My perfect woman would give birth to a cat each time after having sex with her

My perfect woman would give birth to a cat each time after having sex with her.

I love cats and I love watching women slowly push things out of there vaginas.

Even better than this would be a woman that gives birth to large eggs each time after sex and the eggs are filled with thousands of dollars in paper currency.

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>tl:dr OP is a cat

rock on man


cool beans

Wow autism must be hard :/

Ten years of Sup Forums and you guys still manage to surprise me.
What the actual fuck did i just read?

Imagine this girl lying down after sex. She starts to make cute moaning and grunting noises as the unbearable urge to push takes over her. She opens her legs wide grabs them behind the knee and post them towards her chest. With each push you start to see the Tufts of her red pubic hair begin to separate as the head slowly emerges.


dam thats gonna be a wet stinky pussy