You're a porn director:
These three are here for their very first porn scene, what is it?
You're a porn director:
These three are here for their very first porn scene, what is it?
they all get fucked in the butt by the dog
Keen eye user
BBC bukkake and they lick each other clean
Damn you stole my idea!
Deep ass tonguing followed by piss
Then they masturbate to shota
Then a real shota comes out
Then they all go to jail
But doggo stays free
He's the one who ratted them out
Got his bone wet and dipped into the police pocket pet
And now lives on a government pension
One in the middle sucks me off and the other two play with themselves and watch
We need a green text for this doggos POV
>I'm lead into a small room
>3 lady humans escort me in
Since i have some repressed memories i'd establish the golden rule of pleasing me before doing their job. So this job is done.
After that, i would literally fulfill one of my dream:
> Take those 3 girls.
> Make a comedy based sketch, doggo must take part of this scene as an excuse to the following.
> The porn begins. It's all fun and games, standard sensuality.
> "Now you must sniff each others asses and masturbate."
> Record it in different positions.
> Girls must look like they're having the time of their life
> "You must orgasm as much as possible. Use toys as long as you're sniffing each other"
> "I know right? It's the new niche that's expanding on porn. You're gonna be rich"
Porn ends.
> Never see those girls again.
> Make video
> Edit video to look cool
> But mostly funny
> Send video to Efukt since nobody would pay for that shit.
> ???
> Profit
666 get confirms doggo is getting some action
It seems like lite farting porn
>Hillary walks in wearing a robe made of the flesh of poor immigrant children and I voted stickers
>Every five minutes she sloughs off one coat for another, this time a different ethnic group
This girl strapon fucks them all in the ass till they bleed. Also sick dog
>"Doggo, this time, you will be forced to ejaculate into a female Donkey"
>From the depths of its underground bur-rough, Chelsea Clinton appears
>Hillary sloughs another skin
ain't no shit can make me believe these bitches never played in a porno before.