Childhood is watching dbz in your pyjamas every Saturday morning

Childhood is watching dbz in your pyjamas every Saturday morning

Adulthood is realising yugioh is objectively comfier

>adulthood is realizing anime is objectively trash



During school all my friends and everyone else obsessed over the card game. And then suddenly everyone stopped caring about it sometime around 2005.

Yugioh is trash in english. It's even worse in japanese.

I miss the days of beat down decks. Where monsters with 1700 atk were OP. Before synchros, tuners, XYZ, and whatever the fuck that thing is.

Name a better duel than this

Pegasus vs Yugi.

>1700 atk

Vorse raider attack his battle oxe

Jaden vs Aster Phoenix

Yugi vs Atem

dont forget about gemini twin

I have absolutely no memory of watching this except for the feeling of pure hype

Best character coming through.

in America

Goku would whoop Yugi tho

Not in a Duel

both where bullshit
dragonball was muh goku who kept getting stronger without reason and yugioh was muh heart of the cards and picked an entirely new card to save the day every goddam episode.
anything else was better

Yeah he could.

Fuck off

>not Monarchs and Dark decks or Light Lords after that
Beat Down were poorfag trash.

I have rewatched yugioh couple of times every year for the last three years

i have to skip friendship speeches, because they make me cry, i just tear up

joey vs yugi, where joey was mind controlled by marik, shit makes me cry just thinking about it

I fucking hate this card so much. So much in fact, that I played dragon rulers just to shit on this cancerous deck

Kaiba vs Yugi in the Battle City finals
Yugi vs Noah
Yugi vs Marik
Yugi vs Strings

Talk about your shitty shows there

>dragon ruler
dragon ruler wut?, you should've stopped playing as soon as synchros hit the game

fuk u

I stopped playing in the middle of GX. I came back for the second half of the XYZ era just to quit again when pendulums came out

To be fair there was a great episode were Yugi basically exploited a flaw in the rules by forcing his opponent to attack and draw cards until he ran out, making Yugi the winner by default which was pretty fucking funny

fpbp at it again

>literally watching cartoons playing cards
For what purpose?

but that's the power of the pharaoh, he believes so strongly that he alters his fate and always draws the card he needs

also i don't think he played that many cards in total, but never really seen a number, also he probably has a lot of cards to choose from because grandpa;s shop

I tried to make a come back the summer after they released synchros but those Konami fuckers just kept pumping them out.
I fucking hated those damn white cards and i never finished my light sworn deck so playing tournaments to get battered by synchros was retarded and i ended up fucking off again.


Yugi vs. Panic

I was about to agree with you, but then I remembered Kaiji exists.

Childhood is watching dbz in your pyjamas every Saturday morning

Adulthood is realising chinese cartoons are for socially inept autists

If you stop by age 15 at the very most, you are forgiven of your sins

So 95% of Sup Forums watches anime?


Not touching an entire genre out of your own prejudices is not very kinographic.

>have fun with the game
>synchros are added, they're pretty great
>xyz are added, they're okay
>pendulums are added, they're absolutely horrible

Why do they continue to fuck up the game so much?


>every saturday morning in pyjamas
>not mon-fri mornings in your school uniform

>a character whos power is to cheat in a card game.
I can get behind being able to memorize each card your oponent drew in every game, having amazing math skills that let you predict your next card or even being able to read his facial expresions but just getting wathever card you need because magic is bullshit, actual cartoons are made with at least a little bit of research before

>school uniform

Nah it's not magic. It's basically just dumb luck and he calls it "the heart of the cards" because that sounds better.

OP, at least post an anime that that statement would be accurate for.

>school uniforms

>american education

>he didnt grow up in the hood

Then so is everything else.