How much will we have to wait for the inevitable 9/11 movie?

How much will we have to wait for the inevitable 9/11 movie?

Who is gonna star in it?

there is one already

Iris Ebla

Nic Cage

There have been at least 2 already. World Trade Center and Flight 93.

I am guessing Nicholas Cage and Micheal Pena and negative 10 years is the weight time. Directed by oliver stone I bet.

they should produce a shaky-cam found footage film of the first person account of someone documenting the plane crash and eventually escaping the plaza [or getting crushed by the rubble or some shit]


I mean the mods don't even really need much more, this post is pretty much concrete proof you're not much older than like, 10

Also extremely loud and incredibly close

Paul Greengrass already did a movie about united flight 93 maybe he could do another one about WTC because the Oliver Stone one sucked

Donald Trump as Donald Trump

>tfw you started browsing Sup Forums in your mid twenties

I wish I could've wasted my childhood here, but the internet wasn't available yet.

Bruce Willis, but it wouldn't end up cannon cuz he'd saving everyone.

>mid twenties
>internet wasn't available in your childhood

Did you grow up on the Horn of Africa?

Steve Buscemi as Steve Buscemi. Shits all over yours.

No, small town Nebraska. Well, it was small when I was kid. Internet access was still incredibly expensive and very few had it when I was a kid.

The inevitable 9/11 movie is the one they showed on tv on September 11 2001 that was passed off as news and which everyone took as genuine.

Dumb thread.

The internet also wasnt mainstream. Very few kids used computers aside from gaming and research on CDroms.

There wasnt much on the world wide web either except BBs chatrooms, and news sites.

Plus it was expensive and tied up the phoneline.

>Did you grow up on the Horn of Africa?
No, small town Nebraska.
kek western Nebraska.
It's not a different country, it's like a different planet. They coulda shot scenes for Star Trek there as a stand in for some shit in the Delta Quadrant.

Also the one with robert pattison