How different is cocaine to marijuana?

How different is cocaine to marijuana?

Me and my roommate both have only ever smoked weed. We've decided this christmas, we're going to do cocaine one time only together. We both go by the old saying "if it doesn't grow in the ground, don't take it" but decided we may as well try it once because you know, you only got one life, might as well experience new things. And unless it's super addictive and we become complete fucking drug addicts after christmas, this will be the only time we're going to do cocaine. So tell me what can we expect? Our plan is to just wait til the afternoon and just snort that shit, afterwards we're just gonna eat a shit load of food and play video games. idk

You won't sleep. The next day you will feel like you have the flu. Smoking and doing blow is fucking stupid. They counter balance. Drink and do blow and get hookers.
>try it once.


it kills the appetite for starters, you'll just want to do more and not really eat. It's the devil.

Coke is boring and overhyped.
If you and your friend want to try something pleasabt get some mdma instead.
Lol, vidya and coke...

>Trying it once

t. Everyone that's ever checked into rehab for hard drugs

>you only got one life
Yeah so you might as well ruin it, right? Dipshit. Have fun chasing it for the rest of your life

Cocaine is fucking stupid. Ive tried it time and time again waiting for that rush every gets hard for, and nothing. I never feel anything more than a slight burst of energy, nothing worth snorting.

Yeah, cocaine is lame as fuck. I cringe everytime people do coke around me and get all "hyped"

Coke is a waste of time.. it jacks you way up.. and you crash real hard. It's not a head trip like smoking weed or taking LSD is.

My opinion it's a waste of time.. but if you had some and we hung out i'd totally do it.

>afterwards we're just gonna eat a shit load of food
You won't be hungry... at all...

A friend of mine does it every couple weekends, and every time he says it's stupid and he's never doing it again, but sure enough he's back at it. It's like 45 mins of being really drunk/hyped and then crashing. It's fucking expensive too

thats why crack is so much better

Chances are you WILL want to run out and buy more the moment it runs out, no matter what you think right now. As you start to crash, start rolling joint after joint. It will dull the crash, counteract the depleted seratonin, and bring back your appetite.

Your going to talk a lot and possibly try to fuck each other. You can drink like a fish on that shit. Feels good man. Your not going to eat a whole lot.

As for getting addicted you don't have enough money to get hooked on it. You would need to do blow for at least a week straight to become addicted.

I buy a small amount of yay from time to time for super intense fap sessions.
Shit feels fucking amazing but I can't afford to get addicted, so I space it out between 6 months to a year between.
I smoke a ton of bud with it and i have no issues, it seems to take the bad edge off of it and I like mixing bud with literally everything I do, even if im just drinking.

Buy some for yourself and dont fap for a week, then snort it and jerk off or fuck someone and enjoy.

>How different is cocaine to marijuana?

Coke sucks.
1. Too expensive
2. No real high, just empty excitement.
3. Wipes you out the next day
4. Did I mention how expensive it was?
5. Doesn't last long at all

Best thing to say about coke: hey, at least it's not speed!

It kills you.

Im not OP but this is my life everyday.
>Ex and I would order a flap each
>do it in bathrooms
>try watch a movie at theatre
>lose interest and go do somethibg else. >dont do cocaine
>Not even once
>It has consumed lots of my money
Also don't get a girlfriend that does coke.

weed makes you really chill, but coke can make you paranoid. It's different for every person. You also start to talk an awful lot.

overpriced, you don't feel "high" in the way you would expect. in fact, you're not going to feel any different at all, but if you do it continuously you'll slowly notice the people around you start to hate you. the only thing cocaine does is make you act like / think that you're god without you noticing. pop some molly if you wanna feel awesome, skip the blow.

it's the opposite of marijuana. the high lasts a very short time. you want more immediately after you do it. sometimes its hard to get your dick hard while high on cock. it's called coke dick. if you're going to try a drug thats not weed I would recommend ecstasy. much better

Just do mushrooms instead


Cocaine at its purest can produce a rush like no other drug.
>Ive shot everything i can put in a spoon
And cocaine
>No rush compares to cocaine

You won't want to eat. There's a real chance that you won't want to sit still for long enough to play video games.

If you take coke, and it's good coke, you'll immediately feel numb, and you'll feel it through your face. If it's cut to shit or not what they told you it was, you'll only feel that your nose is numb but won't feel the full facial numbness.

You won't feel it kick in for a while. When you snort it you need to do it enough that you can feel the back of your throat tingle, then start to go numb. Shortly after that you'll feel a rush of energy. There isn't a head change like there is with marijuana, or rather there is, but it's subtle. You'll mostly feel a lot of energy and some degree of euphoria depending on quality and how much you did.

The head change is subtle, but you'll feel two things: you'll feel more confident, perhaps even cocky, and you'll want more cocaine. Both of those aspects of the head change are dangerous in their own way, and you'll need to watch yourself with them.