So that....
...Was the best the NFC has to offer.
So that....
...Was the best the NFC has to offer.
Both teams suck.
Enjoy 3rd place in your division.
>Gay QB in Green Bay
>Literally my wifes son QB in Seattle
>Meme QB in Carolina
fuck off and let the big boys play
>literally Semen in Denver
Excuse me, super bowl MVP coming through
So since the AFC was Pats-steelers-Peyton for the last 15ish years (colts were the third AFC contender in the 2000s, Broncos where in the 2010s), who becomes the third contender?
I say raiders
Ohhhoho. Just you wait daddy'o
It's our time to shine now!
These posts are hilarious.
no, this is
>77 yards actually happened
>They were undefeated and never recovered
>there is a sliver of hope that bearsposting will erupt into the spotlight this year
I'm ready.
>nfc champ
>get outclassed by literally who at QB
Did McCarthy even game plan? They were coming off a bye, too.
>The Broncos swept the NFC North Last year
>Then beat the Panthers twice
The "NFC" everyone
go to bed Mike Davis.
>Seattle home stadium
>>Broncos wearing away jerseys
that's not the owl you idiot.
Is the AFC the most boring conference in sports history?
Hi Cam
>NFC South
Nice try shithead but guess again
Legends > Memes like Kap and Cam
And Flacco was a mistake. That was supposed to be Peypey again
Do you even remember your own name right now cam?
I'm a fan of a mediocre NFC team and always root for AFC teams vs NFC teams when they're not playing my team. The worse other NFC team records are the better our chances.
Also despite how shitty the squad I root for is we tend to go 3-1 or 4-0 vs the AFC teams.
What rivalry is there? They play the same game the same way
eastern conference NBA 2bh
>muh lejunds XDDDDDD
Steelers are the only one out of that godawful conference I can respect.
>Salty AFCucks
B ears fan
>Bears fans are STILL assblasted over super bowl XLI
NFC East got swept by the Falcons
The fucking Falcons
I'd go along with this just so I could DA BURRS post 24/7
Yep. No meme qbs in the afc
>No tebow playoff run
>No "Stroke then choke Dalton"
>No 20 seasons of carousel-of-qbs in Cleveland/Miami/Tennessee
>And Flacco was a mistake. That was supposed to be Peypey again
I literally had a nervous breakdown that night...
who gives a fuck u autist its the same matchup
>Clots will never win another super bowl
Give the Bears a few years and we'll consistently be at the top of the NFC North
That's the secret champ. Me too.
my blood still boils thinking about that fuck Rahim Moore. Boils a little more when he called himself Rahim The Dream during player intros.
'12 Broncos were fuggin stacked. Denver's best all around team during the Peypey era