People actually watch the spastic olympics

>People actually watch the spastic olympics

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Literally no one watch the crippled games.

whats her disability?


White dick intolerance.

Lost a hand for stealing.

Any retarded olympics waifus?

>google: paralympics schedule
>nothing even remotely close to the real olympic event level info comes up

This shows the regular disinterest in the whole thing. Google knows that noone is watching, thus they haven't even bothered to make a schedule or some extra info for it. Fucking feelgood olympics.

my dad is watching it

but he is retired

sorry to hear you dad is retireded

I hope the cripple games bring him joy and hope

Coverage in the UK is good. The London games had 8 million people watch one of the 100m finals and it sold 2.7million tickets.
The hues just dropped the ball.

The media is trying to make the public feel like crap for not being interested

> Yay we're all winners!

Isn't that what the potatolympics are?

I watch the recap my national tv puts up every day.

Some athletes overcome some bad disabilities, it's very impressive. And some sports are still fun to watch. But yeah, the level being displayed is subpar, not really worth watching except for your country men, I guess.

Marlou van Rhijn is pretty qt

No not really.

Why aren't you watching?

>The media is trying to make the public feel like crap for not being interested
We're the country most interested in it actually.

You're confusing paralympics (for physical disabilities) with the so-called "special olympics" which is the one for downies.


find one girl named Lena that isn't extremely fuckable

Lena Dunham. I'm not even posting a picture of that fat feminist pedophile.

he said girl, not judeo-reptile

Paralympics is for people missing limbs and shit.

Special Olympics is for people missing chromosomes.

Was plenty of game threads yesterday

Even while handegg was on.



>I have less athletic ability than people with congenital disabilities
>I am also from Britain

just kys now and end the suffering

She got roached

Are autistic people allowed to compete?

Why don't they harness retard strength and break the shotput record?

That's for the special olympics

>Oscar Pistorius races in the Olympics since he's too fast for the Paralympics
>Gets BTFO
>Iranian wheelchair archer competes at the Olympics because she won the last Paralympic games
>Gets BTFO in the qualifying and first round of eliminations

Those freaks can stay in their own show.

>since he's too fast for the Paralympics
He actually lost the 100m and 200m at the paralympics in 2012. He just went for olympic qualification where the rest don't want to.

>moving the goalposts

What is a disability