Well done slytherin!
Well done slytherin!
Other urls found in this thread:
I know a website where you can watch videos of Chinese people smashing kittens to death with a hammer, I'm sure you'd get a hard-on from some of those vids. Maybe that website would interest you.
Unless the only reason you're posting this shit here is because you know you'll get a reaction, and you'll get the attention you're craving so bad since mommy doesn't pay attention to you anymore.
I'm sure that you were once very popular in school, got laid all the time, and now you're into posting puppy killing videos on a Tajikistan egg painting symposium. You seem like a real winner.
good night puppers
RIP pup. This was a bad way to go.
And posting videos of animals being killed isnt?
... that had to hurt!
I mean the fact that someone took the time out to write all of that, is pretty autistic.
I don't know enough about laws regarding treatment of animals, but I feel like this would be illegal in a lot of places.
I know feeding pet snakes live mice is pretty standard, but isn't a puppy going too far? Maybe it's a western world thing to put treatment of dogs to a higher standard. I don't know.
All I know if your image disturbs me on a fundamental level.
Why are Harry Potter fans so autistic? This has been posted multiple times, other Harry Potter threads had that fanficfag who kept posting his shitty fanfic, there's some other Harry Potter thread that's been trying to be forced lately I don't remember what it's about.
Chinks have no soul, they must relate to cold blooded creatures who can't get attached to them and would consume them given the chance.
If you consider three sentences to be a lot of text, I'd say you're the autistic one. Books must be a nightmare for you.
Fucking owned
it's more of the message in it. some over the top analysis that autistic people tend to do. and the fact that user needed it to be known, like any of us give a fuck.
>letting an animal kill another animal
It took you linger to write that than it did for the OP to post...
>defending the Harry Potter autist that spams the same shit every hour.
at least it wasn't a cat
edgy teenager, watch out you could cut ur self with your post
I didn't know that part. I'm not autistic enough to lurk here 24/7.
>first thought that was a baby bear
>super sad
>realize its a puppy
and now i dont care
Because most of them are game of thrones and dr who cancer
Illegal, yes or no?