White Sox vs Royals

White Sox vs Royals

Rodon vs Ventura

sox trolled the tigs a little, can they do the same to the royals or just propel them back into the wc spot

Rain forecasted

no, the sox can't do shit

They can make you upset apparently

every day

well we can certainly put the royals right back into the thick of the race

the only remotely upside to that is that it further kills the mariner's chances so that if they don't make it, we'll still not hold the sole crown of longest postseason drought

morbid I know but this is beyond reaching

>beating a 9 game deficit in September
ahahahahaha no

Also didn't see this thread when I made mine. Derp.

the "them" there refers to the royals, read it again

Imagine that, I can't read for shit again.

But I had a good laugh anyway.

Welp, you're welcome royals

>4.22 ERA for Ventura
fucking wat

we just forgot the anime
no problem

>yfw royals fans don't exist

Timmay pls

wait until sunday when they come out of the woodwork to say they were always here

More anime is good, anything because I always hate seeing Kenny's smiling face all the time.

He was shit earlier in the year, along with >our entire pitching staff. He's getting better results lately, despite still giving up a ton of walks.

I'm almost always here, but lurking for the most part.


another excellent swing by abreu

>Hello, Arod?

>Butera is considered a "luxury player"

perhaps his hair, not really his bat

>white sox fans


That fedora

Which reminds me it's benettis bday today

They won for hawk, what're they gonna for Jason?

>Hey user, can you sign this ball? I'm your biggest fan!

>White Sox

not a bad play by ventura there

only when he isnt playing us

hurray for another run


cuthbert pls

Thanks timmay

I honestly didn't think Tim was coming home. Wow.

good catch

rodon pls

Yes, its official now

Get more before the rain comes


need at least 5 more

>latoddunn with RISP

>bases loaded

mite b cool

xanax man strikes again



based Rodon

fucking madman

Timmay pls

>bullpen now


freaking halfway crazies

Jennings lucked out there.

and how

insurance please





Based saled building his MVP case.

inb4 albers for some stupid reason

Or trade bait.


We actually playing spoiler!

Thank you Rodon

Winnah Winnah Chikn Dinnah