Help me Sup Forums

Help me Sup Forums.
>turned 18 yesterday
>Parents divorced when I was 1
>Lived with Dad and stepmom all my life
>Living with dad made me super depressed.
>Started smoking at 16
>Always broke because cigarettes
>Low end job (McDonald's, 10.47 an hour) and all my money goes to my truck and cigarettes
>Moved in with my mom to try and better my life
>Mom ended up being abusive and smoking got worse
>Moved back in with dad. Got hired at McDonald's again, same pay, same position.
>Put some work in my truck ('87 Chevy s10, 5speed Manual, custom body work and motor work)
>Started smoking less, but still present
>Still super depressed.

The only joys I find in life are my truck, cigarettes, skateboarding and fucking some of the sluts I went to high school with. Have been trying to find a better job for a year now, to no avail. Had good grades in high school, but not good enough for a scholarship. Can't afford tuition. No girlfriend. I spend my time working, and taking naps with my dog. Considering doing an hero.

>wat do


>good grades, but not good enough for a scholarship

Then you didn't get good grades

Community college, easily affordable, apply for as many scholarships as you can, free money basically

Get good grades, apply to better college and receive better scholarship

Or go to a technical skill and learn a trade, I suggest welding

You mention tuition and a girlfriend, but is there anything specific you feel you're missing?

Like, what kind of job? Do you want a girlfriend for company? To start a family?



B's and C's were pretty much the majority of it, mixed in with the occasional D or A. I've considered technical school, but even then, money is ridiculously tight for me right now

Both, I guess. I want a girlfriend for company, but I also want kids as soon as I can afford it, ya know?

Thanks for the pigeons, friendo

The hell is wrong with your sorry ass.

No one feels sorry for you, but you.
You make your own decisions, don't blame others, even if it's your mom and dad you choose to blame.

I worked 40+ hours a week adn took LOANS to get an associates degree. Went on to get bachelors degree. Went on to get masters degree.

Ain't nobody give me SHIT, and I sure let them know it. I OWN it.

Get off your sorry ass and do something.

join the army

Basically this

Pick a major that will land you a job(business or CS), go to a CC or a 4 year state school, and study hard so that you get decent grades and actually have an idea of wtf you're doing when you get your first job.

Borrow the money if you have to. The federal government will lend all or most of what you need and you can pick up a few hours flipping burgers to get by if you have to.

You could also get into a trade or something. There are plenty of programs for plumbers and the like. Join the IBEW and you'll be making more right off the bat while getting and education/ developing skills that will lead to a lucrative career. Truck driving might not be a great choice 20 or even 10 years from now, that wouldn't be a terrible choice for the next decade. You don't have to invest that much, you can get an employer to sponsor you from the start so that you know wtf you're doing after the training, the training doesn't take long, and you'll physically get out of whatever shitty situation you're currently in. Most people aren't looking to be away from home several days a week, but this might be a benefit in your case.

It boils down to be very simple. You have to take a risk investing in yourself, hard work and decent goals ensures it'll work out, and you'll have a real career. The trap to avoid is taking a risk and using your time in school to fuck around ending up with no knowledge, no degree, and a sizable debt. You're better off flipping burgers for the next 4 years then borrowing 20k to skip class and get drunk instead of working.

I looked over this after posting it and found so many grammatical errors; it's obscene, but the points still stand.

Mine too
This is /b bro.....

How blessed you must feel to have that kind of motivation. And may you never study philosophy.

I think philosophy is a joke. It's an innate ability within all of us, was expert by age 12.

Please leave me your Kik handle if you have one (if I link mine, I won't be able to tell if I'm rly talking with OP etc)... I can help with you quitting smokes at zero cost. Something I need to pay forward if interested. Hint: I'm a vapefaggot. I can't help with being depressed because I'm always fucked, but I do have abilities to help no smoke ok, ok!

You sound like a good candidate for financial aid, assuming your parents haven't been to college. I get the entirety of my college bill paid by federal aid and federal loans.

If you choose to go to college, ensure it's for a major that will be paying enough that you can pay off any loans within 2 years.

I heard if you stick cigarettes in your bunghole, you slowly absorb the nicotine over several hours.

You could extend a whole pack for weeks.

ave you tried construction? find a decent trade and save bout $2k for tools typically. I ended up as an electrician but honestly any trade is good. You might want to give it 2-3 years before you are taken seriously though in that industry.

Interest rates are pretty low.
Time value of money.
Worth little to eat ramen noodles, when tomorrow's dollars will always be worth less.

Also don't an hero before I get you off cigs. It's a good goal if anything. I know the feels. Set small or big dumb obtainable goals and even tho they're not insane like other's aspirations, but I've learned over being feeling an hero daily, any small feat is what keeps me successfully dragging along in life.

Life is perspective.
Keep it.

I never feel sorry for myself knowing that there are always people worse off than myself.

How can any Amerifag feel sorry for themselves when some poor kid in Africa/India ate mud cakes for dinner.

Like seriously, just grow the fuck up.

Sick observation, user! This is super true probably, bc of all the pathways of ultra obsorption location in the anus! However in regards to OP's thread content, your method is just not as comfortable, you know? BUT! Ecstasy is a different story; always boof e bombz.

Because you just said it you pussy faggot lmao-- "~life is perspective~" aka humans are a little selfish, and when you're wondering whether or not you want to cease to exist or not..... nobody gives a fuck about Africa. Super retard lel

get a raise and watch nice shows OP :)

Le sigh.
Must be a lot of anheroes in Africa.

It's not selfishness, humans gravitate to making their life mean something. No matter what the fuck you do in your life, for 99.99% of us, no fucks will be given in two/three generations.

How often do you think about your great-grandparents and their contribution to "society," let alone their relation to your lineage.

Nothing matters.

It went without saying. I.E. - how can any sorry ass kid that has a vehicle, job, and afford fags think they are too sorry to live. Perspective - learn it, keep it.

OP here,

Kik is @aCertainGuy

It's not just feeling sorry for yourself. I don't feel sorry for myself at all. I never have. I just have a nihilistic view and have just accepted that I'm never going to contribute or be less lazy or want to be here, and that its time for me to just go sometimes. You said yourself we give our lives meaning. I don't give a fuck about what my life matters in the grand scheme of things; these thoughts don't make me sad. I'm just trying to tap out. Because who the fuck cares, really?