President Trump has been cleared of all charges to child rape. Just like liberals to spread lies of this good man

President Trump has been cleared of all charges to child rape. Just like liberals to spread lies of this good man.

God i couldent stand them shills yammering on about hillary and "has she been charged?" and then with the same mouth scream "trumps a rapist". Now we see that they were just propaganda.



Now lets see if hillary can beat her charges for the billionth time


What charges are those? The ones Fox News made up and had to apologize for?

you know the ones. its the same thing as "trump is charged with child rape"

refers to this^

Drop the symantics. You know very well what he is talking about. Don't play stupid.


OJ was cleared of all charges so I guess that means he never murdered anyone right?

sounds like trumplogic to me

actually they were being paid to troll moron trump supporters into assaulting people. The real funny part is how well it worked.

I guess trump supporters like the man himself, have pretty thin skins.

Dumpsters are going nuts tonight - must be worried ;)

oh yeah, hes guilty just because you say he is.


>justice system fails one time.
>question every verdict based on that singular occurence.
>completely ignoring the how Hillary has dozens of examples that constitute a trend of corruption, while Donald Trump's primary offense is still "saying mean things" and "legally minimizing his taxes" (who does that!?!?).

You're right, user. Trump is clearly guilty of rape, sexual assault, and tax evasion, among other things. It's amazing that people are still voting for him.

Hillary Clinton 2016! Amirite?

Thanks for Correcting The Record!

2 cents have be deposited into your account!


>Trump is clearly guilty of rape, sexual assault, and tax evasion, among other things.

Don't be an idiot. He can't be guilty yet, his trial is only starting at the end of this month.

God I love Sup Forums
The Trump supporters are either trolling or retarded.
Never change Sup Forums...never change.

This person is a dumb ass and does not understand what jokes are. Everyone point and Laugh.

>doesn't believe individuals have their own agency and are able to declare some guilty using their own opinion.

It's like you really believe that the state is always right, and people are unable to decide what's best for themselves.


oh yes creating paying jobs, but not in this country
like always


There isn't going to be a President Trump.

Madam President. Get used to it.

(I'm not at all happy about Hillary being our next president, but Trump is downright dangerous, and we'll just have to deal with Hillary as best we can.)

>The Trump supporters are either trolling or retarded.
or maybe just a bunch of trumprussianbots
like shillabots but russians
ok i know at least shill is creating jobs here

By legal immigrants you chump

that's not true you faggot, the darkest point of night is after midnight


honestly, hillary is more like Bush than Trump.

I mainly want to vote for Trump to show DC that they no longer do what we want them to do. I'm tired of seeing the 1% idiots get their way. (SJWs, not elite)


The man that couldn't be stopped, Trump 2016, may all you SJW faggots get triggered to death.

She only wants to increase ur taxes to pay for shitty gov brand healthcare, social security you'll never see, bring in millions of muslims tax free, create never ending wars around the world, pay off the 150 billion to Iran to delay nuclear bomb programs another month, build section 8 housing everywhere, give money to her friends, buy a 5th home, create a bigger gov, hire more ppl to spy on you..

Jeez ur a sexist