>panthers refballed out of another win
Panthers refballed out of another win
you mean not quite refballed to a win
that facemask call on the last drive was soft as fuck
Every call against the panthers was your own doing.
>shot himself in the foot by grounding the ball
He put it on himself. No ones fault but his.
They wouldn't have been in the game without refball. They were lucky they weren't curb stomped the way Denver was moving the ball.
He grounded it because he got smacked in the dome.
He threw it before he got smacked dumbass
>implying he got hit before the ball left his hand
>Gifted bullshit hands to the face and helmet to helmet
>Still lose
Except the two other times he got hit in the head. I wouldn't be surprised if Cam was concussed. Not to mention when he was hurt in the first half.
Ya'll understand how throwing the ball works, right? He has to shorten his throwing motion so his arm doesn't get destroyed by the defender bearing down on him. Like this is basic football
Maybe those two hits rearranged his brain cells to where he will stop being a cocky little man-child during the game.
chat shit, get banged
*smacks lips*
I love this, it's hilarious. Keep going.
Memeing aside, that was definitely a case of a Defender trying to make a play and getting a flag football penalty. It was really the opposite of what people are saying, the panthers got bailed out by that penalty, otherwise it would have been grounding and a loss of down.
Who cares? Cam is the biggest cunt in football.
Will Scam Newton still be a healthy starter by week 9?
Kek. You got three (3) turnovers, all of which were on players literally starting their first game, and Denver still put up better numbers across the fucking board. You got completely and utterly BTFO.
Not to mention our rookie qbs first game and only trailing cam by 15 passing yards. If panther defense is so good then why did he get sacked more than a fukn newb?
Yea I'm no pants fan, but since when do personal conduct penalties offset with order of play penalties?
That was only cause gooddell told them to have drama at the end so they gave Panthers a 1st down
>Being this shook
It literally could not be numerically closer.
You sure that's not Kaeperdick now?
This all day
cam took a bunch of hits like this and only one was called
someone post the pic of Cam in sunglasses, pointing, and smiling. it's been too long since ive seen it
Post one that wasn't called, faggot