Your opinion on Slavs, faggots?

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Slavs are not needed.
I am ashamed to share my genes with them.

cheeki breeki iv damke

who the fuck are you even?
monkey from jungle xD?

awesome people

Absolutely based when they're not bydlo, I wish we've had slavs immigrants instead of meds

tutti frutti

>Your opinion on Slavs, faggots?
There are slavs and there are bydlos(thank you Russia for spreading your subhuman bydlo culture around the globe).

Some people confuse both and your image is not helping.

I'm the guy who's constantly fucking that drug-addicted whore you call mother.

Are Poles Slavic?? How do Poles consider themselves?
They do speak a Slavic language but they shouldn't be categorized into the same group as Russians.

Poland is the natural leader of slavs. When you think off slavs you think of Poland

depends on the country

I sense you are a cute Japanese guy like anime character. I would fuck you.

monkey xD

I like slavs

Poles are slavic, but Russians aren't.

your ethnicity?

When I come across a clean toilet I think of Poles.

you're welcome

September 1, 1939 best day of my life :^))))

Poland invented the toilet and taught the french how to use it


You know I'm just desperate to have your attention, right

I love you



I-I like you t-too

They remind me of my own country.

Maybe being poor just raises the same kind of person everywhere.

do you like me as well? :3

I like everyone because I'm Jesus

So you're the king of Poland?

Slavs are breddy gud

Balto-Slavs are breddy gud

Japan is a kawaii.


We would profit greatly if slavniggers (South Slavs, Poles, East Slavs) all disappeared.

They make excellent zergers during wars for commies and kikes

Ural-Altaics are breddy gud

The only thing you'll profit is Muhammad's blade as he screams ALLAHU AKBAR while cutting your throat.

I fully support islamic conquest of your subhuman ridden lands


hate herring desu senpai

I love meself

Wrong flag, Andrej

They should probably get a Disney princess to represent them.


>delusions of a commieblock drunkard

Kek even gypsies got own princess but not slavs

I don't get their obsession with alcohol but overal they seem pretty chill people. Lot of them at my work and they're overall kind

they fucked serbia good

they'll fuck you raw too.

And I cant wait till your shitty slavshit flag changes colors and culture all together.

post 'em

no it's just the first food i ever threw up
they made us eat it in kindergarten

West Slavs - Germans
South Slavs - German-Turks
Russians - Finno-Ugrics
Belorussians - Lithuanians
Ukrainians - Russo-Poles

I like slavs a lot
t. slav

you have to go back

t. actual nigger

Slavs are the most beautiful race on earth. That's a fact-

>never talked to a slav irl
>probably never left the continent

beauty has nothing to do with intelligence

Bidlo lol come wit me and show me one bidlo thet is Russian ?? Ukrainian Belarusian ? In real life ??? I know we are fucking evil polack and only care about ourself and never smile and I think is good

I bet fucking slavs thet wona be Latin so bad and love to act Latin will shit in there pants whan you see just a one evil tall patriot cyrrilic strong subhuman evil us fuck ratnik Russian or Ukrainian brothers and it's will make him so mad thet we are not sucking the Latin dick

You need to Stop watching soft American school niger teen movies polack this people not give a fuck about you or your country start to respect your self and your country and love your people even if they agly or not

You all look like Slavs East Slavs west slaves south Slavs and Greeks you are not Germans not Americans not Scandinavian start to respect your self and love your cultur no one is bidlo we are beter then all this europien fags

Who give a fuck about mouny and how rich are you or our or yours country's lets make our self beter and stop looking on other europien like Germans or Italians or Scandinavians fight for your people and not other

If you born polack you die polack in the end no one will care about you in the end

If you born Ukrainan you die Russian in the end and some no one will care no one will cry

Slavs are beter then Germans or Latins and East Slavs are stronger now

Whan you see tv fights you see nigers us Slavs

Franch Nigers us Slavs
American niger us Slavs
Brazilian niger us Slavs

But you will never see a real whith franch slacnadinavian or. German or American fight this people are pussy sisi fags

God bless powerful East Slavs god give us power let's use it

Slava rusija Slava Ukraijna slave bielarusija

Stay us you are East Slavic brothers you are our kodex and for ever will be

Our only problem thet I hate about us it is thet East Slavs can into aconomic :( thets it the rest is only love :)

Ukrainians are not Latin level puusy weak polacks we are same us fucking Russian strongest level:) same power

I am Ukrainan fucking Russian are you ready to die with me ;)

You know fucking Russian you will never win and take east Ukraina and we know thet we will never win and take east Ukraina for ourself

In a war like in a war you get kiled and only your mother cry about you so lets just die toghter for the master gruzins azirbajan xazar żidovskich Jews :) right bro ? Right ? Right?

damn. her middle finger looks long. i bet she could give me a good prostate massage. she'd have to clip her nails first though.

>gopnik slag with Żubrówka
gas the pansl*vists

>Some people confuse both and your image is not helping.

