Has anyone seen this movie on Netflix...

Has anyone seen this movie on Netflix? I went into this thinking I was gonna see a comedy making fun of Hitler but holy shit I was blown away by his speeches and how well this was done. What's your opinion on this movie?

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Haven't seen it. Book was good.

Is it available in English?

English version was released on Netflix in USA as "Looks Who's Back".

hell yeah! that thing was fantastic!

German here. Didn't see the movie bad have been to the theatre. Was great

wtf i love hitler now

German here, have seen the movie in a theatre. Pretty good movie, didn't read the book though

Theateraufführung in Hamburg?

Saw it just yesterday, thought it was shit. Hitler is the only good actor, story went nowhere, Hitler speeches were well done, great even, but the rest of the movie is utter shite.

"Er ist wieder da"

if only... :(

Best Hitler movie I have seen so far. You see him from different angles and get an idea how he was able to become to famous. Plus best acting so far.

Great movie, very well done, it would be better if they didn't have to randomly blur out half the faces

Why you want a man back who killed billions of humans?

I think it was trillions.

> billions


Do you even math?

Ending was weird, overall shit movie in my opinion. Was hoping for a comedy indeed, the only fun part was when he shot a dog.

Top tier.

They tried to be a comedy. But i think it failed being that.
What they did do was portrai hitler as a great political figure and someone with the same ideals as him could get into power as long as he would play his cards right (just like hitler)
They mainly showed what an amazing political figure he was and why people followed him.

Weirdly good ending though!!

I liked the book and I loved the movie. Sadly, I was the onloy one in the threatre who got the reference to "Der Untergang" (the scene were Sensebrink yells in his office and all teh others are listening outside). Everyone looked ast me as though I was crazy when I couldn't stop laughing at this...

I can't find it on German Netflix, though?

Comedy != Satire. It's not meant to be funny.

That was a great scene.
I wached it in german class and i was the only one that got it.the same happend with the untergang cleveland show scene

So did Stalin.
So did the US.
Your point?

I had high expectations when I saw the trailer. But turned to be disappointing in my opinion. Atleast I watched the whole thing, that doesn't happen often with low tier movies.

>Your point?
The point is simple: Why would someone want Hitler back?

That was my point. People think that nobody like that could ever get into power but it has already happend multiple times.

I seen it, fuckk that movie is funny

Even my nonna liked it

To finish his quest to wipe the jews (and maybe the muslims or niggers aswell).

oh german comedy


to do what today's politicians are scared of admitting

And why would someone live in a country where randomly humans get killed? How can someone assume to be safe not to get killed as well? Do you see how stupid it is what you wish?

It was six quadrillion you fucking racist!

But we here in german don't want another holocaust. Why would we want to have Hitler back?

Du sprichst nicht für alle
Holocaust war zuviel, aber politisch hat er aufgemischt. Bei den Schlaftabletten heute im Amt wäre das mal lustig

You consider it low tier because you had totally wrong expectations. The whole movie is about the absurdity of some dude playing Hitler and literally no one is complaining about that. On top of that it unmasks the continuity of xenophobia in Germany even after the experience of the Third Reich. Best part for me: Realising that laughing about Hitler doing stupid things is totally inappropriate. While some acting is shitty: Great movie, great message, great art!

What abouth this guy. Duterte hitler of asia.

I remember my dad found this movie on Netflix and made me watch it with him. I was expecting some shitty, low-tier comedy.

I'm glad I was wrong.

>do you even math
TRILlion... 3...
3 million = trillion

>Du sprichst nicht für alle
Mit anderen Worten: Du wünscht dir einen Holocaust? Ich kann dich nicht ernst nehmen. Du weißt nicht wovon du redest. Der Grund, warum nach dem Krieg alle behauptet haben, nichts davon gewusst zu haben war, weil sie sich geschämt haben. Denk mal drüber nach

>Holocaust war zuviel, aber politisch hat er aufgemischt. Bei den Schlaftabletten heute im Amt wäre das mal lustig
Ja, sehr lustig. Meine Fresse, beweg deinen Arsch mal raus aus Sachsen.

Yeah he killed just around a googoleplexion

How is that an answer to my question? We also don't want a guy like him

He didn't kill humans. He killed Jews and Russians.

The plot twist at the end was top kek

There hasn't even been a trillion humans.

Really? You think laughing about Hitler is inappropriate? Why?

While the movie had a quite serious message (people like Hitler can rise to power always and everywhere, it's just a matter of manipulating the people), it was funny. I, and many others, laughed about Hitler. And there's nothing wrong with that. We know that what he (and many others) did was unthinkably bad. We learned all about it. Laughing is another manner of coping with these things.

