Report in if you dont give a shit

report in if you dont give a shit

mfw people tell me to vote

>giving a shit about politics

Not voting. Live in Wisconsin.

boycott voting. FL

Who would you apathetic fucks vote for if you could?

I'm not voting. I live in wisconsin. I can vote.

I am not voting. I can vote. I am not voting.

Could is the wrong word. "If you had the agency to do so" might be better.

I give a shit ur gay lol






usually i don't give a shit, but this election is too important.

we have to protect our constition. van der bellen 2016



The only possible candidate, Trump, is also a piece of shit







Literally the worst kind of dumb faggot








mad script man is mad

Do u idiots actually think ur votes count for shit? Even if the rulers did count each vote, you dumb fucks are voting for puppets with the same masters. Wake up, complacent moronic muricans. You are not free anymore.

couldn't agree more. this election is weakass bait.
even if we get the one we wanted, electoral college can do whatever they want. "Vote! its your only voice!" meanwhile the country is still trillions of dollars in debt and we can still buy new phones every year? Society is hinged upon funny colored paper?

I don't see how anyone takes anything in this country seriously. This election is a reflection of the silly structure of its society.