^)))))))))))))))))

but how could u avoid something that ALREADY hit ur backf

This. The best course of action would have been to run straight and then zigzag at the end.

The sound effects made it sound like the arrow was fired by a fucking cannon.

>why didnt dickon just warg n2 ramsy and fly the dragons 2 mordor ;^)))))))))))))))))
this desu