Should I go to church?

Should I go to church?

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If you feel you should then go.

You have a deep spiritual question in front of you and you're relying on me to answer it for you. you don't know me. You don't know the next guy who's going to respond. You're going to get one of two answers on here - yes you should or no you shouldn't. Pick one of those

What's the worst thing that can happen?

Why not?


I will be.

Why so?

Well, I was hoping people would respond with some arguments.

Free shurgs

This is Sup Forums, unless you said you were gonna piss on the preacher if someone got Trips then nobody really cares if you go or not.

Speak of the devil.

Yes you should. If you have to ask obviously you are supposed to/want to go deep down.

It's more the other way around tbh.

Elohim, Krishna, Jehovah, Ra, Zeus, Odin, the flying spaghetti monster, take your pick.

don't believe in your imaginary overlord friends, believe in yourself.
>prayers cant change your world, but you can.

What do you hope to find?



Yeah, that sounds convincing.

Hey op if your idea of a good Sunday morning is having somebody lecture you tell you how your going to hell and take your money (donations).
Then yes go to church.
If on the other hand you prefer to sleep in on Sunday or watch Sunday morning cartoons or hit the grog to help you get over Saturday night then no don't go to church.

Well, but what if they're right and I will go to hell?

Becoming religious

Isn't that good?

Thousands of years, hundreds of religions and christians act like their religion is the only right one and all other religions are wrong. ''if you don't believe it your going straight to hell''

Yeah right. Religions are cancer of the world.

Not really. Look all the shit religions are doing in world right now. Last 2000 years religions have been root of all problems. World would be alot better place if humankind gets rid off cancer that is eating us alive.

But what if they're all right?

That's a stupid thing to say. More deaths have been cause through non-religious movements than religious.

You can watch church from here

religion has actually played a large part in preserving alot of humanity and our accomplishments as well though.
>inb4 religious wars
you cant tell me you dont believe that those fucks, especially sand niggers today, wouldnt just find some other reason to try and control others if religion never existed.

If you wish to please the invisible sky wizard, then, yes, you should go.

no go to a mosque u gay loving cunt.

Depends which type of church you go to, personally I go to a Baptist Church which is a very nice community without any judgment of you, it's almost like they treat you like family even if it's your first time there. However if you go to a Catholic church they are very judgemental, have standards for you as a human being, believe the wrong things, etc. So u recommend a Baptist Church or another branch of Christianity, they're nice people unlike the Muslim group etc

Was that all one sentance?

>believe the wrong things.
you do know all the other christian branches came from catholicsm right? so if anything, it would be you guys believing the wrong stuff?

Well, they're not all right. But I'm just gonna be a hypocrite I guess and say Christianity is the right one. It's all in the bible, the bible evn has historical and archaeological finds to back it up, so we know that it's true. And many people turn to Christianity because it's a strong hope, we believe that Jesus, an innocent man, died for OUR sins in place of us and rose again 3 days later. So many people find it comforting that no matter what you do or how much you sin, God will always forgive you. And that's the truth

you can meet and socialize with people anywhere. So ask yourself, what is unique about church that makes your life better?

No, there was a few periods mixed in there

in the U.S. only new england catholic churches are strict. granted some of the families in every catholic church are cunts, but that isnt because of their faith, theyre just cunts.

been roman catholic my whole life and never had a problem with the religious aspect at all. only ran into 2 overly religious cunt families.

What for? To waste your time with rapers? ... I mean, people of god.

Pretty good singing

They came from catholicism cause they found out it was wrong. The catholics preached many things that weren't in the bible, such as Jesus still suffering on the cross, needing to be baptised to go to heaven, purgatory, etc. They even added books to the bible, which is specifically told not to do by John in Revelations and more.

Nothing tbh

May I just say that was the Catholic church in the old times

More like they are all wrong.

What are you afraid of ? going hell so your not sure should you believe to god or not ?

If going to hell is only reason to believe god, preachers have done good job whit you.

I don't really believe god but if i die someday and there is god who dont understand that he made me atheist and sends me hell because of that, he is just sadistic god that dont deserve to be worshiped

Apart from socializing ask yourself, what is unique about church that makes you life worse?

