Anyone else got this shit? whats some shit i can do to improve the look of my chest

anyone else got this shit? whats some shit i can do to improve the look of my chest

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Add mass. I'm the same way but now it looks ok.

do push ups

my brother has that, he's getting surgery for that shit. had to quit tennis.

What the fuck am I looking at exactly again?

I have it too build up your pecs to cover the hole the best you can but you can always get the surgery where they put that bar in under the bone.

Pectus Excavatum, at least you don't have it like this user


that shit is mad expensive though, right?

(forgot image)

my depth isn't that much, but the lower portion of my ribs poke out a lot more

i want to eat a bowl of cereal from ur chest.

Do dumbell pullovers. Helped me improve the look of mine a bit. Anything that expands the chest.

Chest bone just goes way to far inwards.
Had one of the fastest swimmer's in my state in Breast Stroke grow up on my neighborhood swim team with that -- with negative breasts lolol.

Also an upcoming olympic tier swimmer with a bit less of it on meh team.

At any rate its the worst sport one could have seeing as you're shirtless.

surgery. don't listen to these faggots. it's a legit condition that needs surgery to fix even if you get muscle it's still going to be there

Get yourself tested for marfan syndrome. It can fuck with your heart

watching this will immediately inflate your chest, allowing you to live a totally your-way kind of life

no money, Sup Forumsro

Christopher Reeve had that. Also good job giving surgeon-homos a thread. Surgeon-homos have been ruining this place.

Sorry man, it's surgery or nothing. I had it too.

I had a bar in. Just got it out in August. It actually helps

if yours is this bad you NEED surgery.

Underrated post.

; )

how much does the surgery usually cost?

It's like you have no sternum. Fuck working out dude get surgery.

I'm someone else who had it, but my doctor decided it had gotten to the point that it wasn't a cosmetic procedure.

I have it

From what I've read there are different levels, idk where I fit but it can be only cosmetic, or can affect your lung capacity and your cardiovascular system.

I think my case is in-between, sometimes it bothers me, not complete pain but an annoying unconfort in my chest, and I think it affects my lung capabilities

I'm to lazy to go to the gym and try to fix it so I just try to forget about it, for now

I have one about this same size, hasn't bothered me and nobody I know has cared. Actually more people want to feel my sternum more than anything kek

I had the reverse so myou sternum stuck out, had to wear a brace to push it back in from 6th to 11th grade

get a tattoo on it so it will look like a butthole.

stick an air compressor in your ass, you'll blow up like a ballon, and BAM, fixed

It doesn't look that bad. No one really pays too much attention to it. Just go to bed, Todd.

>whats some shit i can do to improve the look of my chest

Spackle or Bondo.

I have it were it sticks out instead of tunnels in. I got a brace and had to wear it for 1 and a half years. Gradually put on mass. Shits better now.

My youngest brother had that. He used to rest his can of beer in it while we fished. He was also strong as fuck and had no trouble with women because of it. He always had hot girlfriends. Any limitations it has on your life will be entirely your own doing.

same my bestfreind got it and he ripped asf and always gets hot chicks


I've got that.

I let my girl friend squirt in it.

Me and my wife have it. Her tits are pretty big because of it.

Before i got the nuss procedure i would use it as a bowl

I have it too op. You can't do shit about it only surgery.

get surgery before your sternum begins touching your heart and you die

This is what my parents had done to me when I was young and it reduced the depth.

Had the Nuss Procedure done 4 months ago to have my PE fixed. AmA

Pic related

Op I had the opposite where my chest sticks out. Had surgery to get it fixed when I was 16.

you're so handsome

if its too bad it will push on your heart and lungs making it harder than normal for them to do their thing

I have it.
pretty much get surgery bruh.

I live with mine though because it hasn't affected my health that I know of (probs has but yolo cuz)

Thankfully I was able to get the surgery for free at a shiners children's hospital otherwise ,y family wouldn't have been able to afford it.

Doc said I was the worst he has seen, but 2months later I was back to lifting, played football, raced motorcycles and have never been limited from it.

Surgery sucked but it was much better than getting made fun of by kids in high school who don't know any better.

Thank you stranger

this is an under-rated post.

how deep was it? mine is 1 inch and i've never been recommended surgery

it's hard to tell if it's really affecting my physiology or not... like i have stress symptoms which might be exacerbated by it, but i'm not sure

also i think you're really cute, user :)


I have pectus carinatum and mine is actually huge
Anyone interested in pics? Will time stamp too
Consider yourself lucky OP

Attached is a photo of it a day before surgery. It was about 2 inches deeper than normal at the deepest point. The docs thought I had marfans due to me having heart complications too, so they suggested the surgery.

