Remember when Sup Forums used to be slightly left-leaning? Remember when Sup Forums ran Hal turner's bandwidth usage up in the millions of dollars and ruined the call-in section of his show?
Remember when Sup Forums used to be slightly left-leaning...
Bump for serious potential, whats gonna happen to this guy?
probably nothing
Yeah prob
I remember. It also wasn't really that the site was left leaning but rather that the site wasn't politicized. We did things for the lulz and that was it.
It's crazy how overrun we've become with cancer these days that there's an entire board dedicated to it (Sup Forums).
the biggest change in Sup Forums was the ever falling population of trolls and the ever increasing wave of the trolled.
Pretty much spot on.
>I find myself spending less and less time here every week.
>The demographic changed a while ago
>Acting like a gullible faggot used to be funny to bait the trollable newfags
>Now it's turned into a bunch of normies ruining your fun in 5 minutes
>Or getting banned for stupid shit fishbean
>Might as well be reddit or facebook
it actually happened
Self fulfilling prophecy.
Yeah, I remember. That was BEFORE SJW's and Tumblr triggered culture RUINED EVERYTHING.
You can thank them!
Oh and also niggers. Niggers ruin everything.