Personally I found I was spending good money (tithing) to listen to sermons on how poorly I was spending my money each week

Yes, educate yourself and fight back to islamist animals.
Don't believe cuckold religion shit like love your enemies.
Religion is about dominating them, they will dominate you if you're weak enough.

Woah there buddy. God didn't make you an atheist, that's a choice, he gave us all free will

thats not the point. if someone makes up something new and you remove stuff from it to call it your own, if anything that makes you wrong if you want to claim the same concept name. now if you fags would all stop saying eachother are wrong and just go about it different ways, thats different.

its like you saying the scientific process is wrong because you dont think one of the steps is necessary.

being an atheist is not a choice, i cant choose what i do or dont believe in.
How ever i can choose to say anything, i could say i believe in a god, but that would be a lie.

Also, it has been demonstrated many times that an allknowing god that created the universe and free will cant go together at all.

Ok then. But why would someone go to a place only to get robbed?

I've found the churches villan

both religions use the KJV of the bible... so you dont even know why you hate catholics

Yeah look Syyria/afganistan/any muslim countries and tell this killing/destroying/rape/torturing is nothing because there have been non-religious movements that have killed too.

As long as people blindlessly follow religions only shit will happen. You need to give up your imaginary friends and start thinking yourself.

I just thinks it funny to say

Totally true. Stealing ur money since always

As an ex Christian. Don't. Avoid at all costs.

Is that guy a preacher or a sports commentator?

Both of that is true, but still religion is best tool to get stupid people even die for your own hungry for power and riches.
If religions never existed there would be some other way to control people, but i cant really think anything as powerful.

As a Christian. What turned you off? Why did you turn away from God's love?

He gave us free will and commands you to do as he says. Yeah sounds legit.

And treats you whit hell if you don't obey.

Tell me again: Why your imaginary friend is only right god and hundreds of other gods are wrong.

I do not want a God like the Jewish/Christian one. Pretty simple, don't like the idea, the execution, the followers, the customs...

in all fairness, theres really only 10 big things that he says not to do, which in a civilized society should be common sense (basic rights essentially) the rest of the things are more guidelines. its the people of the religions that fuck it all up by saying it will condemn you to hell without being able to site specifically where it says so.

tldr; people fuck up christianity, christianity in the new testament is actually pretty chill.


absolutely fucing not
unless you're retarded

If you want to, sure. If you feel uncomfortable, you could find a small group of born agains to attach yourself to.

Exactly, Those are common sense you don't need bible for understanding not to kill or steal.

Like you said yourself, its the religious people that fucks everything up, thats why we should get rid of religions so no more religious nuts.

That is a dumb argument.

There are also more deaths due to suicide than homicide.
That statement doesnt make homicide a good thing.

Just because there is more harm from one thing thant from another it does not mean that either is good.

I meant

thats the same logic that antigun faggots use though. youre attempting to put a bandaid on a rather simple problem. teach mother fuckers to respect other peoples points of view, teach them to ask questions without throwing fits, teach them that they are responsible for themselves and not strangers. if they people need fixed, then fix the people, dont blame the tool they use for self destruction.

Humans arent cars that you can just fix and no problem. That does not work in real life.
You cant ''teach'' mindless followers that their view might not be only right one. havent you ever talked seriously whit ppls whit religion? they ignore anything you say and want to tell only their point of view. And many christians/muslims/other religious nuts starts trowing fists if they are questioned so how can you teach them to question something that have brainwashed so deeply in their minds.

except that it has been proven that more proper education makes a person less violent because of their ability to rationalize, adapt, absorb more information later in life and make logicsl descisions without resorting to violence.

so what youre saying is that you have no idea what youre talking about, so youll just say what you feel, exactly like the religious fags that you claim to hate.

pot, kettle. kettle, pot.

>inb4 citations needed

as well as google research done by NYU and UC berkley on education and violence.

you fix the people, not the tool. taking away the tool means they find another way to act out. thinking that people are overly complex individuals that csnt be fixed, while claiming them to be easily manipulated by religion is pretty much an oxymoron.

if you want to waste your time sure. don't forget to tip the dancing bear when they pass the shiny plate around.


well i can tell you they are not i might be a dumb fag for saying this but look up stories of people having near death experiences most say they didnt see shit

Yes its proven fact that proper education makes a person less violent, so why dont you go and try tell muslims they should stop fighting eachother and go to school. Its not that simple as your implying.

