where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here?
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the trash
Icing the kicker should be against the rules. Opposing coaches should be allowed to take a time out after the kicking unit is on the field. It's a great disservice to the fans, the athletes, and the game itself by unduly burdening a kicker with mental mindgames.
Nothing. Panthers are in the NFC South. Not like they have to worry about a playoff berth.
another owl....
>unduly burdening a kicker with mental mindgames.
what mindgames are not mental?
Ask Ray Finkle
>having white """athletes""" on your team
Nothing good ever comes from this
Goddamn it feels good to have football back.
I was led to believe that Denver was inhabited with a plethora of college educated and civilized people. Clearly, I was lied to.
Really makes you think huh
Missed FGs with the game on the line is my favourite thing, the kicker getting hounded into suicide.
semen went in though
>blacks playing the intelligence-requiring position
football is 80% mental 40% man
toppest of tippity keks
>forcing the kicker to make two field goals
if the kicker didn't get iced, the panthers would have won. I hate the panthers, but that's just a dick move.
>guy who doesn't really play football
>one of two players on the team that actually hits the ball with his foot
Do you have Cam getting heem'd?
That's not how it works dumbass. They still only have to make 1 FG. I've seen it happen the other way around, where the kicker misses the first one and makes the next
>where do we go from here?
If it's anything like the Vikings, a season-ending injury for the your starting QB.
Broncucks were lucky to get out of there with a win
Close fucking game
Looking forward to murdering this weak ass squad in December
He's never been wrong on this issue.
Field goal kickers are reject soccer players and have an inordinate effect on the game.
It's like a baseball team being forced to field a woman as their designated hitter.
your rewrite your shitty script with a better output name and enable libv6 so it doesn't stutter on mobile
Is Sup Forums now just a glorified shitposting board? Is there even any meaningful discussion or is it all just memes?
This applies now more than ever
NFL kicking isn't as easy as the couch potatoes here would lead you to believe. It's mentally and physically demanding. One kick is stressful enough, another one immediately afterwards is just too much.
Icing the kicker must be banned.
You still have to kick twice. That's extremely stressful for the kicker.
That kicker has every right to be furious
Try and start a serious discussion and ignore any shitpost responses. It's that simple.
He didn't have to kick the ball, the timeout was called well before he kicked it.
Donkeys were supposed to lose Flatballs. They're going to murder you.
Have Panther fans always been so paranoid?
>the kicker getting hounded into suicide.
sounds like he'd fit in in russia
he went down so easy
there isnt a bigger pussy in sports
first post best post
>It's a Tom Brady plays in Denver episode
Fuck you. If you have a time out, you can use it whenever you want. Go cry me a river, faggot.
Please spoonfeed a non-football fan.
1. Is it normal for a kicker to miss a 50 yard field goal?
2. What's icing?
3. What's the big deal about kicking twice? Isn't kicking literally their whole job and what they train for?
statistically, icing the kick is ineffective
That's Bradley.
Underrated as fuck
Broncos were picked to lose by most and they still won despite losing the turnover battle 3-1 and refball out the ass.
Kickers are the biggest fucking pussies ever. They literally have one job and they can't even do that properly
Nevermind I used context clues from the thread to figure out the answers to 1 & 2.
1. It's a pretty long kick. Not too bad in Denver, though.
2. Icing is calling a timeout and forcing the kicker to think about it for the duration of the timeout hoping he'll psyche himself out or some shit.
3. Most kickers are mental midgets.
he just wanted to gift a lucky fan a football
>NFL kicking isn't as easy as the couch potatoes here would lead you to believe.
Only projectionist faggots like you think people think that OTHERS think (at least any sane person) that kicking a 50-60 yarder with or without conditions is a shoe-in.
It's a tough fucking job, and doesn't get enough respect.
>It's mentally and physically demanding.
Yes. Just like every position. Just like say, a rookie CB getting exposed, or a QB getting rattled in the pocket and playing scared.
>another one immediately afterwards is just too much.
Wrong. It's their position. Their job. To kick balls. Through the uprights. Regardless of how physically or mentally demanding it is (and there are FAR more physically and demanding positions than K or P).
Doesn't matter. It's their job. You kick one. Make it? Make the next? Kick one miss it? Make the next? Kick one miss it? Make the next?
You always make the next.
Asshole couch coach. Go back and play Head Coach 06 and go 0-16 with the Panthers
>mental mindgames
By your logic, a quarterback should not be allowed to try to draw the defense offsides.
With respect to 3. He literally psyched himself out by kicking twice. He smashed the right upright and it barely went in (implying he had put too much right into it) with his first kick so he decided to give it some left on the second try.. and sent it wide left.
>Field goal kickers are reject soccer players and have an inordinate effect on the game.
Which is why moving out the extra point was yet another shitty goodell move.
Should have moved up the 2-pt conversion to the 1 yard line if he wanted more unpredictablity
"icing the kicker" is a play on the words of putting someone on ice, or using a timeout to stop a kick in progress so they have to rekick.
The idea is to fuck with the kickers head.
It doesn't work all the time but sometimes it does. Mostly you're giving the kicker time to second guess himself like the panthers kicker did.
I'm impressed that kickers make as many 50 yd kicks as they do.
When you look at the posts from that range its a very narrow target. With wind gusts it must be really fucked.
Fuck the Broncos.
>Most kickers are mental midgets.
...but all the other players are real high IQ guys?
Implying you havent lost to Denver the last 3 times
>not expecting shitposting during and immediately after games
They're linemen in the nfl that have ph.d's
and that open letter by watson of the ravens was well written but obviously for every watson, you have a gronk.
It's not about being smart. It's about not folding under pressure.
Doesn't really get to that point. Although black rejects that play WR over here experience triple KKKoverage.
Welcome to Sup Forums during the months of September to February. Enjoy your stay.
>Tom Brady at Mile High against a competent starting quarterback
Boy, where have I seen this movie before?
I agree.
2 point conversions should be a much bigger part of the game.
That's completely different and you know it
he lost at mile high to orton before
Numerous kickers, great ones such as Vinateri, Both Morten and Gary, Longwell, and others, say they enjoy the "icing" since it gives them time to collect themselves and breathe a bit.
Though it would be hilarious to see a kicker assuming he's going to get iced, so he half assedly runs up to the ball and slips and falls and costs the game.
*cue webm of Browns vs Ravens*
Sorry no webm
fuck off back to whatever safespace you were on before the olympics bought you here and take your wife's son with you faggot
>Though it would be hilarious to see a kicker assuming he's going to get iced, so he half assedly runs up to the ball and slips and falls and costs the game.
I always figured that would be the best strategy to truly ice a kicker. Call the first timeout(s) but not the last one, just in case the kicker is anticipating it.
you can't call consecutive timeouts without a play in between them
If theres no kicker then you have to hail mary,
Sorry, I was thinking about college football.
Which will separate the men from the boy lovers.
did he died?
>panthers fans being delusional
Yup it was even worse after the owl. Muh that was a fair catch
arod memes weak
phd's in fitness.
Ravens linesman has a phd in math. [spoiler]Applied math, but still.[/spoiler]
now show the webm where he gets hit hard in buffalo and sprouts right back up like a beanstalk.
I can't remember the last time I've seen icing the kicker actually work. Most of the time it has the opposite effect where they show them kick and miss
fucking niggers
Assmad wildcat fan detected
No he has a concussion, extremely obvious b/c of arm movement. When you watch players go down look at their arms for a boxers response.
hey the guy is financially smart though. I think he has only lived off sponsorship money so far. That's hardly a dumb person.