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Does anyone actually care about this """"""""controversy""""""""

Blacktivism is getting pretty old tbqh

Millionaire negros purporting to stand up for ordinary blacks is pretty ridiculous

I know right

In all honesty I feel most BLM is comprised of blacks and mulatos the grew up in white suburbs and have never experienced first hand racism/oppression but feels the need to speak for others

Huh just like white liberals desu

numale fags lolcows

I thought Brandon Marshall played for the jest

What percentage of his salary do you think goes to youth centers and inner city civic improvements?

Why do these guys play with big diamond earrings on? How do they not get cut up?

so its just a fad now and will lose all meaning soon

Kneeling is a sign of subjugation, a lot worse than standing.

It's called empathy.

>pro tip
it's all staged...

OP is spooked as fuck

I pray erryday that these dindus keep kneeling...for the rest of the season on IR.

>nobody else cares but me
lording your "empathy" over others is actually called being an asshole.

Raising awareness is the lowest form of empathy. It's basically caring enough to draw attention to yourself, but not caring enough to actually do anything about it.

wheres the empathy for all the victims of black-on-(insert any group in America) crime?

these fags are deluded from one sided, pc discourse, likely amplified by a hug box of yes men due to the fact that they are rich and famous

they deserve all the criticism coming their way. just wait till they pull this shit on 9/11 cause muh black victimhood

white people apparently

i dont even know what this iphone poster is implying. watched most of the game and laughed at the cam hits and missed FG

I cared for a while but the media blew its was on it during preseason. Now I just tune it out like if it was Joe Buck.

no, it's only empathy if it has happened to you and you know the feeling firsthand. In this case, without the firsthand experience, it is sympathy, not empathy.

you realize that kaep has given at over a million dollars of his own money, right?

>random broncos negro was always a millionaire

when did you realize you were retarded?

Every clickbait sports media site

Boohoo I'm so oppressed
Making millions playing a child's game
Dam whitey y u gotta b like dat ?!

>Implying being a millionaire overrides being black

who even gives a fuck about your pathetic USamerican patriotism? It's not even strong enough to not let your compatriot die from starvation or illness. It doesn't prevent you from letting a part of your people live in circumstances that put third world shitholes to shame. So tell me? Why you mad?

they mean the same, both refer to placing yourself in the other's point of view

>white people freed the slaves
>whites gave them equal rights
>whites gave them free money, food stamps, housing, clothes
>whites tried to make them integrated as productive members of society
>blacks respond with accounting for 52% of murder perpetrators/victims while accounting for only 12% of the population

What has this guy given?

>implying Blacks face "oppression" in modern America

>in germany it's illegal to own a german flag
pipe down Hans, youre lucky we allowed you to breathe

>Whites tried to make them integrated as productive members of society

Never heard of Greenwood then?

Why do white people smell like bologna?

they're most killing each other though. in 100 years, black Americans will be an endangered species if they keep this up at the rate they're going.


Fuck, I hope so.

come at me brah

>chicago has had the worst summer since 1998
>481 people were murdered last year in total
>as of yesterday 488 people have been murdered this year
>only 9 days into September, 18 people are already dead
98% of the victims are black, so we all can dream user

heres a Chicago kill clock

>Other countries opining about American Blacks

I actually don't hate blacks, but you can shut your old world mouths; they're ours.

Then do something about it.

>A fucking pineapple

They do not mean the same thing.

>Sympathyis feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathyis putting yourself in the shoes of another.

Y'all can argue over which he is feeling, but i felt the need to chime in and Correct the Record.

dont care about your nigs they have it better than any other blacks on the planet, how about they give a fuck about the rest of their race starving in africa.


im all for this because having to listen to your awful anthem before every nfl game i watch sucks. no other country plays the anthem before its sports games. i get it for international games vs other countries but before club games just feels like brainwashing, just like the army pays for the sports teams to mention them and stuff to brainwash people into 'defending the country'


Your queen is a lesbian.

Jesus christ people are stupid....

This. Why the fuck are people so convinced they're correct when they obviously don't even take the time to confirm their suspicions and do a 10 second google search? God damn people's arrogance will never cease to amaze me.