Can you explain how jews and russians are no humans? Please don't tell bullshit, just answer my question


gr8 b8 m8

Then how do you explain trillions of my children on your mother's face.

hilary voter spoted

>Mit anderen Worten: Du wünscht dir einen Holocaust?
>>Holocaust war zuviel
Lesen ist nicht Deine Stärke, oder?

Ich wünsche mir ein politisches Spektrum von links bis rechts. Auf der ganzen Welt sind rechte Parteien normal, nur bei uns nicht. Und komm mir nicht mit der Schuld der Geschichte. Ich hab keine Juden vergast.
Eine reine mitte-links Regierung wird auf Dauer die Gesellschaft sprengen weil die, welche dort nicht vertreten sind, sich von der Politik abwenden und die Parallelgesellschaften größer werden.
Beteiligt man das rechte Spektrum an der Diskussion, gewinnt man diese zurück.

Dank mal drüber nach, was zum Dritten Reich geführt hat: Unzufriedenheit mit der regierenden Politik

>beweg deinen Arsch mal raus aus Sachsen
Falsches Bundesland, sorry

German here. How can I vote in US elections?

People in the philippines did

it's just that you are the same shit as the hilary supporter the one that welcome refugee
You are disgusting in participating of killing uyr own race

Fucking awesome movie. Has you laughing your arse off and then you're like "whoa...deep". It also makes you see why Hitler was seen as a hero in Nazi Germany.

i read the book, it was good in the way it transcended from funny to terrifying

Just vote Trump and enjoy what will happen

i hope all ur german ancestor wait for you on the other side and will make u live in hell for the fact that you totaly loose the control of ur identity and culture.
Their will be no rest fo the ones who burn their own house for refugee

couldn't be more agree

yea I watched it a couple of times and I really liked it. When I watched it the first time in the cinema I was surprised how good it is.
I mean just like it was it starts with humor and nobody fears hitler. But then things begin to change and it is getting more and more serious. But those who notice it were blocked and sealed off..
'Great book, great film'

at least he didn't make business with isis like ur devoted hilary

The rapefugees are already fucking up my life in the netherlands. I lived in a well earning neigborhood, only problem is that the prices of the houses was staying the same so i didnt wanna sell my house yet. And then finaly the prices go up so i decide to sell my house. But it all changed when the fuckfugees came living near my and now the price of my house is lower then ever

ik geert wilders aan de macht want wat willen we meer of minder alochtonen MINDER MINDER MINDER

>>Mit anderen Worten: Du wünscht dir einen Holocaust?
>>>Holocaust war zuviel
>Lesen ist nicht Deine Stärke, oder?
Nun, wenn ich sage, wir wollen keinen Holocaust und du mir sagst, dass das nicht die Meinung aller ist, ist es naheliegend, dass du den Holocaust positiv siehst. Nebenbei finde ich nicht, dass man z.B. irgendwelche NPD-Hirntote an Diskussionen beteiligen sollte. Die NPD an sich ist eine offene Bedrohung, sie verheimlichen ja nichtmal, was sie tun würden, wenn sie könnten. Deshalb gehören solche Leute zum Schutz der allgemeinheit auch beobachtet und in manchen Fällen definitiv wegen Volksverhetzung vor ein Gericht

nothing of those shit would happens if the nationalist from europe united but we are confronted of so much cuck and sjw that i think it is better to all let die after all what is the point to fight for people that reject us
the real good person are all dead in 1945

dude its german humor its no laughing matter

>ur identity and culture.
Not my culture. I don't need a predefined culture nor a predefined identity. I have my own

I take my chances. Im white, Im cultured, Im smart, Im good looking, I can live a properous and peaceful life. Im everything a society wants. On the other hand niggers and mudslimes are fucking subhumans.

same shit here in france
it's the same shit all over europe but wer are living like it's only happening in our country if we all wake up with our nation and all together youth of europa we could do something but everything is against us even woman

>Im everything a society wants
You are a piece of shit and you know it

it was amazing, the book was great but the movie was on a whole 'nother level.

top kek cant wait to see the day the muslim will ask you that with their knigfe cant wait to see your answer top cuck
You just describe why we are all selfish freak and why muslim can enter so easier because everyone think like you.
They don't give a shit seeing their culture falling because capitalism have replaced culture and tradition in their heart remplaced with vidya or whatever u can buy
you are doom

>But it all changed when the fuckfugees came living near my and now the price of my house is lower then ever
Looks to me that the problem is the shitty societey you live in

I liked it.

And you get crazy shit like this.

> comedy with Hitler
> a good comedy
well goodbye Sup Forums
im off to watch er ist wueder da

>nicht meiner Meinung heisst er will das genaue Gegenteil
So funktioniert das nicht

Und von den extremen rechten Ansichten kommt dann nichts durch. Politik besteht aus Kompromissen. Darum geht es.

