What are some interesting hobbies such as Skateboarding, Grafitti, Street Dancing. Pic unrelated

What are some interesting hobbies such as Skateboarding, Grafitti, Street Dancing. Pic unrelated.

Killing yourself



Skateboarding or graffiti

Street Dancing is pretty fun

Street Dancing and Skateboarding

How about some ideas that haven't been posted in the thread yet?

pic unrelated is a good hobby

definitely Graffiti

skateboarding grafitti is nice

Puzzles are kind of fun

Street Dancing, you can meet friends

graffiti on skateboards

Learn an instrument. It's gonna suck ar first, but stick with it and learn the boring music theory shit and it can be really rewarding. Graffiti is fun too, I usually stick to stickers because the penalty is a joke. Buy destructible stickers if you want your art to last. Pic related, although it's painted on usps labels.


skateboarding grafitti and street dancing are some interesting hobbies

I like street dancing with graffiti

martial arts

Street Dancing, Skateboarding, even Graffiti. all pretty interesting.

Street grafitti skating is reganomical

Street Dancing, or Skateboarding

street dancing on a graffiti skateboard

that wasn't one of the choices

how about streetdancing on a niggers skateboard. Thats what all you retards are doing
