Tecqnochitalin will win the autumn harvest lads
Tecqnochitalin will win the autumn harvest lads
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never consume the still beating heart of a vanquished foe to please the gods
Feels bad lads
>you'll never live in 1700s America
Why do I even live?
>buying championships
Id much rather root for my small market team of tlacopan. Their slave scouts always bring in fresh talent well get our harvest sacrifice soon enough
That would be the shittiest thing ever.
> Work everyday all day just to live
>never have fun because it wasn't invented yet
>die at 30
shit life desu, I wouldn't even want to live before the 50's
>Ywn sacrifice a virgins vaggoo with your ceremonial phallic member
Feels bad man
>die at 30
Sounds great
>win championship
>get sacrificed
Mayans will defend this
When I'm sad I remember that the aztec empire was destroyed by tjust hree boats and then I feel better.
I'm always sad
Go to the marines and use that sandess to kill legally.
I wouldn't make it
the 20s were the pinnacle of humanity at the time
>skyscrapers that docked zeppelins
>radio transmitting knowledge through the air
>fleets of giant metal ships that could destroy cities
>art deco combining egyptology with modern material and precision
pretty great time to be alive
>not believing in the meme power of Chichen Itza
If you were a white christian male. So all of Sup Forums, I guess.
>the pinnacle of humanity at the time
Isn't the present day always the pinnacle of humanity?
>you will never live in New York during the 20s,30s and early 40s
>Man goes to the moon
It's clearly not.
I don't get how Tecqnochitalin keep winning. They're best players get sacrificed like every year and they're using an Olmec-tier 4-man zone defense.
I think the water in the visitors' locker room must be spiked with dream-plant juice or something.
>the internet
>air conditioning
>relatively low crime
it's a beautiful time to be alive
>you will never kill an honorable foe during WW2
>tfw the players of the team you support don't want to be sacrificed and don't try hard enough
bunch of pussyfaggot unbelievers
In the 1850s 1/3 of the city of Chicago was raised 3 feet to prevent flooding in that area. This marvel of engineering will never be attempted again, as it's predicted
>You will never fight the forces of nature just for the fuck of it
Just end it for me already
Well, maintening public infrastructure like flood-protection dams costs money. More exactly, it costs PUBLIC money. That comes from TAXES!!!!! And TAXES are COMMUNISM and State STEALING you. So it's bad, and this doesn't get you re-elected.
So fuck the maintenance.
Of course, sometimes, shit happens. But hey, you can't fuck chicks without breaking eggs.
>tfw too sad to play
I'm 29 and I respectfully disagree.
What was the cause of death?
>200AD Roman empire, culture
>500AD ??? barbarous faggotry
>believing this meme
Azcapotzalco's D will send those fuckers back to Aztlan
why the fuck would I want to go to the moon once we know there isn't shit to do up there now?
>poor black neighborhoods flood
Nothing of value lost.
>u fukin' wot mate? fukin' knock u out bruv
How is that liberal? Not bait, genuinely curious
1906 - Man predicts Pluto
1930 - Man discovers Pluto
2015 - Man photographs Pluto
Canadian and American missionaries had never had such a wide reach all over the world, if that is your criteria
2016 You're gay
>current year does not satisfy circular lunar calendar equation
>tecqnochitalin winning anything
Pick one and only one
Kek your striker can't even break someone's arm with one hit. Tlacopan is going to destroy you this year and then sacrifice your coach to the water God.
>you will never be an Eagle Warrior of Tenochtitlan
We brought the water to the Lower 9th so they could drown when it floods!
>yeah maybe if this was 5 moons ago
>Aztec-wins lol
Mesoamerica league a shit, Incans would reck everyone.
Fucking bandwagoners
>literally le wrong generation: the thread
fuck all of you
>tfw Azcapotzalco
feels good, mang
[spoiler]not really ;_;[/spoiler]
Underrated hunt'si'tche
Is that an AoE II reference?
Will Lelmecs ever be relevant again or are they destined to be mid pyramid forever?
>the city of Teotihuacan
>the Internet
Look around, user. What of this is redeemable?
>air conditioning
Only needed because humans have fucker the climate and are living in unstanible places
>low crime
More idiots surviving to reproduce, but this is your strongest point
Marriage doesn't exist and most children are being raised in single parent homes without any positive male influence
Also, I won't be happy until there are sex robots.
