Where were you when Mark released an album that unironically has a skit where he pretends to be a basic bitch talking...

Where were you when Mark released an album that unironically has a skit where he pretends to be a basic bitch talking to himself pretending to be a music journalist douchebag?

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I just got to this part right when I opened this thread

>Hold on, Sufjan Stevens is texting me

>Oh my god, I love him!

you're not b8ing?

It's a little bit into the third song on the album.

This makes Universal Themes look like Sings Favorites

I'm not sure what this comparison is supposed to mean.

If you thought Universal Themes was weird you're in for an awakening

oh my fucking god
I hate this timeline

It's actually really good tbqhwy, he does this thing in the album where he'll get you laughing with a Joycean stream of conciousness that's just humorous and then pull the rug out from under you with some really hard hitting stuff, like he goes from screaming about peanuts and citrus to this really harrowing diary entry where he talks about how he's a little afraid to die because he doesn't want to say goodbye to Caroline.

Part of the fourth song sounds like Mark reading a police report of a murder.

Yeah he does this thing where he's like "come on my land and I'll kill ya with a guitar and an ice pick" and you're laughing and then bam spoken word performance of a police report of a guy who killed someone with a guitar and an ice pick who went pretty much insane out in the woods by himself.

is it best to listen to it disc by disc or just fuck my Joycean shit up and marathon it?

Marathon it while reading Ulysses upside down and backwards

its just an album mate just listen to it lol

This shit about that Elisa Lam girl is weird as I've read a little bit about it. It's weird to hear Mark talking about it.

It's a sandy hook-tier conspiracy, which is why it's so weird he believes it

if this is funny im not gonna listen, I wanna be sad.

It's mostly depressing/sad, but there are parts that are kind of funny.

really? if anything i thought it was mostly funny/positive with parts that are depressing/sad

Seems to be a balance of both, kinda like mark's life at the moment

Best melody on album



The part about Trump seemed like it was partially telling people to calm the fuck down and stop complaining so much even if he's also against Trump. What song had anything about the second amendment?

he talks about needing to change gun laws multiple times

while referencing islamic terrorists, how awful they are yet hates trump

Don't worry, he'll come around once Ohio is made great again

Universal Themes

He doesn't believe it.