Was ist mit den Linken? Schwarzer Block und so? Gehören die auch vor Gericht und weggesperrt um uns zu schützen? Die sind doch nix anderes als die SA in Rot

germany here it was a terrible movie not the slightest bit funny or intelligent
the book was shit too (read it because it was a bestseller and it sounded kinda cool)

join a clan or a network now cause in a near futur you will need connection to survive

nobody cares about spooks or gooks

exactly and no one give a fuck cause everybody abandonned value and culture everything is remplaced by capitalism people just need to buy shit to get comfy and forget that untill the dirty muslim will actualy break their door
European are acting like the Dodo bird

it's just another story to pic hitler like shit or to mok him as a psycho
usual usa sjw propaganda at is finest

it's an amazing movie

And why dont they store all those raping sand niggers closer to were they should go back to when the war is over.

>Was ist mit den Linken? Schwarzer Block und so? Gehören die auch vor Gericht und weggesperrt um uns zu schützen?
Ja, ich finde natürlich auch, dass Steineschmeißer vor Gericht gehören. Warum sollte ich mit Menschen zusammenleben wollen, die völlig zugekifft die Gesundheit andere Menschen gefährden? Weil ich links bin? Nein, ist nicht so!

just ask you whgy only man migrate
MAn that are able to fight !
Man that are able to take back their own country !
they are already invading us that's it

Aber Du unterstellst mir den Hoklocaust zu wollen. Warum kann man nicht eine politische Einstellung rechts der Mitte haben, ohne Nazi zu sein?
So wie Du links der Mitte bist, ohne Steineschmeißer zu sein

Talking abooth multy culturalism the only white kid in a class at a school near me was bullied out of the school for being white and when he called some of them monkeys and niggers he was expelled.
Great fucking job world

join a clan or a network even if ur not catholic or alt right i encourage you to join a group that will provide you connection during the times that are coming cause no on will help us otherwise

that's what happen when u are not in your country anymore
their is nothing to say all the odds are against us
join a clan or a network to survive

projectwatchfree tv / movie / watch-look-whos-back-2015-online-free-stream /

Thank me later fags

Most of the refugees are already in europe all the new refugees are from afrika and what they do is get a boat, sail to the boarder that is only a few kilometers of shore (and they make sure to run out of fuel at that point because it saves money) and there the dumb ass italien coast guard pics them up.
And rhey say that they go allong because the cant leave their kids behind.

>Aber Du unterstellst mir den Hoklocaust zu wollen

>Holocaust war zuviel, aber politisch hat er aufgemischt. Bei den Schlaftabletten heute im Amt wäre das mal lustig
Du schreibst hier, dass der Holocaust zu viel war. Im nächsten Satz schreibst du aber, dass du ihn heute ganz lustig fändest. Nein, er wäre es nicht. Und zwar ganz und gar nicht. Und ich bin weder Jude noch Ausländer. Ich will aber auf keinen Fall einer wie die Leute damals sein, die behauptet haben, vom Massenmord nichts mitbekommen zu haben, in wirklichkeit aber nur feige weggeguckt haben. Warum haben die Menschen damals denn nicht einfach gesagt "ja, wir als Volk wollten das so"? Warum nicht? Die Nazis hätten schlecht Millionen Menschen vor Gericht stellen könne, weil sie ideologisch Nazis waren. Sie haben es mMn nicht gesagt, weil es ihnen peinlich war, was passiert ist

> Im nächsten Satz schreibst du aber, dass du ihn heute ganz lustig fändest
Hitler. Nicht den Holocaust. Wir rden von Hitler.

Because when they mate with humans their children are sterile, like mules.

man this is all organised
we got sattelite we got camera we got jet we got everything to stop that if we want
the fact is that our politics receive money from saudi or quatar and this money is forcing our politics to accept those people who are in real sleeping fighter for futur operation of isis in europe
this will make the businnes of fear even more powerfull in the futur

just look at us eurofag if one of us want to migrate anywhere he willbe stop and controled
and look at those horde no one say nothing to them it's because their is a will to remplace us by them

Ok, da hab ich falsch gelesen, entschuldige. Dennoch würde ich auch diesmal auch keinen Hitler wollen. Schon gar nicht, wenn er vorher in einem Buch klar ansagt, was Phase sein wird. Überhaupt verstehe ich, wenn ich alte Aufnahmen von ihm sehe, wie man einer so unsymphatischen, cholerischen Person folgen konnte. Ist mir unbegreiflich. Einfach nur ein unangenehmer Typ

>Überhaupt verstehe ich

>Schon gar nicht, wenn er vorher in einem Buch klar ansagt, was Phase sein wird
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