New thread Boxxy/Catie

New thread Boxxy/Catie

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She was hotter in 2008. Back then I just found Sup Forums :3


My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.



boxxy is dead. has been, for years. idiot.







She was hot before she become old and fat.

Would not bang.







fat pandering bitch


Stop she's hideous









Poser of the year?

As I was listening o king at this I realized this guy has to be about 5' tall


Maybe not 5' but deffinetly a manlett

Is acnekun her brother?



I've been in love with her since the beginning

it fucking hurts guys

Doesn't it just




How are you gmt?

Not bad thanks.


she needs to be full of my seed

I'm pretty good, kinda hungover and I have a test tomorrow. How are you?


Waiting for the flood. Fairly one sided today.


Pretty good. Kevin dicked me again today. You are a good friend but a queen is the best choice you faggot.



Dubs= pussy



I love how when i see these threads they're always the same. the boxxy posers, the black dicks/gay porn, the burbank copypasta and how she is obese or dead. but what tops it all off? the shitty stories and photoshop with awful captions of boxxy being a dominatrix or some bukkake bullshit along with the cucks who get off to it. you fedora wearing, anime watching, 3/10, disappointing beta freaks who sit in front of a computer all day shitposting about a girl you'll never meet much less talk to since all of you probably couldn't even hold eye contact let alone a conversation. keep sitting in your dark lit room while your mom brings you chicken tendies wishing she would've gotten an abortion or used protection rather than divorcing your father and keeping custody of you. for fucks sake people, do something useful with your time and life or shitpost about better things since the boxxy train left 5 fucking years ago, derailing and exploding taking with it all the NEETs who were on it. sadly a few of you bottom feeder cunts survived and your brains are too damaged from the lead based paint on the weeaboo toys you buy from china that all you remember to do is bandwagon about someone who would call the police if you tried approaching her in real life. rip Sup Forums










so cute

that body


The best


Hey, how's it going man?

Can't complain, you?

Not that bad.

Better tomorrow

Silly time

Oh yes. Major silly time.


gosh she's so cute :3





She's built a bit like a linebacker.