Religion is teached to children from very early age by parents, school and church so changing their way of thinking at older age is pretty big task.

And next you said ''i don't have any clue what I'm talking about'' is only something you typed because you was out of ideas what to say so you attacked me instead of subject, good old Argumentum ad hominem

im out of ideas? ive presented my idea and you have yet to refute it with any sort of evidence other than anectdotal. so why wiuld i have to come up with a new idea/subject?

we arent talking about just muslims. we are talking about religion in general, for some reason the rest of the world is clearly becoming more and more educated. we are in an unprecedented point of human existence, it is more peaceful today than it ever had been.

youve been fed fearmongering shit and think that youre using logical fallacies against me properly, when im clesrly pointing out a truth that what i bring has evidence to bring it up, while you have opinions and feelings, which in fact means you dont know what youre talking about.

with the middle east, them becoming educated has NOTHING to do with their religion and everything to do with their caste systems, resource availability and government corruption.

Do something constructive instead like picking up sticks
>Numbers 15:32-36
>While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. 34 They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. 35 And the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the LORD commanded Moses.

Do you see just how BAT SHIT retarded Christianity is?

thats old testament user. dem be jews. christian religions view the old testament as shit and follow the new testament.

jew sabath and christian sabath are not the same.

Yeah, and get to know people in your community through church. One day, you'll trade favors, hire up, etc. If you get spiritual enrichment from it, even better, but don't let it take over.

The way i look at church is if i go and do all the church requirements to be a "good guy" and do good things on the side lines and after death there is a heaven hey good for me, but if there isnt a heaven there isnt really a loss

Where are your 10 Commandments located? OT
Your creation story w/Dirt Man and Rib Woman? OT
Noah's Ark? OT
You are so typical of most cherry picking Christfags. It's not a trail mix bag.

The Sabath is the Sabbath. Constantine made you observe Sunday, the first day of the week btw, for a reason. Google it.

It's not going to burn itself down.

"Luke" is the third gospel in the NT. Just how retarded are you?

jewish sabath is friday though user.

yes, but numbers is old testament.

>Constantine made you observe Sunday,

im sorry, night of friday until night of saturday, so i guess saturday more closely.

so faggot picking up faggots on saturday, would have had no religious mishaps with christians, just jews.

What evidence your looking for? all of those i am saying is pretty obvious facts.

I would like to see your facts are like cars and just fix them without any problems.

Yes we was talking religion in general so it includes muslims so i can easly say go tell muslims to stop fighting and go school since its so damn easy.

Im aware we are living most peaceful era in human history at this moment and only wars that go on are pretty much because of religions.

Like you said yourself: Proper education makes person less violent..... In western world we have evolved because of education and it have challenged us to think ourselves if there is god.

I can clearly see that you think your smarter than you truly are. Your talking sounds pretty much same as Trumps, you tell everything you say is fact without any backup, you attack another person instead of attacking my point and like trump you cant handle any criticism.

Some education to you about how to argue would not hurt ;)

Ummm you forgot Apocalypse

no i posted that in memory of him.
R.I.P. super god.

which current wars are religious? the wars the U.S. are involved in are not religiously motivated, nor were the push back from opposition in the initial invasions, they were political based.

syria? political.
crimea? political
north korean issues? political ideology.
iran? political.

tell me more of these religious wars.
>inb4 isis. one instance does not make wars religious, even if you delve into african slaughters, its political and econonical for control of resources.

ive given you 3 sources already, youve brought nothing. i dont have to THINK im smarter than you, i know i am. you just went after me saying i personally attacked you, then do that same in a passive aggressive attempt to insult my intelligence and compare me to trump supporters. hypocricy at its finest.

i dont even know why im debating you anymore, its become the ewuivilent of you covering your ears to the truth and suggesting to ban a tool that will only transition into another replacing it. all the while ive shown you that education is the key, that stabilizing the governments and resources in those areas are what need to be done, not brute force and trying to bane ideologies. its the same as giving someone a by pass for a heart attack, but then not addressing what gave them the heart attack in the first place.

then back to where you dance around saying that religion easily manipulates people, but theb people cant be easily taught to resist it? so manipulation one way is fact, but not the other? logic.

Better go to a museum.