>implying using atlatls is cheating
If you want le wrong generation: the board, try/pol/. Each "back in bumblefuck 62 men were real men and everything was better" post is accompanied by a cringy Crusader or military pic
>not rooting for based Palenque
It must feel bad to see your team get sacrificed year in and year out
m f w
>prophecy said rain
>it didn't rain
Your move quetzalcoatlfags
I'm pretty mad the federations haven't organized an international tournament
I think teams like Tenochtitlan and Chichen Itza playing at an altitude like Cusco or Nazca.
IMO Mesoamerican league is far stronger than the Andean league. It actually has parity and isn't just Cusco destroying everyone
Olmecs are literal minor leagues
Sorry to hurt your feelings Reddit :(
>>Social conservative
>Letting moral dictate your actions
>Down at the limestone mine
>Casual maxtlatl and huipilli day
>full xoloctocol wankers everywhere
>mike jones
>not progress
right. it's a waste of time now. we don't have to prove our dick is bigger than russia's so we have nooo reason to pull that kind of waste of resources right now
mfw threads like these are so rare these last few years. i miss them.
108 billions of damage (as estimated)
I wouldn't call that "nothing of value", pour être honnête. I'm not sure a proper maintenance over the years would have cost 108 billions.
>70-80% of your friends and family die because of small pox
Sounds like a blast.
>tfw no more power-rankings
>ywn score the game winning goal in a 1000 man stickball game between rival tribes and afterwards be the center of attention at the post game pow wow and then knock up the chief's qt daughter in his own teepee and become his adopted son and eventual successor
>I rate Xicohtencatl
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Calmecac, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Tlaxcala, and I have over 300 confirmed captives. I am trained in ātl tlachinolli warfare and I’m the top atlatl sniper in the entire Aztec armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another sacrfice. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before by Tlaltecuhtli , mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over smoke signals? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of quimichtin across the Nahua and your smoke is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Tlacotin. I am the embodiment of Tzitzimitl that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained with the Mācuahuitl, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Triple Alliance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Tlaloc, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the blood price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and I will put your skull in the tzompantli. You’re fucking dead, Nopiltze.
10 years in Sup Forums and this is the first time I see this version. As a scholar, I kekked IRL and tip my hat to you. Well done, well done...
HOWEVER, I would make a small change. Instead of "I can kill you in over seven hundred ways" it should be "I can kill you in over four hundred ways". Ancient Nahua people used the number 400 to signify a large amount, much like we Westeners say 1000. As an example, the Nahua name for the mocking bird is centzontli, which literally means 400, given its ability to mimic the song of many different birds?
t. Linguist
But the captain of the winning team was sacrificed, it was a great honour.
disgusting tqkonachiti's when will they worship the sun god?
I hate this american meme.
what you call "white" people in the 1920's were for the majority slaves or wageslaves.
In Europe there was an extremely small ruling class and the vast majority was poor and deprived peasants. the same in the rest of the world, regardless of race.
this "white" vs "black" american meme is poisonous
>de moctezuma
>>the internet
There are arguments that the internet was the beginning of the fall of Western culture by promoting fringe ideas akin to equality during the fall of the Roman empire
>>air conditioning
Invented in 1902. It's purpose is to keep people indoors in a sedentary life style making us weaker as we speak. Together with the internet, it has sealed our fates
>>relatively low crime
1950s America had virtually no crime, even with the negroid menace
Teh gender jew
Who /tehuantepec/ here?
Medical technology is the only trump card needed desu
What part of Tecqnochitalin you from lads?
/Texcoco Texas/ here
>mfw someone tells me Tabasco isn't elite
>cherrypicked pictures
Kill yourself, you fat loser.
thats not how life expectancy works. You would be extremely unlikely to die at 30 if you made it to 30
once you made it past 10 you were extremely likely to live a very long time except during times of plague
Ohh nice, I'll remember that next time. T-thanks.
Who's stopping you?
I'm 29 and welcome the sweet embrace of death desu
>he doesn't rate New Spain United
from what part of Tenochtitlan are you, lads?
They're all on hgh-corn
Azcapotzalco here
I heard some idiot screaming about how Quetzalcoatl landed on the eastern coast. Kek maybe he will grant TenoSHITlan a winning chance.
>not rooting for based doggo
>inb4 xoloitzcuintli