IE political activists pretending to be sports fans cause they got bored only ruining gaming and movies

btw there were only like 500 murders in all of Canada last year

Health pickup speaks the truth

We even gave them a fucking country

0 (zero) percent

Funny how those guys are trying to act like special snowflakes when they're so fucking bad at football.
>inb4 kaep wives defend him ITT just because he managed to score a running 90+ touchdown against a babby team

>God damn people's arrogance will never cease to amaze me
>all while acting all high and mighty for a word definition on an internet forum
yeah, people's arrogance is indeed a funny thing lel

also nice damage control

>implying this will help
You can keep throwing money at blacks but honestly nothing can help them

Group of people who hates being stereotyped and profiled is now stereotyping and profiling another group. The irony is delicious.


Pick uno


America is do fucking racist baka senpai

How do you guys feel when white people do it?

>kid who hates being bullied fights back

Just as angry, because they're just as stupid as the black people doing it.

>lol sjw so sensitive chill out you pussies toughen up
>waaaahhhh muh anthem muh respects for police


Yes its still retarded no matter the race

Why are they kneeling? I understand it's a protest, but why kneel?

Because white devils knew them gonna sit down, so they took away sit down places. But brothers smart and kneel instead. Try to take away the knee now.

to be fair, African Americans had so little in common with Liberia, I probably wouldn't want to move their either, even with the racism of that time.

Literally who?

It takes bigger guts to be the first female to take a knee for social justice.

The original protest was an NFL QB sitting. The next game, after harsh criticism, he kneeled for the anthem.

Not sure if the gesture is this way overseas, but in most American sports, players "take a knee" at the end of a practice as a team or as a sign of respect while an injured player is being attended to.

I think the gesture is supposed to show respect for the country itself and the military, but at the same time represent the issues they're standing for, being that it's not a "full" honoring of the flag in the traditional sense.

Are you sure you're allowed to type that?

so lesbians hate the US as well?

are they getting oppressed in the US?
because lesbian porn doesn't pay as much as male/female porn?

The Us 12s(of course) are supposed to be doing something as a team on Sunday.

If these guys aren't putting their money where their mouths are like Lebron, it's look at me BS.

Shaun King sure does

id like to see her on both knees sucking this dick, IF you know what I'm sayin'


Noooooo that's too accurate and factual I need more >stupid sjws >all lives matter >muh puhlice whining in there!

I'd pay for her lesbian porn

You just responded to a guy basically representing a Sup Forums meme kek

I actually hate it more when this dyke does it

No one hates the military more in America (other then veterans) than lesbians.

This sounds pretty absurd desu but then again it's much different in Norway, we never sing the national anthem in any other occasion than international games and sports.
Having our flag mounted on the wall for example is considered being a neo nazi for some reason.

Continue being an idiot dude. Being wrong online doesn't make you being retarded any more acceptable.

It never had meaning to begin with

>money cant solve poverty or its issues
Sometimes i see posts like this and it physically pains me

really fires the synapses

>a german doesnt understand patriotism
Wow what a shocking development

What wrong with kneeling for the white race?


>wh*te ppl: damn sjws always gettin triggerd at mah use of first amendment
>also wh*te ppl: reee who said you could speak

If this was players speaking during interviews nobody would care you dolt

Anyone who gets offended over sitting/kneeling/jacking off/whatever during the anthem is probably autistic. Be honest with yourself: National pride is pointless and the one reason you stand during the anthem is because you're a mindless drone.

He's right though. If they want to be taken seriously as a race they should fix their goddam shithole called Africa.

Why do they wear those ridiculous pantiloons? Does it have anything to do with the sharting epidemic.


Its true, all the good the gates foundation does it hasn't dented poverty

ESPN does
They did the same shit with deflategate
There wasn't much going on in the world of football
They found a minor controversy and blew it the fuck out of the water to generate headlines
If Kaepernick sat during the regular season, so one would've given two shits about it because ESPN has other things to talk about
By having people write articles and analyse a most minor of actions they have successfully created a medium to spread their content and keep football and the NFL in everyone's minds
I mean really, who the fuck even cares about Kaepernick or what he's doing? Before all this shit came out, no one cared because he's just a washed up cunt, and if he tried to spread awareness during the regular season when ESPN can report on other things, no one would give a shit because hes not a big name in football anymore
The preseason hype was over
People stopped caring
ESPN found a way to keep the NFL on EVERYBODY'S mind so they could generate revenue
The whole country has been manipulated over the past few weeks for corporate gain, and as long as more and more people start doing it, the more and more eyes turn to the NFL and the more money the Jude's over on the exec board of ESPN rake in
Y'all have been played

Have you seen the rate at which they breed?