Haha thank you user, Im sure youre a beautiful person aswell :)

Keked a mighty kek

i'm cute too but i don't like revealing myself on here :(

are you into bisexual twinks that are shorter than you?

wtf that was an awful video it felt almost like a lazy rip off of several different artists

Strictly hetero, unfortunately. Wish I was gay as I get a lot of attention from guys but it just doesnt tickle my pickle.

Nice man, I had my nuss procedure done a couple years ago, had to get the bar out 3 months early due to one of scars starting to get infected but everything is going great now.

Spackle that shit in

It's called Pectus Excavatum and it can be corrected with surgery.

Well you're really cute so that won't go away.

Thats awesome man. How did it feel to finally get the bar out? Its not painful anymore most of the time but the bars still very noticeable and causes discomfort.

Heres one for the spank bank then my friend

I'm a hamplanet and would like to tickle your pickle though

You look slick. You got a dick?


I was fine for the first few weeks after the surgery but then I started having heaps of pain for about 2 months and ended up taking a term of school off. But once those 2 months were up I stopped feeling it completely and had no pain at all after that. I made sure not to push my body too hard to ensure that I didn't cause discomfort or anything but I could feel the screws on ribcage if I felt around. Once I got the bar out I only had an overnight stay and some weak painkillers for that week and didn't really feel a thing though.

hnng white boys are the best

Actually you need to see a doctor about that. To fix it requires surgery.

where are you from, hamplant?

south florida, handsome slim white guy


a friend of mine has this, as does his father.
It's hereditary & there is nothing you can do about it except convince hot chicks to do shots out of your chest.

Good Luck, user

Dude, heavy chest butterfly's with 10 to 15 pound weights (6 to 10 kg). pushups (correct pushups), and benchpress what you can. Ten to fifteen reps to start. Look up those terms. Please don't hurt yourself, but you can bulk your chest if you like. However, the truth is that you are fine as you are. If you only want to get stronger, look up a program to do full body training that focuses on cardio (full body) such as cross-fit, but don't think only of cross fit. There are many other methods you can develop just for yourself that are just as good. Think of what you need to train and do that, but also remember that balance is the key. If you train your chest, balance it by doing your upper back. Stomach, balance with lower back. Shoulders, balance with lower body and lower ab exercises. The possibilities are limitless, you should try to learn more exercise techniques.

just remember that you are beautiful as you are. Do NOT struggle to meet the Tommy Hilfiger Standard. That is bullshit.

Pretty sure its not hereditary considering none of my family members have this/have ever had this, and my surgeon said it affects person to person.

are you sure about that?

OP im a girl
do you hook up
also would be great if you post nudes


I have it and I sucks because it literally looks like I have no chest whatsoever and it looks like a 2nd pair of tits if I wear tight clothing

You're a fucking idiot mate, the ribcage is dipping inwards meaning unless you've got some amazing way to straighten out your ribs (surgery is the only option for this) then you're going to have a nice dip in your chest for the rest of your life unless you become a hamplanet.

Lolol Marfan you gonna die

Google "Nuss procedure" and Botched by nature

Don't listen to these fucks about your ribcage. That is total bullshit from the young. Do some real research. You are good bro. Just look up weight training techniques.

I actually have this shit

Will post nudes if you will. I'm 5' 7" 185 and athletically built. You first. Your suggestion, you go first.

>Add mass. I'm the same way but now it looks ok.

Have you never seen a human being with mo shirt on? The chest doesnt tend to roll inwards.

I had it, how old are you? Try to get the Nuss procedure. Otherwise, build up your abs to pull in the bottom of your ribs and make it look a little less pronounced.

Holy shit. I don't see why everyone is so obsessed with 'fixing' someone who is already totally normal. Get over yourselves. Just give suggestions so he can improve chest mass/bulk and be on your way! How dumb are you? He is already fine as he is. Completely normal. Check any medical reference.

And, apparently, chicks like it because one has just asked him for nudes. So it must be an evolutionary thing. Uhmmm.... Duh?

You can kill yourself

it means you have full blown aids
>this isn't even good bait, user.

It wasn't meant to be bait. It was a simple reply. Seems it has been doing well for thousands of years, so who the fuck are we to question it? My point, it's been going on for thousands of years. Duh? =D

Nuss bar insertion fixes it. Just be aware that if you suffer cardiac arrest your odds are significantly decreased bc CPR is ineffective post-procedure