I think my sex drive is starting to decline Sup Forums.....I'm 27 years old and lately I just don't get horny as much...

I think my sex drive is starting to decline Sup Forums.....I'm 27 years old and lately I just don't get horny as much. Porn doesn't do much anymore. Is this normal? I thought this happens when you hit 40.

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How long has it been happening?

I think it might be normal man. I still bang bar sluts and my gf is always horny. But at 26 I just do it to do it. I haven't been into sex for a few months maybe even a year now.

Like the last month I guess. My dick now gets smaller....if that makes sense.

I'm 38, it's not normal user. Think of your dick as the indicator to how healthy you are. If it's working right and you have drive you're probably healthy. If you're in your 20's and it's failing you need to look at your life.

I'm betting it's temp. You're probably just really stressed out lately. Give it 6 months.

41 oldfag

Not normal

Go to the doctor and get your testosterone levels checked.


im 20 and i never feel horny unless im doing adderal and cant even keep it up during sex. Im scared

dont listen to these idiots, its normal for your hormones to fluctuate.

If u didnt at least for one second think about smelling those girls pussies then yea theres something wrong.

Adderall makes your dick shrink and destroys sex drive so not sure what the fuck this faggot is talking about

Youre good bro just fuck more women and less hand

quit fapping so much.

You're jerking it too much bro plain and simple. Take a week off playing the skin flute and you'll be right as rain. Jerking it lowers testosterone levels

It doesn't. I'm 43 and still get at my wife twice a day.

Muh niggas

Exercise, tone it down on drinking, make sure its you and not your girlfriend. Some times we can get board of relationship and not realize.

If you're shit's failing in the 20's enjoy an early death. Just about any doc worth their salt it going to tell you that your dick is your health barometer as a guy.

If you can't get off from normal porn, go watch weird porn

A few months of weirdness doesnt mean your shits broken, don't listen to these idiots, I've been there.

OP here

Might go to doc like I said my dick has been extra soft like if you went to the pool and it's cold smalll.

Alright, go to doc, spend some money.
Doc says "youre fine, go home and wait a bit, but also b4 gimme $$$"

What meds are you on


I came. hahhaha

Porn fucks up your brain and sex drive. It is addicting like drugs and reroutes the paths in your brain to need more and more extreme stuff.

It can be undone. Step one. Stop watching porn. Give it a month and you will likely start to go back to normal.

Don't fap so much.

Eat better and get more exercise and go get a checkup from the doctor.

Follow these steps and you'll be fine/

Not op but I stopped watching porn zealously like I have before gosh i was such a freak. The only time I would do so would be at night when there is nothing going on for me and I'm extremely bored but thats no excuse; i should really stop it entirely. This would be Day 2 of no porn.

I fapped yesterday so Ill work on that.

I eat well and exercise everyday.

But why see a doc?

See a doc just to be sure there isn't something else going on. Regular checkups are a good thing.

Make sure there isn't some weird thing that could also be causing it.