What are your thoughts on Anti-Scientific Genocidal Apocalyptic Pagan Russian Imperialism. Sup Forums?

Why is Poland so cute?

Mmm, yeah, I would fight side by side with you
Ukrs are my bros in arms, I have a lot of relatives living there

then why are abos and niggers ugly and also stupid?
check mate

>мoлoт poдины

Кoгдa мы yхoдим из дoмa нoчaми
Кapaть, вoeвaть, дeлaть тo чтo oбязaны,
Бoги cмeютcя, нaм в cлeд yлыбaютcя
Heбo cияeт, гopит, paзбeгaeтcя.

Haм coчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий
Ha нac yлыбaяcь глядят c нeбa Pyccкиe Бoги,
Haм зaчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий нe зpя
Этo нeбo пылaeт кaк вeчнocть нaм в лицa!

Cyдьбa yжe cдeлaлa выбop, cyдьбa
Paзлoжилa пo пoлкaм, мoгилaм и плaхaм,
И нaм cyждeнo cтaть кapaющим aнгeлoм
Бoйcя, кapaтeль выхoдит нa битвy!

Haм coчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий
Ha нac yлыбaяcь глядят c нeбa Pyccкиe Бoги,
Haм зaчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий нe зpя
Этo нeбo пылaeт кaк вeчнocть нaм в лицa!

Кoгдa мы yхoдим из дoмa нoчaми,
Кapaть, вoeвaть, дeлaть тo чтo oбязaны,
Бoги ликyют, гopят, yлыбaютcя
Heбo cияeт, гyдит, paзбeгaeтcя!

Haм coчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий
Ha нac yлыбaяcь глядят c нeбa Pyccкиe Бoги,
Haм зaчтётcя, нa нac выпaл жpeбий нe зpя
Этo нeбo пылaeт кaк вeчнocть нaм в лицa!

Anastasia, but it's Fox not Disney.

thank russia on my behalf for the plane


You dident get the point :( it's not about hate if you kacap or chahol

The point is we are fighting and the Jews getting richer and richer they don't want to fight in Russia and Ukraina so they send us to fight for them and die in the end and they like this war whan we kill for kill and die for die and in the news they show us like barbaric animels from both side of the conflicts and only in real life our mothers and kids cry and left with out the father thet get killed in war for Jews

They can stop this war in one minute but it will be bad for the image of the rich Jews your Putin and our oarasenko and the Americans and Europian Jews

Bad for Putin and his friends
Bad for America Germania and Europa and the Ukrainan Jews

And in the end the bad people win and the good Russian Ukrainan Slavic people die for Jews in both side

>Anti-Scientific Genocidal Apocalyptic Pagan Russian Imperialism
that's a long name for marxism

Shit taste moj priatel why do you like shit music like this ??

Jus bcoz it's nathional and proude ifs good ?? No

No it s shit

Get in my level


Greek Gaia is the Mother Earth of us all

Also why fucking Americans like to make movies about Russia so much ??

Pic releted shit movie And the fucking Serbs plying Russians comereds in there movies ?? Why Serbs why ??

If someone doesn't give me a cute, politically incorrect, pale and dark haired Slavic girlfriend RIGHT NOW I'm gonna delete this whole board

they are way better than niggers somewhat better than arabs gypsies and jews little better than chinks but still mostly subhuman.

a srasz?

t. Horvat Orbanovski

dud you don't follow the news orban loves slav dick and semen gobbles it every day putin comes over.

But..Putin is a Mongol

really? have you ever seen a mongol?

Zdravo jugoslav ja Sam pitam te Why do you love to play Russians in American movies ??

The Slavic soul is a sad one

it's tragic i understand.
they are white but still regarded as nigger tier scum who can't into gdp and economy.

The Slavs who help Westerners equate the Slavs with the Bydlos/Gopniks should be gassed.

Same goes for people who connect Panslavism with this phenomenon:

>hungary talking about economy

yes that's tragic too.

Albania and Kosovo = bros

In the end it's funny bcoz all this people thet in this thread posting know they are Slavs from east Europa some try to denied it some not :)

The b8t worked good thread :) but next time we need more like threads with ex yu Balkan cigany Russian shanson blatnjak chalga musica :) rok and rol muzika

It's not that we can't into economy,it's rather because our economies were destroyed by communism,effectively hindering the development of infrastructure and wealth.
Still visible today desu,countries less affected by communism in the past are richer today.

A bunch of barbarians, especially Eastern Slavs.


Poles are Eastern Germanic


Sorry We kicked your britashhhhhhhhhhh englo huligans in a fight Did you realy think you can beat us ?? :) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahah

Drink your tea sir gevin from kamelot with miss winston and shot the fuck up :)

we are true Slavs, nigga.

What is the russian obsession with Adidas?

Most europe population are slavs so that must mean slavs are homo superior

Chinks make cheap adidas knock offs.

total bros from my experience

the most powerful race in the world.

>Russians - Finno-Ugrics

So Russia is Winland? :DDD