>omg look at how indie i am hahaha xD
Fender Offset hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
those trips
do ppl actually play jaguars and jazzmasters? pretty sure they're only good for playing jangly horseshit
Vintage Jazz masters are sex. It's like a beefed up strat
post in the general
what else would you buy at the £450 price point? Genuine question i'm in the market.
why do meal kids constantly feel the need to share how much they suck on the internet
Mexican Telecaster HH
They're fine if you're not playing some indie twink shit.
Ain't that like 900 buckaroos ?
Mexican tele
I know I would, a shop near me does rebates on fender products at that, so with that much cash I'd have some leftovers for aftermarket parts.