Pink Floyd sucks almost as much as Tool sucks and The Beatles weren't as innovative as you were lead to believe.
Pink Floyd sucks almost as much as Tool sucks and The Beatles weren't as innovative as you were lead to believe
Colton Phillips
Julian Price
James Walker
>edgy music post
>underage fag detected
Camden Collins
I got tired of both Floyd and Tool years ago but that doesn't mean they're not objectively good bands. I couldn't agree more on the Beatles, though. The Beach Boys were superior in every way tbh.
Zachary King
Are you feeling suicidal? There's help, you know?
Owen Roberts
The Beach Boys shaped music as we know it today.
Kayden Powell
Trips confirm, you can get help becoming an hero.
Elijah Rogers
Yeah and lots of plebs think it was the Beatles who did that. Shamefur dispray.
Bentley Ramirez
sharpie in pooper
Evan Wright
OP here. Cry about it, shit-tier "music" lovers.